
How to Help Fledgling Birds in the Garden

As spring draws to an end and summer approaches, many birds enter the last stage of the nesting season…fledglings leave the nest!

Parent birds who worked all spring to build nests, protect their territory, lay the eggs, and feed the nestlings, have now reached their final hurdle. Baby birds have fully formed into fledglings, and it’s time for them to venture out into the big wide world. With more mouths to feed and birds to care for, here are some top tips on how to help them in the upcoming months as we get ready for fledgling season!

What is a fledgling?

A fledgling (also known as a juvenile) is a young bird that has just outgrown its nestling stage and is ready to leave the nest. It can move around without any assistance and has grown most (if not all) of its first feathers. Though a fledgling has not developed the ability to fly, they can still walk, hop and perch on branches. Once the fledgling has left the nest, it will still stay close to its parents, who will continue to feed the juvenile and teach it how to survive in the wild.

Give them fledgling friendly food

Whether you’re a regular bird feeder or new to the sport, offering bird food when fledglings come out to play is a very exciting time. With more mouths to feed, your garden will be full of the hustle and bustle of colourful species.

Whilst it’s a common misconception that small birds can’t judge the size of their meal and can choke on large pieces of food, it’s always a good idea to minimise this risk entirely by offering out small seeds or suet products that can be pecked at.

Get ready for the fledgling season with Ivel Valley Bird Food Fledgling Bucket Bundle!

The Fledgling Bucket Bundle contains everything you’ll need for spring and summer when you start seeing fledglings from all species of birds. This is the time of year to offer out small seeds and suet products, which is why this bundle is ideal!

2kg Peanut Granules

2kg Sunflower Heart Chips

2kg Mini Suet Pellets Insect & Mealworm

1 Seed Feeder

1 Ready Peck Storage Bucket

£5 Discount When You Spend £40 or More at Ivel Valley Wild Bird Food

Ivel Valley Wild Bird Food are delighted to offer Silversurfers members a £5.00 discount when you spend over £40 on full price products (excludes Dried Mealworms and Live worms).

Click here to log in or join to get this offer

Provide fledglings shelter

Depending on their roosting preferences, fledglings will need to find shelter so they can keep out of reach from predators and harsh weather conditions. A nester will provide the perfect shelter for fledglings and keep them safe during the night.

Don’t forget the water!

Water is just as important as food for any animal, and young fledglings are no exception. Place a shallow dish outside and fill it with clean water every day. It’ll take 1-2 weeks for fledglings to learn to fly, so by placing water in a shallow dish, they’ll be able to access it more easily.

Can a fledgling survive on its own?

It’s absolutely normal to see a fledgling bird on its own as its parents could be scouting for food, or they’re out of sight in a nearby tree or bush. However, if the fledgling is in a position of danger, you may need to intervene and move it to a safer place. If it’s more than two hours since the parents have returned to the fledgling (whether you have moved it or not), you should contact a local wildlife rescue centre or vet.




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