
How to safely clean your ears without cotton buds

When imagining someone cleaning their ears, most people think of someone with a cotton bud shoved in their ear trying to clear out the wax. Despite various warning labels on packaging reading ‘do not insert in the ear canal’, that is the most common association and well-known use for cotton buds.

The problem with cotton buds…

Cleaning the ear with cotton buds may feel nice, but they do more harm than good.  Medical experts warn of ruptured eardrums, leading to pain and bleeding or the worst-case scenario, permanent hearing loss. There is also the risk of tiny fragments of cotton coming away and becoming stuck deep in the ear canal, irritating the delicate skin and causing painful infections.

The shape and size may look perfect for removing irritating ear wax and debris, but inserting cotton buds into the ear can result in the opposite effect, compacting wax deep into the canal and causing far more problems than a little bit of annoying ear wax.

Not built for the job…

If you’re guilty of using cotton buds to clean your ears, you’re not alone — in 1920 the Q-tip® was invented for ear-cleaning. Ignorant to the consequences the practice has persisted, even today after doctors and manufacturers warn of how dangerous it is to insert cotton buds into the ear.

It’s time to put the cotton buds down. There is a safer, better way to get rid of and relieve irritation caused by excess ear wax.

What’s the alternative?

The unique double-ended design of Safe and Sound Health’s Ear Cleaners helps to remove excess earwax without damaging the ear. The cupped end is designed to scoop out excess ear wax, and the ribbed end exfoliates dead skin and gently removes excess earwax.

Made from plastic, they eliminate the risk of small fibres becoming trapped in the ear and can be washed and re-used, limiting the impact cotton buds have on the environment and marine life.

The end of an era

Leave the cotton buds for what they are useful for, collecting DNA samples and removing excess nail polish. Instead get yourself some Safe and Sound Reusable Ear Cleaners.

Your ears will thank you for it.

Buy online on Amazon or in most pharmacies. Find out more about Safe+Sound 


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