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Has anyone tried cosmetic surgery?

Can I ask if anyone has had cosmetic surgery? I am 55 and have always hated my huge nose. My son is getting married next year and I dread the photos. Also I am very self-conscious when I meet new people.

I have always thought of surgery but not been able to afford it until now. Am I being vain and ridiculous at my age or is this acceptable to correct something I've always been conscious of.

Created By on 24/11/2020

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14th Jun 2021 17:07:01 (Last activity: 14th Jun 2021 21:40:26)
Thanks for voting!
A friend had some done and paid 3,000 EP but could not see too much difference and was sorry spending this much money I took after my dad and had his nose It never occurred to me that I should have had it altered Let your personality shine I am sure no one notices the nose ,the see only YOU!!!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jun 2021 21:40:26
Hi Grainger1939,

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10th Feb 2021 04:13:18
Thanks for voting!
If you can afford it and are okay with a long recovery then do it. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. Hair plugs, nose job, tattoos, etc. I always wanted to make a few cosmetic changes but could never afford them. Recently I had the nails from my two big toes permanently removed. Feels great not having pain anymore and I can honestly say I'm pleased with the way they look and feel. I will get the other eight done, spread out over time so my work benefits cover the surgery. And Dani, if it's any consolation, I've always preferred women with very small breasts, I think they're cute. And I'll take cute over a big bosom any day. So there's more of us out there who appreciate flat chested women, you just have to find us.
26th Nov 2020 12:54:59
Thanks for voting!
Hey, it’s acceptable to do anything that want to, as long it’s not harming anyone. But are you sure you need to do this? Why are so worried about your nose?
You’re probably really lovely and have no idea that other people won’t care about one single feature. I wish you were just happier as you are. But, if you decide to go ahead, good luck and don’t look back.
If it’s any comfort, I’m hopelessly flat chested. It tortured me as a girl. I felt insecure and unwomanly. Forty years of marriage to a man who thought I was delicious seemed to have sorted that issue out. Now widowed, I am aware of it again, no idea why , am I wondering if no one else will find me attractive? Honestly, I can’t say, but no....I won’t be surgically making alterations....or even buying a grown up bra! We are what we are and no one can judge us.
Love yourself,

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