
Empowering Women: A 6-Week Live, Online Course for Managing the Menopause

Menopause is a significant stage in a woman’s life that can bring about various physical and emotional changes.

Navigating this transition can be challenging, especially when combined with the demands of everyday life. However, women now have an opportunity to enhance their wellness and gain valuable insights through a 6-week live, online course dedicated to managing menopause.

Led by experienced coach Cathy Houghton, this course aims to empower women by providing a safe and neutral space for learning, growth, and support.

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Week 1: Energy through menopause and beyond
The course kicks off by addressing the topic of energy and its importance during menopause.

Participants will explore the impact of menopause on energy levels and discover effective strategies to maintain vitality and overall well-being.

Practical tips and techniques will be shared, enabling women to make positive changes and enhance their energy reserves for a fulfilling life beyond the menopause.

Week 2: Movement through the menopause
Staying physically active is crucial during the menopause, as it can help manage symptoms and promote overall health.

This session will delve into the benefits of exercise and guide participants on incorporating movement into their daily routines.

From gentle workouts to tailored exercises, women will learn how to embrace physical activity and optimize their well-being throughout the menopausal journey.

Week 3: Weight management and self-esteem
Weight management and body esteem often become significant concerns during the menopause.

In this session, participants will gain insights into the relationship between hormonal changes and weight fluctuations, along with strategies to manage weight effectively.

Additionally, the course will focus on fostering a positive body image and self-esteem, empowering women to embrace their changing bodies with confidence and self-acceptance.

Week 4: Brain care
The menopause can impact cognitive functions, including memory and concentration.

This session will explore the connection between hormonal changes and brain health, as well as provide participants with practical tools to maintain optimal cognitive function.

Through engaging activities and expert guidance, women will learn how to take care of their brain health and support mental acuity during and after the menopause.

Week 5: The core self
During the menopause, women often experience significant emotional shifts and changes in their personal identity.

This session will delve into the concept of the “core self” and provide guidance on reconnecting with your authentic identity.

Participants will explore strategies for managing emotional well-being, cultivating resilience, and embracing personal growth during this transformative phase of life.

Week 6: The menopausal heart and bringing it all together
Heart health and overall well-being are critical considerations for women during and after menopause.

In this final session, participants will gain insights into the impact of menopause on heart health and explore strategies for maintaining cardiovascular wellness.

Furthermore, this session will bring together the knowledge gained throughout the course, allowing participants to synthesize their learning and create a personalized roadmap for an empowered and fulfilling menopausal journey.

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Course Instructor: Cathy Houghton
Cathy Houghton, an experienced coach specializing in women’s health, will lead the course. With a focus on building a better relationship with food and body, Cathy helps women navigate the midlife transition and age well. Her expertise and passion for empowering women will provide participants with invaluable guidance and support throughout the course.

The 6-week live, online course for managing the menopause offers a transformative opportunity for women to enhance their well-being through the various stages of the menopause.

By providing an inclusive and supportive environment, the course tackles essential topics such as energy, movement, weight management, brain care, the core self, and heart health.

Through expert coaching and practical strategies, participants will develop the knowledge and tools to thrive during this significant life transition, paving the way for a better quality of life in the years to come.

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