Keep the light shining and let the sunflowers grow

Keep the light shining and let the sunflowers grow

Don’t let the bright light dwindle; don’t let the bright light die,
stand firm to all oppression, as hard as they may try.
Unite in solidarity to crush what’s truly bad,
give comfort to the fragile and counsel to the sad.

Let the sunflowers grow

Cherish freedom like no other; leave nothing there to chance,
condemn all wicked tyranny, with a fair but forceful stance.
Take nothing more for granted, enjoy each single day.
remember you have freedom, so believe in what you say.

Let the sunflowers grow

Take time to care for others who have a weakened voice,
they have no time to argue, for them they have no choice.
Don’t judge without good reason; try not to act in haste,
prejudice and bigotry must truly be erased

Let the sunflowers grow

Show compassion to the needy and never walk away,
for empathy costs nothing, it’s not a cheap cliché.
Give thanks that you are free from harm and safe to sleep at night,
protected from malevolence and its merciless appetite.

Let the sunflowers grow

Pray for Ukraine and its people, for each and every one,
and hope the unjust war will end at the setting of the sun.
We hope to see the sunflowers grow like a graceful yellow sea
and continue with our help and love until their country’s free.

Let the sunflowers grow

© Teresa Harrison-Best

Peace for Ukraine

About the author

Teresa H-B
3260 Up Votes
Teresa lives in Worthing with her husband Stuart and their three rescue cats. She has recently retired from a long career in the Health and Social care sector, and has taken up Mosaics, Pilates and walking cricket. Her love of writing has always been prevalent throughout her life, and she wrote Catawall, fluent in feline following major surgery as a form of therapy. Her love of rhyme and rhythm feature in Catawall and her subsequent children’s books featuring Mackerel a piratical cat who captures the heart of everyone, even the ships mice and rats! ‘Mackerel and The Jolly Daisy’, ‘Mackerel and the Treasure Map’ and ‘Mackerel Saves the Day’. Her latest project Doggee Longlegs enters young fiction aimed at older children. Doggee is about young dog who starts life in a rescue shelter, overlooked on the homing day. Teresa is a great advocate of all animals and feels passionately about animal welfare, both at home and abroad.

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