
Expert Do’s and Don’t’s of Decluttering – Vintage Cash Cow

Discover 4 top tips for decluttering your home like a pro – and make some extra cash on the way.

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The Do’s and Don’t’s of Decluttering

Are you ready to declutter your mind, body and spirit? Then let’s start with your home. We’ll help you to wave goodbye to those old, broken or unwanted belongings hidden in boxes and cabinets with a little help from Vintage Cash Cow’s excellent decluttering experts.

Vicky Silverthorn – Professional Organiser

Scroll down to uncover their top tips for a successful decluttering session.

Don’t: Create A Giant Pile

Instead of throwing your clutter into the middle of the room and working through it, pick one area of the space and work your way through it methodically. Then, either place items in their proper homes or discard them to avoid unnecessary stress, losing possessions and disorganisation.

Top tip: Completely finish one section of a room before progressing to the next.

Do: Set A Deadline

When we set a deadline, we instinctively make a task fill its allotted time. For example, if you allow two days to clear the shed, this is how long the activity will take. However, if you set yourself a week, you’ll find a way to make the same task occupy this period.

Top tip: Introduce a timer if you think it’ll help to keep you on track.

Don’t: Keep Unnecessary Clutter

Research shows that we become more sentimentally attached to objects as we age, whether a vintage watch owned by your father or an old photo frame purchased on a memorable holiday. Unfortunately, this sentimentality can lead to a cluttered home, so find time to sift through your possessions and identify which pieces you use, bring you joy or those you’re ready to part with.

One way of doing this is by sorting your possessions into two boxes titled – 1) cannot possibly discard, 2) could live without.

Top tip: You’ll need to be strict. But remember, your memories will remain whether or not you keep that old jumper you haven’t seen in 20 years.

Do: Find A Good Home For Your Clutter

Decluttering your home is a great way to boost your mental well-being. But what should you do with the items you no longer need?

Well, you can either dispose of them, give them away or sell them. Giving things away is pretty straightforward; just speak with family and friends or choose a charity shop. Or, if you plan to sell them, decide whether to sell them individually (through a car boot sale or via an online marketplace like eBay) or in bulk with a handy decluttering service like Vintage Cash Cow.

Did you know: Vintage Cash Cow offers a fair price for all your antiques within three working days of your box arriving at its Leeds-based facility? In addition, it provides free and insured postage labels, money in your account the same day or the free return of your items if you don’t accept their offer. Nice, eh?

Use code ‘silver20’ and we’ll add £20 to your first box of items.

*Offer ends 30 April


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