
Clever uses for empty plastic bottles

We’re all trying to reduce our reliance on plastic – and by recycling and reusing what we already have it’s possible to make a difference.

Single-use plastic bottles are unavoidable at times; but the good news is, there’s plenty of clever ways to put them to good use around the home and garden.

Heres a few of our favourite clever uses for empty plastic bottles…

Make a sprinkler

Cool Ways To Recycle Plastic Bottles

Take an empty water bottle and use a sharp knife to poke slits around the bottom of the bottle. Then, attach your garden hose to the bottle opening and turn on. Water will fill the bottle then start shooting out of the holes. This is perfect for cooling off pets or grandchildren, and can also be used to water the garden.

DIY bird feeder

7 DIY Recycled Bird Feeders | Earth 911

Old plastic bottles can also make brilliant and simple bird feeders. Take two small wooden spoons, and poke holes in the plastic bottle for the spoons to slide through. Fill with seed. Secure some twine around the neck of the water bottle, or if you have one, screw in a small eyebolt and attach the string to that. Then, it’s ready to hang on a branch in your garden!

Simple storage for your kitchen or caravan

45 Creative Ways To Reuse Plastic Bottles At Home

Bottles make brilliant, simple storage solutions for your kitchen, and work really well in caravans and when packing for camping trips, too. Take two bottles the same size and cut in half, leaving the bottom of both bottles. Fill one with anything from flour to rice and pasta, then place the other overtop to create a lid. If you’ll be will be travelling, secure with some tape until it’s ready to use.  For even smaller trips, you don’t need to cut the bottle open – simply fill it and use the bottle cap to keep everything secure.

DIY snack bowls

Inna Nuts Bowl from a Plastic Bottle | Reciclaje de botellas plasticas, Botellas de plástico vacías y Reutilizar botellas de plástico

Similarly, you can cut the bottom of a bottle to make a quick and simple snack bowl to use for a picnic or when camping.

Make a piggy bankRecycled nature craft ideas – Dickinson County Conservation Board


This is simple and fun craft to try with grandchildren. Start by cutting a small slit in the bottle for the coins to go into. Paint the plastic bottle, or wrap in paper or felt to cover. Slice two wine bottle corks in half to make legs, then decorate with eyes and ears.

Make a toy for a puppy

You don’t need to but expensive toys for young pus.  Take a small empty plastic bottle, fill it with very small dog treats, secure the lid tightly and you have a noisy ‘shaker’ like toy to keep your puppy entertained.  Always supervise your pup when playing and ensure the lid is very secure to avoid any choking hazard.


Do you know any other clever and fun uses for plastic bottles? Share your wisdom in the comments below! 

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Rachel - Silversurfers Assistant Editor

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