
10 Money saving tips for gardeners

With all its benefits, gardening can also have drawbacks. For one, it can be an expensive hobby (if you let it).

However, there are ways to save your cash AND have a thriving display throughout the year.

From sharing plants to repurposing used pots, there are plenty of ways to stay within budget when it comes to preparing your garden for the upcoming flowering season.

1. Plan ahead

Just like you would when planning the weekly shop, assessing what you need and planning your displays accordingly can save you some big bucks. If you’re sticking to a budget, start by replacing annuals and spent perennials before shopping for bigger plants.

2. Sow more seeds

Seeds are one of the most affordable ways to grow your favourite plants. They’re inexpensive and easy to grow – you certainly don’t need years of experience under your belt to grow a successful plant from a seed.

3. Split up perennials

Many herbaceous perennials can be separated before or after they flower. Usually, it’s done to break up large clumps as they become invasive, but you can also divide them to grow more plants around the garden for free.

4. Repurpose old containers and pots

Whenever you buy a new plant, save the pot. This will come in handy when you next divide a plant or germinate seeds. Buying new potting-up pots won’t be that expensive, but if you’re buying them every season then the cost certainly adds up!

5. Make your own compost

Making your own compost is great for avid gardeners. It can be quite expensive to buy new compost every season, so making your own will help you save money. Add kitchen scraps and organic matter like straw, hay, grass, and leaves to start in a suitable container outdoors.

6. Cut potato tubers in half

Potato tubers can be cut in half before planting to grow double the crop! Just make sure that there are a few buds on each piece as that’s where the stems will grow. Allow them to dry before planting too.

7. Swap and share divided plants

Dig up and divide your perennials and swap them with your avid gardening friends and family to switch up your displays for free!

8. Replant scraps from food

Offcuts from fruit and veg can easily be replanted to grow bonus produce. For example, spring onions and leeks can be placed in water to grow new plants in just two weeks.

9. Buy self-seeding plants

Self-seeding plants essentially plant themselves. These plants produce seed heads at the end of their flowering season, which then drop and fertilise in the soil below. And hey presto, you’ve got a bigger display without lifting a finger.

10. Keep an eye out for offers

Many online garden retailers offer discounts seasonally – and good ones too! Sign up for as many newsletters from them as you can and watch the offers roll into your inbox.

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