
Weak Bladder? Four ways to take action today

Always on the search for your next bathroom? You’re far from alone.

If you dread long car journeys, are up and down all night to go to the loo or experience some unexpected emergencies, you may be going through what one-third of UK women experience.

The culprit could be a prevalent condition known as Overactive Bladder (OAB), and there’s no need to endure this silently.

The community-led healthcare brand Jude, is dedicated to shattering the silence surrounding bladder issues and empowering you to lead a leak-free life.

Here’s four simple steps you can take today to improve your bladder health:

1. Good bladder health starts in your kitchen

Similar to the way bone and heart health are influenced by nutrition, bladder health also starts with wise dietary choices. Some foods and drinks, like alcohol, spicy or acidic foods, and coffee can irritate your bladder. Experiment with cutting them down, and observe changes in your overactive bladder.

Indeed, research reveals that nearly half of individuals aged 60 and above, who consumed approximately three cups of coffee, experienced symptoms of an overactive bladder. A study published in Current Urology in 2016 determined that this figure was elevated compared to those who didn’t indulge in excessive caffeine consumption.

Carbonated drinks, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, tomato-based products like ketchup, as well as artificial sweeteners, can also lead to flare-ups.

2. Try a natural dietary supplementation with Jude

There are foods to avoid, and there are foods and nutrition to embrace. To fully understand why some food is good for you, you might want to understand the wonders of our bodies.

As women, we have oestrogen receptors all over our body, and more of them in our pelvic floor and bladder lining. Oestrogen plays a key role in our urinary health and pelvic floor strength. During menopause, your body produces less and less of this important hormone, which can weaken the bladder and pelvic floor.

The good news is you can supplement your diet with plant-based oestrogen to counteract this decline, strengthening bladder function and improving overall urinary health.

And surprisingly, research has found that pumpkin seeds are particularly effective in improving bladder control. These unassuming yet clever seeds are packed with essential nutrients including magnesium, potassium and zinc – all of which help relax the bladder muscles naturally.

Here’s where Jude’s Bladder Strength Supplements can be a game-changer for many. A single daily dose packs the nutritional equivalent of 70 pumpkin seeds, combined with high quality soy phytoestrogen. This potent duo has undergone rounds of clinical testing with placebo, demonstrating its ability to fortify pelvic muscles and reduce your sense of urge.

Efficacy shines through, as a clinical trial showcased that 9.2 out of 10 participants experienced an improved quality of life after adopting Jude’s formula, with 66% reporting fewer daily leaks and 70% experiencing reduced nocturnal bathroom visits.

Developed in collaboration with urogynaecologists and Harvard Medical School’s Professor Leena Pradhan-Nabzdyk, PhD, MBA, Jude’s Bladder Strength Supplements have undergone rigorous assessment, benefiting over 15,000 individuals in the UK.

Leena suggests a minimum three-month regime for optimal outcomes, noting, “I strongly recommend at least a 12-week treatment to significantly reduce urination urgency, plus daytime and night-time frequency.”

Jude customer testimonials

Jude products can be a welcome relief for people experiencing bladder problems, but don’t just take our word for it. Here, some Jude customers explain how taking the supplements has improved their quality of life. You can also read more on Trustpilot.

Lynne says: “Leaving the house was becoming challenging before Jude entered my life. Frequency and urgency are so much better – I no longer have to manage every trip out via numerous visits to the loo. Holidays are no longer filled with panic moments. Life is wonderful – I will be forever grateful to Jude and recommend you to all my friends.”

Meanwhile, Elizabeth says Jude’s supplements have helped her take back control of her life. She raves: “I have now been taking Jude for over a year and life is amazing. I am still doing my long walk, having a 116-mile walk in September, with no worries about finding toilets on route. I usually sleep through the night now as well.

“I would recommend Jude to anyone who experiences bladder problems, it can literally change your life!”


3. Tell your bladder your brain’s the boss

For those with an overactive bladder, you might think a “just in case” pee is sound planning, but when it becomes a daily habit it can sensitise your bladder to empty at lower volumes. These impromptu bathroom visits when unnecessary “retrains” your bladder to prompt more frequent urges. It’s vital to listen to your body’s cues and “unlearn” your bladder’s attempt to override.

When it actually comes to peeing, the etiquettes to adopt are easier than you think. Next time you sit on the loo, place both feet firmly on the ground, and elbows on your knees. This specific position relaxes your pelvic floor muscles and lets the bladder fully empty.

Lastly, when you’re out and about, try to avoid hovering over the toilet seat as this strains your pelvic floor muscles. A simple solution is to wipe down the seat or use a seat cover.

4. Embrace Kegel Exercises

Practising pelvic floor exercises is a simple yet effective way to enhance your pelvic floor health. These exercises involve contracting and relaxing the muscles that support your bladder, bowel, and uterus. To perform them, identify the muscles you use to stop the flow of urine midstream, then squeeze and lift those muscles without holding your breath or tensing your stomach, buttocks, or thighs. Doing these exercises regularly helps strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which play a crucial role in maintaining bladder control, supporting your organs, and even improving sexual satisfaction. The best part is, you can do pelvic floor exercises discreetly anywhere, whether you’re sitting at your desk, watching TV, or even waiting in line. By dedicating a few minutes each day to these exercises, you’re taking a proactive step towards maintaining a healthy pelvic floor and overall well-being.

Reader offer:

20% OFF Bladder Strength Supplements from Jude (save up to £15 on your first order)

Use code SILVER20 at checkout to get 20% off, or click the link here and your 20% off will be automatically applied at checkout.

Single use discount code. For new customers only.
Offer valid until 31st December 2023
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