
Do you dream more nowadays or have your dreams become more vivid?

As we journey through life, our experiences evolve, and so do our dreams

As the years gracefully unfold and we navigate the tapestry of life, our experiences, perspectives, and even our dreams evolve.

Have you ever wondered if the passage of time influences the nature of your dreams?

We are curious about your experiences with dreams as you’ve aged. Do you find that you dream more now than before, or have you noticed that your dreams have become more vivid?

Dreams often serve as a portal to our subconscious, sometimes unveiling buried memories or aspirations. Do your dreams provide glimpses into your past, or do they offer tantalising visions of the future?

Do dreams become more elusive, or do they blossom into vibrant landscapes of imagination?

Do you think eating cheese makes your dreams more vivid?

Share your insights and let’s explore the fascinating world of dreams together!


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