
Say goodbye to chronic pain!

Golfer’s wrist, tennis elbow, back pain and arthritic knees can severely limit our daily lives; all the normal pastimes we take for granted, such as going to work, gardening, cooking and sport, and caring for grandchildren, can become such a painful effort that often all we can do is rely on painkillers or an endless round of costly appointments to various therapists and, worse, stop doing all the activities we love.

Persistent musculoskeletal pain affects the joints, bones, tendons and muscles in the body and as many as three out of 10 adults in the UK are living with it. Although it can be triggered by an injury, there is often no obvious cause.

Now a new technology to help reduce such musculoskeletal pain is available, which entails just wearing a comfortable silicone band or necklace close to the source of the pain, to get you back the active life you deserve.

Produced by NOVA Medical Solutions in Yorkshire, the QTECH® bands contain Supa-Quartz, a powerful substance that naturally absorbs pain when worn close to the affected area and appears to inhibit pain signals going to the brain.

This Supa-Quartz, or ‘shocked’ quartz, was discovered close to the site of an ancient meteorite and has been shown to contain a high amount of activation energy, which gives it the ability to harvest energy that might enable it to interrupt the pain signals to the brain.

To make this work, finely divided shocked quartz is suspended in a flexible silicone resin, which is made into a band designed to be worn between the site of pain – such as the wrist, elbow, back or knee – and the brain.

The QTECH® devices already developed are a Rotate Band for the wrist or anklet; Swing Band for the elbow; Power Band for the knee; Brace Band for the back and a stylish Flex Necklace for the neck. They are registered as Class 1 Medical Devices.

Forty users with persistent pain reported reduction or disappearance of their pain within two days, while a series of 115 sufferers with pain reported reduction or disappearance of their pain within one to two days, and none of them wanted to give the product back.

Malcolm, 69 says, ‘This a first because I have never reviewed before. I have had knee pain now since an operation on it 18 months ago. I have bought many, many pain relief ‘solutions’, ALL to no avail! Your QTECH knee relief’ The cost put me off at first, but I bought one and received it three days ago. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! As soon as I put it on my pain ‘disappeared’. The other night I took it off to sleep. I awoke with a little pain. The discomfort was nothing to what I usually get. The pain went as soon as I replaced the knee band. I CANNOT BELIEVE IT! Thank you very, very much!’

And with 90% of users reporting a marked improvement or even elimination of their persistent pain, a QTECH® device, with long-lasting Supa-Quartz (along with a three-year guarantee), has to be worth a try to regain the freedom for a full active life.

Watch the QTECH® story here


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