
Top tips to prevent insect bites and stings

Ah, the beautiful British summer. Long sunny days, picnics in the park, and unfortunately, pesky insects that seem determined to ruin our outdoor adventures.

While insect bites can be irritating and uncomfortable, there are several measures you can take to minimise your exposure and enjoy the season without the bothersome buzzing and itching.

Here are some top tips to help you ward off those pesky critters:

Cover up

When venturing outside during the summer months, especially in the evenings when insects are more active, it’s wise to cover up exposed skin. Opt for lightweight, loose-fitting clothing that covers your arms and legs. Consider wearing long-sleeved shirts, trousers, and socks to create a physical barrier between you and the insects.

Apply insect repellent: An effective insect repellent can be your best friend during the summer. Look for products containing DEET or Picaridin, as they are proven to be effective against a wide range of insects. Remember to apply the repellent to all exposed areas of skin, following the instructions on the packaging.

If you want to try something chemical-free, Skin So Soft by Avon is not marketed as a mosquito repellent, but many people swear by it. It’s sold as spray infused with natural oils, including jojoba, which has been formulated to help lock-in moisture, leaving your skin soft and smelling great. The Royal Marines first revealed that they used the product as a midge repellent back in 2005!

Avoid fragrances

Insects are attracted to sweet-smelling fragrances, including perfumes, scented lotions, and hair products. To minimise their interest in you, opt for unscented or lightly scented personal care products when spending time outdoors.

Stay away from stagnant water

Mosquitoes, in particular, breed in stagnant water sources. Avoid spending time near ponds, puddles, and other areas where water collects. If you have standing water in your garden, consider emptying containers or using mosquito dunks to prevent breeding.

Use protective screens

Keep insects out of your living spaces by using screens on windows and doors. This way, you can enjoy a cool breeze without inviting unwanted guests inside. Repair any holes or tears in existing screens to ensure they are effective.

Create a bug-free zone

If you love spending time in your garden, consider creating a bug-free zone. Install mosquito netting or use outdoor fans to create a gentle breeze that keeps insects at bay. You can also use citronella candles or torches, as their scent repels mosquitoes.

Time your outdoor activities wisely

Insects are most active during dawn and dusk. If possible, plan your outdoor activities during other times of the day, such as mid-morning or early afternoon when insect activity tends to be lower.

Keep your surroundings tidy

Insects thrive in areas with overgrown vegetation and clutter. Regularly trim your garden, mow the lawn, and remove any debris or standing water to discourage insects from setting up camp in your outdoor space.

Be cautious in wooded areas

If you’re planning a hike or a picnic in a wooded area, be aware that ticks are prevalent in such environments. Wear long-sleeved shirts, trousers tucked into socks, and consider using insect repellent specifically designed to repel ticks. After your outdoor adventure, thoroughly check yourself and your companions for any ticks and promptly remove them if found.

Read more: Everything you need to know about Lyme disease if you’re out for a rural walk

Seek professional help if necessary

If you find yourself constantly battling an insect problem in your home or garden, don’t hesitate to seek professional assistance. Pest control experts can identify the source of the infestation and provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

By following these tips, you can significantly reduce the chances of being bitten by insects during the summer months in the UK. So, slather on that insect repellent, don your summer outfit, and make the most of the glorious British sunshine without the unwelcome attention from buzzing critters.

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Lisa Lawrenson

Mother to 2 young boys + 1 cat, I look after Silversurfers Club+, bringing you lots of fun and interactive content. I hope to see you in our classes soon!

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