February 2015 – Get your State Pension statement

  • JAN2015
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It’s hard to know how to plan for your retirement when you don’t know how much money you’ll get, or when. But if you’re age 55 or over, you can find out how much State Pension you’re entitled to. By finding out what the government will give you and when, it should make it easier to work out how much you need from your pension pot or savings.

Since the statements were made available to 55 year olds, over 100,000 people have already got theirs. Here is how to get yours…

To get your State Pension statement visit www.gov.uk/state-pension-statement and fill in the 3 questions. 

You should get your statement in the post within 10 days. It will tell you when you reach State Pension age and how much you’ll get based on your current contributions. Unfortunately, it doesn’t predict what you’ll get based on your future contributions.

Want to know what to expect? Watch what teaching assistant Julie Ellis, 56, thought about getting her statement here: [How Julie is planning for her retirement]

Remember: your State Pension age doesn’t have to be when you retire from your job, or when you start getting your personal pension. It is just the age when you start getting State Pension.

Have you got your statement? What did you think?

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