Cuts deep

Cuts Deep 

Tightly coiled spring deep within
unfounded reasoning, it’s me or him
heightened reactions, all is unclear
At the end of the day, it’s driven by fear

Why do we do it? why why why
Misconceptions? Do or die?
Would it be too easy to just walk away
and allow ourselves to live another day

Evil rises with knife in hand
Does it really make you feel so grand?
Think of your loved ones how they would feel
If you become a number on another newsreel

Is it bravado, it’s certainly not brave
Just look back on the way you behave
Is it the way you were brought up?
How do you feel when you make that first cut?

Put yourself forward, thirty years ahead
at the family dynamics because you are dead
The children, grandkids, career all gone
because as a teenager you wanted to be “the one”

Life could be so different if attitudes change
If we learn to communicate without all that rage
Young people go out, have fun, be free
Don’t become a statistic, choose life, just “be”

People change when they hold a knife
They have no respect for the value of life
If you are lucky to grow old and grey
I hope you reflect, look back and say
I do remember those words that I read
and ditch the knife, choose life instead.

By Lillian Fallows

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