
Zoom date ideas: How to have a successful virtual date

During the pandemic, virtual dates have emerged as a safe way to meet potential romantic partners while observing stay-at-home guidelines. 

Though nothing can replace face-to-face interaction, virtual dates have their upsides; many people report finding it easier to relax and be themselves when they’re comfortable in their own environment, and particularly when meeting someone for the first time, a Zoom date avoids wasted time and money if sparks don’t fly.

Ready to give it a go? Here’s some Zoom date ideas and tips to help you have a great virtual date.

Don’t multitask

It’s surprisingly easy to get distracted when you’re on video chat. Turn off notifications on your computer, tablet or smartphone and remember that the camera goes both ways. Your date will be able to easily see if your focus has gone elsewhere.

Set a time limit in advance

First dates are a lot of pressure, and long video chats can be surprisingly draining. A good idea is to set a time limit in advance and agree on it: 45 minutes to an hour is a good length of time on a first date. It’s long enough to have a drink, break the ice and enjoy some conversation. If at the end you find you want to keep talking, you can schedule another date. If it’s not a match, you’ll be able to end the call without needing an excuse to leave.

Think about your backdrop

The same way you’d tidy your appearance before a date, it’s important to tidy your backdrop! Think about what your date can see behind you and if you can, select a location in your home that’s free of clutter and you feel reflects your style or personality. If you can, ask a friend to jump on a quick video chat with you – they’ll be able to check and make sure you’re sitting close or far-enough away from the screen and verify what your date will be able to see.

Check the lighting

Following on from this, check your lighting! Sitting in a dark room will cast your face into shadow and make you look tired on screen. Don’t think about how it looks in person – consider how it looks on screen. Most webcams need a bright light source to help you look your best. If it’s during the day, sitting near a window is a great shout.

Try cooking together

For a longer date, having an activity you can both do while on the computer can be a lot of fun and more interesting than sitting and staring at a screen. A fun idea would be to select a recipe in advance and then both prepare it while on the phone – a simple pasta, for example, is a great one to try.

Stay positive

During these strange times, it’s easy to let the conversation go doom-and-gloom. Try to actively stay positive and avoid letting Coronavirus take over the entire conversation. Instead, ask positive questions like “what has most surprised you during lockdown?”

Do you have any great Zoom date tips? Share your wisdom in the comments below! 


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Rachel - Silversurfers Assistant Editor

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