I have a dream …

Here is another inspirational poem written by Tracey Curtis …



It’s always been a dream of mine
As I love the open space
To move myself to Texas
And buy a little place

Something with a barn or two
Nothing big or grand
With hand-made wooden fences
And cattle on the land

With lots of fields to graze in
Mountain views, what a scene
A rocking chair upon the porch
Located near a stream

Inside the house is basic
With one rug across the floor
With shutters on the windows
And a latch fixed on the door

With beams upon the ceiling
A open fire to burn the logs
A kettle with a whistle
And a spit to roast the hogs

With flowers by the front door
Out the back red apple trees
The smell of blossom as it falls
Floating in the breeze

Wild deer in the distance
In peace and harmony
With chickens eating corn
And horses roaming free

Candy colored clouds above
I know it sounds extreme
But this is where I’d like to be
It’s a shame its just a dream

©  Written By Tracey Curtis…16314

About the author

Tracey Curtis
418 Up Votes
Hello..I'm Tracey Curtis....I'm 53 years old, I'm Married to Kelvin & I have 2 children. I live in North Devon UK...& I have a Dog Called Tasha..she is a Rottweiler..we also had our beautiful German Shepard Blade..but sadly we had to have him put to sleep on 14-6-14...as he was ill..this broke our hearts..but he is still with me in my profile pic bless him..RIP..My boy Blade....I love animals..& I love to play my piano in my spare time.....But poetry is my biggest passion.., although I am dyslexic it doesn't stop me....I write funny poems , but I also write all sorts of poems...I tend to write about what I see around me..& I also write from the heart ..I enjoy making people laugh & smile with my poems..& some people cry with some I have written .................. .I Now have 16 book published ..you can find them from AMAZON ,..thanks to Sally at silversurfers, and to you all on here..for your support..& encouragement...& i will still be sharing poems on here for you to enjoy too...thanks every one..I'm so happy..:) x.And feel free to add my as a FB F Friend..I'm always happy to have new nice friends on board x

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