Your Heart, Your Most Prescious Jewel

For National Heart Month – my lovely husband suffered a heart attack followed by a cardiac arrest 7 months ago.  Thankfully I still have him but it could have been so very different.  There is so much we can all do to look after our heart.  Small changes could literally save your life ❤️💜

Your Heart, Your Most Precious Jewel

You cannot see it, but it is there
Inside of you, pumping away
Each beautiful beat
Gives you life, to see today

Out of sight and often out of mind
But, without it you would be gone
So, now is the time to act
To make sure that nothing will go wrong

Put your health first
Visit your GP
Get your blood pressure checked
Take up that ECG

“It won’t happen to me”
Isn’t that what we all think
But, if it does, your life could end
Or take you to the brink

Little steps, daily walks
Be more aware of what you eat
All things in moderation
It is still OK to have a treat

Listen to your wonderful heart
It is keeping you alive
Treat it like the gift it is
To make sure you survive

Your heart, your precious jewel
Look after it  ❤️💜

© Maxine Bailey
February 2024



About the author

Maxine Bailey
2557 Up Votes
I absolutely love writing poems. Enjoying my garden and my dogs. I used to be an Age UK Befriender, which I would thoroughly recommend to anybody. So rewarding

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