
Keeping your dog safe on Bonfire Night: Top tips and advice

Bonfire Night, also known as Guy Fawkes Night, is a popular celebration with fireworks, bonfires, and loud festivities.

While it can be a thrilling event for humans, it can be a source of anxiety and fear for our furry friends.

Here are some useful tips to ensure the safety and comfort of your dogs on Bonfire Night.

1. Create a safe haven

Set up a designated safe space for your dog inside your home. This could be a quiet room, a crate, or a cozy den with their favourite toys and bedding. Encourage them to use this space when they feel anxious or scared during the festivities.

2. Exercise beforehand

Take your dog for a long walk or play session earlier in the day to tire them out. A tired dog is more likely to be calmer and less reactive to loud noises in the evening.

3. Stay home with your dog

If possible, avoid leaving your dog alone during Bonfire Night. Your presence will provide comfort and reassurance during the noisy celebrations.

4. Close windows and curtains

Keep your home as soundproof as possible. Close all windows and draw the curtains to help muffle the sounds of fireworks and reduce the flashing lights.

5. Use white noise or music

Play soothing music or use white noise machines to drown out the loud noises from fireworks. Calming classical music or nature sounds can help relax your dog.

6. Offer distractions

Provide your dog with toys and puzzles to keep them occupied. Chewing on a safe, long-lasting treat or toy can help reduce anxiety.

7. Consult a vet

If your dog has severe anxiety during fireworks, consider discussing anti-anxiety medications or pheromone diffusers with your vet. These can help your dog remain calm.

8. Avoid taking your dog to firework displays

It’s best to leave your dog at home when attending firework displays or events. The loud noises and large crowds can be overwhelming and frightening for your pet.

9. Keep calm

Stay calm and composed around your dog. Your pet can pick up on your emotions, and if you remain relaxed, it can help ease their anxiety.

10. Prepare for future celebrations

Use Bonfire Night as an opportunity to prepare for other noisy celebrations or thunderstorms. Training your dog to be more comfortable with loud sounds can be beneficial in the long run.

Bonfire Night can be a fun and enjoyable time for your family, including your furry companions, by taking precautions to keep them safe and relaxed. By following these tips, you can help ensure that your dog remains comfortable and secure during the festivities, making it a stress-free experience for both of you.

Classic FM’s Pet Classics with Charlotte Hawkins will be broadcast on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 November, 5pm to 9pm, on Classic FM – available across the UK 

Does your dog suffer from anxiety with loud fireworks?

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