War in the Trenches


Another very moving and touching poem written by Tracey Curtis ….


Today I wrote this poem, In the Honour of all the lives
Sons, Daughters, Dads Mothers, Sister,
Brothers, for the Husbands and the Wives
For all the people that died, for all the souls that are gone
For all the soldiers that suffered, In the battle of ….World War One

Millions enrolled for duty, to win that was their aim
To make our country safe, so a soldier they became
They walk on into battle, unsure of what they’d find
With sickness in their bellies and loved ones on their mind

Men lie in muddy trenches, trying hard to keep their head
Suffering from exhaustion whilst surrounded by the dead
Explosions in the distance, together they would stand
With flashes in the darkness, and the view of No Mans Land

They fought for their country, their-nation was their pride
They did it for their children, yet still so many died
They gave their very best, each soldier had his place
But it wasn’t just War, that the soldiers had to face

Sickness, and Disease set in, and don’t forget starvation,
Some of them got trench foot they were weak in desperation.
With death all around them, and their wounded lay in blood,
The rains filled up the trenches, and turned the walls to mud

They’d have to stand in water, some times up to their waist,
As scraps of rotten food go by, with empty tins and waste
There were decomposing bodies, of soldiers where they fell
With rats and flies to cope with, it must have felt like HELL

Weather didn’t help much, with temperatures dropping low
Some soldiers suffered frostbite, as they stood there in the snow.
They had the threat of gas attacks, so they kept their masks near by,
Yet there they stood, these proud brave men, it makes me want to cry

The Sergeant says , ” GET READY LADS “, It’s your turn next to go,
So get your guns all ready men, and keep your heads down low.
They all stand there in silence, feeling anxious, as they wait,
They’re nervous and uneasy, and concerned about their fate

Their heart is pounding in their chest, like the beating on a drum,
Their hands just start to tremble, and their legs have gone all numb.
One man gets out a photograph, to kiss his wife goodbye
Then he says, ” I’ll see you soon”, as a tear falls from his eye.

They’d hear the whistle blow,  “OVER THE TOP” The Sergeant cried,
They scramble on the ladder, on the top, is where they died.
Some got through and carried on, as fast as they could run
Sergeant shouts, ” HOLD THE LINE”, as he’s shooting with his gun.

The noise was so horrendous, the explosions were the worst,
With bullets flying everywhere, their ear drums must have burst.
The men were dropping fast, one by one they hit the floor
But no one stopped to help them, as they had to win the war

They run across to, No Mans Land, They’re heading into fire,
Treading on dead bodies, and falling on barbed wire.
There’s black smoke in the air, it’s blocking out the light
They can’t see where they’re going, But they know they have to fight

There’s panic and confusion, and their eyes are full of fear,
Their hearts are with their love ones, as they know the end is near.
Machine guns open fire, as they shoot the soldiers dead
There’s silence in the air, As ..No Mans Land.. Turns red


About the author

Tracey Curtis
413 Up Votes
Hello..I'm Tracey Curtis....I'm 53 years old, I'm Married to Kelvin & I have 2 children. I live in North Devon UK...& I have a Dog Called Tasha..she is a Rottweiler..we also had our beautiful German Shepard Blade..but sadly we had to have him put to sleep on 14-6-14...as he was ill..this broke our hearts..but he is still with me in my profile pic bless him..RIP..My boy Blade....I love animals..& I love to play my piano in my spare time.....But poetry is my biggest passion.., although I am dyslexic it doesn't stop me....I write funny poems , but I also write all sorts of poems...I tend to write about what I see around me..& I also write from the heart ..I enjoy making people laugh & smile with my poems..& some people cry with some I have written .................. .I Now have 16 book published ..you can find them from AMAZON ,..thanks to Sally at silversurfers, and to you all on here..for your support..& encouragement...& i will still be sharing poems on here for you to enjoy too...thanks every one..I'm so happy..:) x.And feel free to add my as a FB F Friend..I'm always happy to have new nice friends on board x

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