To Remember is to Honour

This poignant poem is written for Armistice Day, to commemorate the fallen.

To Remember is to Honour

There was a modest man, who died for us,
his name was never known.
He lays within a grave afar,
a simple cross of stone.

He had no thoughts of politics
just a passion to serve well.
Surrounded by a poppy field
to remind us where he fell.

Fresh of face and young of heart,
a lifetime to explore.
Instead he met the hand of fate
a casualty of war.

As time drifts on our memory fades
but still his grave remains.
The wind may howl and the snow may fall
across the eerie plains.

So wear your poppy with self–respect,
show dignity and pride.
The unknown man may rest in peace
as you hold him dear inside.

About the author

Teresa H-B
3259 Up Votes
Teresa lives in Worthing with her husband Stuart and their three rescue cats. She has recently retired from a long career in the Health and Social care sector, and has taken up Mosaics, Pilates and walking cricket. Her love of writing has always been prevalent throughout her life, and she wrote Catawall, fluent in feline following major surgery as a form of therapy. Her love of rhyme and rhythm feature in Catawall and her subsequent children’s books featuring Mackerel a piratical cat who captures the heart of everyone, even the ships mice and rats! ‘Mackerel and The Jolly Daisy’, ‘Mackerel and the Treasure Map’ and ‘Mackerel Saves the Day’. Her latest project Doggee Longlegs enters young fiction aimed at older children. Doggee is about young dog who starts life in a rescue shelter, overlooked on the homing day. Teresa is a great advocate of all animals and feels passionately about animal welfare, both at home and abroad.

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