After watching the pre-Election TV debate who performed the best?

After watching the pre-Election TV debate which partly leader most impressed you?  Will the TV debate alter the way you intend to vote in May?

Conservative - David Cameron
Labour - Ed Miliband
Lib Dem - Nick Clegg
UKIP - Nigel Farage
SNP - Nicola Sturgeon
Green - Natalie Bennett
Plaid Cymru - Leanne Wood
Based on 1854 public votes.

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ray 1314
24th Apr 2015
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Why Cameron got onto this survey I will never know,Nicola came out best because she is prepared to change the way politics are run in Britain ,the main parties want the status quo,which just does not work for the country.
19th Apr 2015
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mm david cameron chickened out of the debate so who polled him as top performer?
18th Apr 2015
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Actually, I am not that keen on Farage and would have had more respect for him if he had left the EU and tried to get a seat in Parliament. Also the cool guy in the Pub drinking Beer doesn't impress me LOL
19th Apr 2015
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I detect a lull in the UKIP camp since the defectors won seats....could be that , as I say, voters will be wondering why their Leader is leaving it so late to be elected.

Truth to tell, there is not one Politician I would vote for, the Labour MP where I live, but unfortunately Wales does not command much sway in decision making.

This idea of T.V. debate is I presume to save going door to door canvassing or splashing out on leaflets. Gone are the days when General Elections had high turnouts , personally the only person I would vote for is Boris, behind the buffoonery is a caring man.
17th Apr 2015
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Please specify how Nigel lacks practicality? Am interested in knowing. Thanks
17th Apr 2015
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Diolch yn fawr Leanne Wood for not using the term "Rhetoric" over and over last night like you did last debate!
17th Apr 2015
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PS have as many kids as you like as long as you do so in the dark - keep the lights off and do some recycling! Sorry to take the proverbial but I am so green, I'm bottle but this party sincerely disappoints!
17th Apr 2015
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Green Party want to increase Child Benefit and say that it is up to individuals to decide how many children they have! Is this a costed plan? To go back to a sustainable world we need to reduce populations. The reason that so many animals have died during Natalie Bennett's 40 year life (50% to quote her) is largely due to the increase in human population all over the world and also in this country. Killed on roads by increasing traffic, habitats destroyed by development, human creation of greenhouse gases by consumption killing off food stocks, I could go on. More people = fewer animals (and birds) it's obvious! Green Party logic does not stack up.
And as for taking mgage relief off private landlords - don't get me started. This is a business like any other so why not prevent other businesses claiming tax relief on loan interest. Have the Greens thought what impact this would have on the supply of rental ppty? Landlords would pull out overnight. And where does Nat get her stats from? She claims that landlords get profits into 1000% - I barely scrape 3.5%. Crazy stuff!
17th Apr 2015
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They all have their own agenda, nothing to do with the welfare of the country.
17th Apr 2015
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I do not know how any right thinking person could vote for David Cameron and the Tory party. Cameron uses people and services for his own ends, he came to St Mary Abbott's Church for six months so that his daughter could attend the church school. The school has an excellent reputation but Cameron has deprived a child from a less wealthy family a place. When his poor son Ivan was alive Cameron used St Mary's hospital as a private hospital but without paying private hospital fees. When asked if we would talk at the Epilepsy UK party held at the House of Commons he agreed to be the speaker. People from all over Britain came with women in their best clothes to hear him but he walked in, spoke to my husband and that said "I am very busy and haven't the time to talk". You can imagine the disappointment of those who had travelled so far and for nothing. Cameron is a selfish and greedy man who wishs for power but at the expense of others.
18th Apr 2015
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Are you saying that well off people shouldn't use state schools or NHS hospitals? Also, using children, particularly a disabled child who has since passed away, to score political points against a parent is pretty poor form.
18th Apr 2015
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I don't think it is bad form to point out that David Cameron says that his daughter is not privately educated and yet take a valuable place in a Church school, passing 27 churches from where the Camerons then lived, denying a poorer family a place within the parish is wrong. I merely mentioned that he treated St Marys Hospital as a private hospital when he could easily have had private treatment and allowed those who were not wealthy to access the services of the NHS.
17th Apr 2015
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Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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Not for me, he doesn't, but he is a good speaker. It is just a pity he lacks practicality.
18th Apr 2015
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He has recently stated that agricultural workers (ie low paid from Eastern Europe) would still be allowed to come on temporary permits with health insurance. As this is how they have come in previously, it would seem that he is becoming a little more practical!! After all, you can't expect our own folk to do that sort of work! (an can we?)
Simon Sugrue
18th Apr 2015
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Got it in one janetann. This nation has people who think they are owed a living and are quite content to be paid in benefits. This should not be possible. Those who refuse a job should only be prevented from starving by being issued with food vouchers.
The agricultural workers who come here for the harvests are not afraid to bend their backs and their capability to do so exceeds that of our own relatively unskilled so-called workers. We cannot blame the farmers for employing those who can do the job best?
We can, however blame ourselves for a generation or two of people who simply do not know how to work and they don't need to, do they? There are always benefits.
Don't get me started!
Oh, you already did!
19th Apr 2015
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I agree Simon Sugrue. Credit is the name of the game, having worked in NHS Clinics, I saw the waste ,teenagers given contraceptives , the boys blew theirs up like balloons and the girls never bothered because they knew if the got pregnant they would have a 2 bedroom House and get all benefits available. A new department was opened at the Clinic calles "Sure Start",
Pregnant girls being housed would have helpers from the Clinic go to their homes to teach them how to there are not enough Books and T.V. programmes available???

Another example of NHS generosity was in a Clinic with a high area of mostly Muslims. The Clinic employed 7 Women who could speak various languages to accompany the person who could not speak English to the Dotor, Lawyer, Hospital these people could not have relatives or Friends who spoke English to take them???

No wonder th NHS is in such a mess.
17th Apr 2015
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again a left wing audience and a interviewer who almost ignored nigel farage well our time is coming so watch this space come may.
17th Apr 2015
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I just can not see how anyone could arrive at that result Cameron was clown like he had not got a clue between the truth and downright lies.
17th Apr 2015
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Having sat and watched the debates I am still at a lose as to know who to vote for. I really do not want to see the Tories back in power however what the others are proposing does not seem feasible without robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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Quite right. We need to balance the Economy. After that good things can follow.
If we fail to balance the Economy we are heading for very hard times, and even worse ones for our children and grandchildren.
18th Apr 2015
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What made me sit up was when Cameron stated that zero hour contracts would be abolished then went on to say that those on these contracts in Wales will have a rise in the minimal wage. One has to have a good memory when making statements like this. Another thing the amount of funding being ploughed into city hospitals such as Liverpool is great for those living in these areas . However even though I am all for improving the health service across the whole of the UK , it seems to be a post code lottery with some areas having to fight to keep their hospitals open.
Simon Sugrue
18th Apr 2015
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The NHS will always want more money than there is. We have to decide which political party will do best with it.
17th Apr 2015
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Another great performance from Nicola , with even some English people saying they would vote for her if they could. I do agree with Nigel on some points however , with Schools, Housing , benefits system, Health Service etc etc all under real pressure it really is time to get sensible about immigration. Immigration is a good thing if done properly , certainly not about people coming here to sell the big issue !
19th Apr 2015
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Poor old Italy is facing a deluge of illegals yet no one in the EU is offering help. The Border Agency is not fit for purpose and should be replaced by a Government Dept. Can anyone explain why the three young girls , 13 yr olds , going to Syria via Turkey , were not questioned by Border Agency???

I was reading a while ago that so many illegals have been "lost" by the Agency for such a long time they will never be found now. We always thought our Borders were safe , not now.!!!
15th Apr 2015
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Interesting to see people's perceptions as to who apparently done 'well'. I do not have a clue who to vote for, but completed this quiz to see which party is closest to my views: -

My result was actually the 'Green' Party. Would never have believed it!
Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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I did that too and I was Conservative.
17th Apr 2015
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Is that good or bad?
Simon Sugrue
18th Apr 2015
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That depends on your, and my point of view.
As it happens I think it is good even though I do not agree with everything the Conservatives want. I suppose I disagree with the other parties less.
Simon Sugrue
18th Apr 2015
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Slip of the finger there, I meant I disagree with the other parties MORE.
18th Apr 2015
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Simon, I agree totally that it all depends on a person's point of view and as long as they can back up their decision by sensible discussion and debate, that is what I like about politics. We are are all different and have our own beliefs and opinions. It puts me off when people just repeat the same old opinions and soundbites, plus have a totally blinkered view of a political party's direction. I personally believe that we have a chance in this election to change things to possibly get away from the stale, traditional Tory vs Labour option. The world is changing (too quickly sometimes) and as a country we have got to change accordingly and have a positive future for my grand children's generation. We should all vote and be comfortable with our convictions, I unfortunately cannot decide who to vote for locally.
Simon Sugrue
18th Apr 2015
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I am replying to your post below.

Here, there is only a choice between Conservative and Liberal. Labour are a distant third rate alternative.

As for facts and choice, there is a very interesting, unbiased, and informative article in today's Times, it is by the economist Paul Johnson and is well worth a read. You can get it on the www too.
18th Apr 2015
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Hi Simon,
The article just highlights one of the many issues I have with various politicians and their 'untruths'. In my area we have had a Labour MP for many years and every other party is a poor second. The only party that may stand a chance of beating the Labour candidate is UKIP and I only see them as a protest vote and unfortunately not a proper political party with a valid manifesto and realistic policies. I have no faith in the two major parties and their respective leaders, so, as you have said, may have to vote for the party I least dislike.
11th Apr 2015
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I am very worried that forces within the Conservative Party particularly the Right Wing will do their utmost to bring Private Insurance for the N H S I know it has been on their Agenda for a very long time, and to leave The Common Market in my opinion will be catastrophic in order to prevent them doing this I intend to vote for the Party who I Feel will protect the N H S and Europe the most and that Party has to be Labour and Ed Miliband.
10th Apr 2015
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I think the poor have suffered more than any one with this government and the disabled and the rich have go richer I want to live in a fair Britain and a caring country. and the bankers have got away with what the have done to this country. And do not want live under the tory government this is the most uncaring government I have live under.
17th Apr 2015
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I totally agree not one crooked bankers head has rolled because they all bank roll the tory party how crooked is that.
9th Apr 2015
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At the last election labour left us in a mess owing billons by their constant borrowing thank you Mr Blair and Brown
17th Apr 2015
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You are just quoting the tory line bailing the bankers out cost us, and did the labour party cause the world recession how stupid can anyone get.
18th Apr 2015
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If I remember correctly, Gordon Brown encourage us to use credit to spend our way out of debt! Labour also encouraged financial/service industries and useless degrees instead of industry and engineering skills.
18th Apr 2015
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I certainly was not encouraged to spend on credit cards I think you will find it was the banks who were pushing cards. And just because you have got a first in engineering does not mean that other people can not choose a different career,my daughter has got an English degree and also has German and Spanish and teaches, she had a very good education under a labour government. I do fear for my grandchildren after all the rubbish this tory lib-dope regime has turned out.
Simon Sugrue
19th Apr 2015
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Gordon Brown! Do we have to use his name here? He, together with that person Blair, were probably the worst apology for a Government that the UK has ever had.
8th Apr 2015
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17th Apr 2015
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Totally agree he stood there clown like.
5th Apr 2015
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I am quite sick of the election coverasgfe by the media already and we've still got a month to go. The majority of people will be voting as theory always have and the floating voter is a bit of a myth. The debates will do nothing to change people's attitude and political beliefs - if you are a Tory supporter, you are not going to do a 180 degree turn and vote for the Labour party and vice versa. I think this debate showed how limited this country is when it comes electing the 'new' Government. It really boils down to further austerity measures under the Tories or slightly less austerity under Labour and possible tax increases. There is no vast difference in the two main parties. Remember, Thatcher said that Blair was one of her greatest successes. I just don't understand that iuf this Coalition's plans are working and the country is back on its feet, in one of the most wealthiest countries in the world why children are going to school unfed, working people are having to use food banks, old people cannot afford to heat and eat, young people cannot afford to purchase a home of their own. There are a lot of people who believe that the country is recovering well but is it?
5th Apr 2015
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I am surprised at how many people have been taken in by Nicola Sturgeon who clearly stated before the election race that her main aim, if she gets enough votes to make up a majority government, would be to altered the parliamentary system for England and make sure that Scotland gets all it needs. She is only interested in Scotland not the Britain. Why are people wanting Scotland decide what should happento England? This is beyond my comprehension.
17th Apr 2015
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Again I totally agree a very dangerous person to our country.
18th Apr 2015
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People in England decided what happened in Scotland, Wales and NI for long enough - why shouldn't there be a strong Scottish voice in the UK parliament.
4th Apr 2015
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Why are the English Tory press demonising the S.N.P. and people who vote for them as a Scot I like any other UK resident have the right to vote for whichever candidate and party I choose so my vote is as valid as any and if elected my MP has the same rights as any at Westminter
Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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Yes, and when your party breaks up the UK and you go away, will anyone notice?
4th Apr 2015
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I don't think I have ever seen such a paucity of talent among the contenders or in the current Conservative Party, except Boris.

This "debate" is a new idea no doubt copied from the USA but proves nothing. .The days of knowing who your MP was and his canvassing on you doorstep are gone, now it is a leaflet through the letterbox.
4th Apr 2015
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After all the trouble caused by Labour I cannot understand why people want to vote for them. Sadly people only vote for their own interests and do not consider the larger picture
17th Apr 2015
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Do not you mean the bankers not the labour party
18th Apr 2015
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I include their policy on immigration and benefits.
18th Apr 2015
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Emigration has increased in the last five years benefits have decreased and the rich have got richer, tory policy
3rd Apr 2015
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Cameron kept his dignity and the high ground...he just needs to be a bit more forthcoming about the implications of sticking to his plan. As an exiled Scot, I have to acknowledge that Sturgeon is an excellent operator, even if I disagree with her politics - she's way ahead of Salmond. Cameron should be seriously considering how he could work with her.
3rd Apr 2015
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I regret to say the ONLY one who conducted themselves as a well informed, competent possible leader was Nicola Sturgeon. Don't like her party, but she appears to be so capable.
3rd Apr 2015
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doesn't matter who you vote for - the government gets in !!
3rd Apr 2015
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Here's a fact regarding our present government, make your own mind up. All statistics easily available from the Office for National Statistics and the OECD.
Myth: Austerity has reduced the government's debt.
Fact: This government has borrowed more in 4 years (over £430 billion) than Labour did in 13 years (£429 billion). The conclusion must be that austerity has failed.
3rd Apr 2015
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Was this to pay for the mess Labour got us into?
4th Apr 2015
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With the devastation the Banks caused over their illegal trading, not one Director was sent to prison, not one British Bank lost its Licence, the U.S. was streets ahead in it's findings and fines and all Britain managed to do was bail out Bank of Scotland and still not been repaid.
17th Apr 2015
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Totally agree some one with sense who can see through all the smoke and mirrors being push by the tory lib-dopes.
17th Apr 2015
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Not another dopy world recession
Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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18th Apr 2015
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And which party did the bailing out? Also, which government encouraged an otherwise healthy bank to buy a toxic one?
3rd Apr 2015
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The country is now recovering after near disaster I for one have no intention of risking change will stick with Conservatives
3rd Apr 2015
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Oh dear ,you will be voting for more food banks ,more Austerity,poverty ,homelessness.And no hope for the young .Also I hope you will not need social services as they won't be there.
18th Apr 2015
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Social Services needs resources - if UK is pushed into further debt where will the money come from?
3rd Apr 2015
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Nicola Sturgeon won the night! She gave clear, coherent answers and didn't play to the viewers and audience like her male counterparts.
Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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Simon Sugrue
17th Apr 2015
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Yes Nicola won that night but remember her insistence that An independent Scotland would keep the UK Pound.
This would mean that Scotland would remain subject to the Bank of England regulation of their currency, where is the Independence in that??
2nd Apr 2015
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Should have put Cameron and Nicola Sturgeon are working towards a coalition behind closed doors
2nd Apr 2015
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They were the most impressive. If you had some common-sense with a cap on immigration at a sensible level...can can anyone disagree with that?.....they may be a good government!
2nd Apr 2015
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Cameron and working on a back door coalition, most of the NHS has been sold so Milliband idea of capping the profits works for me, so Labour for me
18th Apr 2015
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Lived in Germany some years ago - their combination of state/insurance funding seemed to work better than funding for the NHS. There are more models than the USA private or nothing concept.
2nd Apr 2015
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I was impressed by DC. I think he handled the questions intelligently, handled the heckler well. I totally support him on the economy. I do however agree with Nigel Farage that we should not be spending the amount we are on foreign aid. Also I agree with him on trade with Europe not the interference we have on our day to day living.
Dianne Maynard
2nd Apr 2015
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I wish I could vote SNP Nicola Sturgeon seemed to be one of the woman on this debate that was for the ordinary people of this country of which are the ones that make up the largest amount of the population which certain politicians in this country only pretends to care for. I cannot believe that the majority of the people here have gone for the Tories, they haven't done very much for me, I can't even get an afternoon appointment at my GP's for 2 weeks!!!
2nd Apr 2015
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Interesting but NOT compelling! I did not think there was any clear winner. Miliband seemed to just want to attack Cameron it was a joke. The NHS is important for us all especially the over 50s! My mother in her mid 80s had an operation 2 weeks ago. The NHS staff were brilliant...just fantastic. Politicians need to look after the NHS instead of bickering the whole time. Sort it out!
Lady Eleanore
3rd Apr 2015
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truth is both con and lab are selling it off - but both know it is close to all our hearts - hence the bickering - smoke and mirrors
2nd Apr 2015
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Think Cameron spoke common-sense we cannot have the boom & bust of the Labour party. Fararge was right about immigration. How can we have had net 30,000 people in the UK in the 90s and now 300.000s its madness! Let get quotas in and be sensible like Australia. I was very impressed though with Nicola Sturgeon..clever..BUT they are very left wing and just want to borrow money and do not believe in individuals creating wealth which will pull the UKs economy up. Thats what made the UK the worlds leading power 150 years ago-robust individualism and wealth creation for all.
2nd Apr 2015
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Marking Farage as a racist is becoming very boring now. At the end of the day if we go to Europe on holiday the first question asked "is are you insured" if you fall ill. Why should we be any different. I noticed that not one of them would answer his question on treating foreigners with aids. Do I want him as our PM no. Do I want them to have a strong voice definitely . As for Ms Sturgeon a very dangerous woman with a divisive agenda.
Lady Eleanore
3rd Apr 2015
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Lady Eleanore
3rd Apr 2015
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I agree - they all seem to mishear what he is actually saying! they just cant jump on him quickly enough - could it be fear? that he actually talks a lot of sense!
3rd Apr 2015
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I think you've hit the nail on the head there. Why is it when an British person expresses any concern regarding immigration and the abuses of our NHS or Benefits we are immediately marked as racist . Regardless of the cost no one even touched on the fact that there are now thousands of non British HIV people living in this country that could spread that most terrible illness. I wonder if they would have been so Blasé if it had been Ebola .
3rd Apr 2015
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Sounds good back to the days of the. Master and the Serfs. By the way I think it was all the rich bankers who caused the problem with the boom and bust ,it was world wide .
2nd Apr 2015
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The poll here for the debate, I would not expect the result being anything different on this site .Idon't think you watched the same program as me .
2nd Apr 2015
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The women all talked more sense than the men. A SNP/Plaid Cymru/Green Coalition for me!
2nd Apr 2015
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If we all had our heads screwed on right the Greens are the right party. If we don't look after the environment we are all doomed. Why do we want growth, growth , growth at all costs. We need to be comfortable but common we don't all need 2 cars do we?
3rd Apr 2015
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Unless your Scottish or Welsh be very careful what you wish for.
17th Apr 2015
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Wanting to break the UK up is talking sense is it. I don't think so.
2nd Apr 2015
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Bit confused that so far silver surfers are with Cameron . Not done much for me as a pensioner
2nd Apr 2015
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Totally agree with you gennie .They seem to think all pensioners are rich .

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