Trees and shrubs

It is still fine to plant bare-root trees and hedging plants – remember to put in stakes before you put in the rootball – this will avoid any damage to the roots.

If it snows, remember to knock the snow off all trees, as the weight of the snow can break or splay branches. You can also plant roses now, but do be careful not to plant them where you have already grown roses as this can cause problems with diseases. Now is also a good time to move any established shrubs or trees that need to be relocated – as long as the ground is neither waterlogged nor frozen. And if you are hoping to add some winter colour, take a look at Salix, white-stemmed Rubus and colourful dogwoods (Cornus). Keep an eye on any newly planted trees and shrubs – watch out for roots that have been loosened by the wind, and refirm them into the ground. They may need some sort of windbreak if there is no natural shelter available.

In the fruit and veg garden

It may only be January but you can be doing quite a lot to get your fruit and veg growing season under way. Broad beans can be sown in pots if you live in a mild area. Just place them in an unheated greenhouse or cold frame. Indoors you can get set for some early crops by sowing cauliflowers, cabbages, lettuces, spring onions, turnips and spinach. And if you have a heated propagator you can also sow onion seed. Apple and pear trees need pruning, you can start forcing rhubarb – and of course you can be planning your vegetable garden for the coming year. Remember to take a look at how you may need to practise crop rotation to avoid pests and diseases.


Garden bird and the Great Garden Birdwatch

Garden Bird Watch

Garden Bird Watch

Head along to the RHS Garden Rosemoor in Devon on the weekend of 17 and 18 January where everyone will be on the lookout for all kinds of birds for the Great Garden Birdwatch. This initiative, run by the RSPB, invites members of the public to take an hour out to watch the birds coming into their garden (or an RHS one!) and record the different species. Garden open from 9am-5pm. Normal garden admission applies.

Winter walk and talk with the curator

Here’s an opportunity to accompany RHS Garden Wisley’s enthusiastic curator Colin Crosbie as he takes you on a walk and talk around the garden, pointing out some of the Garden’s winter highlights. This is an exciting opportunity for keen gardeners – only six places are available. The event takes place on 16 January from 1-3pm.  £19 for members and £31 for non-members. Call 020 31765830 quoting 10635 to book.

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Mother of three grown-up daughters and a proud grandma too, I am the ultimate multi-tasker and am passionate about my role as Silversurfers Website Editor and Social Media Manager. Always on the lookout for all things that will interest and entertain our community. Fueling fun for the young at heart!

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