The Creepy Clown Called Fred

Here is another poem from the very talented Tracey Curtis, about her childhood memories of a creepy clown called Fred …


Last night I watched a movie
And it scared me half to death
The movie was about a clown
And I couldn’t catch my breath

As the movie brought back memories
From when I was a kid
As my brother kept a clown back then
In a shoe box with a lid

So here’s a little story
About a clown who’s name was Fred
The clown belonged to Robert
And he kept it by his bed

The clown was really scary
It was dressed in red and green
Its face was really creepy
The worst I’d ever seen

It’s eyes were kind of amber
And its face was painted white
Its mouth was smiling widely
Which was tilted to the right

It’s nose was red it’s lips were red
Its eyebrows were all black
With frown lines right across its brow
It sent shivers down my back

It’s hair was thick and orange
And quite wiry to the touch
It had a pull string on it’s back
But it wasn’t used that much

Once my brother pulled the string
To show me what it did
I Nearly screamed the place down
As I was just a kid

At first it started laughing
And then it’s head spun round
Then its arms moved up and down
And made a grinding sound

I think I almost wet myself
As I ran out of the door
I ran down stairs into the shed
And hid behind a draw

My brother came and found me
He thought it was quite funny”
He said “don’t be so silly sis
It’s nothing but a dummy”

As I wiped away my tears
With my sleeve upon my arm
My brother said “don’t worry sis
He can’t do you no harm

Come with me and you will see
It’s nothing but a dummy
But as your just a little kid
I guess it’s not so funny

He held my hand and off we went
Up to the second floor
But as we got close to his room
I could see It through the door

It looked so very creepy
As it sat there on the bed
Staring though it’s amber eyes
In it’s white cold painted head

My brother said “So what’s wrong now?
Why won’t you come inside
And take your jumper off your head
There’s no need for you to hide

It’s just a circus clown sis
It’s a dummy nothing more
So don’t be silly come on in
Don’t stand there by the door

I walked on in quite slowly
As I was being cautious
My legs had turned to jelly
And I was feeling rather nauseous

The clown just sat there staring
As I walked up to the bed
I reached out with my hand
And tapped it on the head

The clown just started laughing
And my brother’s out the door
It’s head it started spinning
Then it fell upon the floor

It’s arms were moving up and down
I was screaming for my brother
I heard him running up the stairs
Followed by my mother

They ran into the bedroom
And I jumped up on the bed
My brother ran up to the clown
And grabbed it by it’s head

As Robert held it in his hands
It’s body span around
It’s arms were going frantic
You could hear the grinding sound

My brother shouted “Get the box
And don’t forget the lid
But I was frozen to the spot
As I was just a kid

When my Mother got the shoe box
The clown just seamed to stop
They put it in and taped it up
And took it to the shop

My mother told the story
And she got her money back
The guy said “it was a faulty
That it’s power box had a crack

He put it in the rejected bin
Then he said “I think your lucky
you could have had that Evil doll
You know, the one they’re calling Chucky

So there you go and that is why
I couldn’t catch my breath
Sat here watching films last night
That scared me half to death

If you should ever get a clown
Just check it’s names not Fred
As it might just move and start to laugh
And it might just spin it’s head

© Written by ….. TRACEY CURTIS…..8614

About the author

Tracey Curtis
418 Up Votes
Hello..I'm Tracey Curtis....I'm 53 years old, I'm Married to Kelvin & I have 2 children. I live in North Devon UK...& I have a Dog Called Tasha..she is a Rottweiler..we also had our beautiful German Shepard Blade..but sadly we had to have him put to sleep on he was ill..this broke our hearts..but he is still with me in my profile pic bless him..RIP..My boy Blade....I love animals..& I love to play my piano in my spare time.....But poetry is my biggest passion.., although I am dyslexic it doesn't stop me....I write funny poems , but I also write all sorts of poems...I tend to write about what I see around me..& I also write from the heart ..I enjoy making people laugh & smile with my poems..& some people cry with some I have written .................. .I Now have 16 book published can find them from AMAZON ,..thanks to Sally at silversurfers, and to you all on here..for your support..& encouragement...& i will still be sharing poems on here for you to enjoy too...thanks every one..I'm so happy..:) x.And feel free to add my as a FB F Friend..I'm always happy to have new nice friends on board x

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