Martial Arts and Wellbeing – Karate Silversurfer

I am Ray, 59, and a full-time carer. In these exerts from my first and only blog, I intend to concentrate on martial arts and other aspects of wellbeing, including mental health as well as physical health.

My interest in martial arts began around the late 60’s/early 70’s, watching wrestling on Saturdays with my dad, and going on to Cannon and Kung Fu with the incomparable David Carradine. Plus boxing – my dad having been a semi-pro boxer.

Mental health is something that will impact many of us, however unlikely it may seem now, and suffice it to say I have both personal experience and family history in this regard. Karate last night at Seigokan England.  Loved it.  Today,  Worth it?  Absolutely!

Cannot Give It Up!

Even at 59, with aches and pains, bad eyes, bad joints and bad veins, the urge to train remains!

Hell, that was nearly a poem  ….

Whether it is money, family, health or just the busy-ness of life, training, even a few minutes while I am cooking dinner, lifts me in body and spirit, beyond words.  A little tai Chi or a goju ryu karate kata, they all have the same effect on me.  Can’t give it up, can’t beat it!

Martial Arts, Silversurfer Challenges, and Online Training

When I began martial arts, in my 20’s, I had a slightly dodgy back. Now, looking down the barrel of life’s gun at 60 coming at me fast, I have: a very bad back, arthritis hip joints, varicose veins and phlebitis in one leg, flat feet, deformed toenails, and various hand/grip problems. Not to mention an almost total loss of peripheral vision!

But any instructor worth his salt will make allowances. After all, even amongst people of the same age, there are variations in physical ability. And one of the spin-offs of training is increased physical and mental wellbeing. Some bits get stronger, others more flexible. Your mind becomes better at coping with the frustration of not being as fast/strong/agile/whatever as you would like to be.

Furthermore, as a full-time carer these days, I know how awkward it can be to guarantee regular club attendance. So take a look online, and you will find a few websites that offer online training programs. These are not usually any more expensive than attending a class physically. In most, you can take grading tests by submitting video footage, so if this way of learning fits your life and needs, then why not try it?

Despite my challenges, I still train at home most days. And I attend my club when I can. The instructor knows my situation, and makes allowances. That is why I am still hopeful of achieving my second black belt this year or next year….

The Picture

Ray and Santana

Ray and Santana

The hairy one is the Seigokan Chief Instructor for Europe, Jose Santana, 6th Dan black belt (his belt was once black, but the silk covering has worn off with use and years!). The nearly bald one is me….

So Why Not Give Martial Arts a Try?

Just to say if you have always wondered what people see in martial arts, why not give it a try?  Many clubs will let you have a taster lesson free, some even a free month of lessons.  Warning – you could find yourself hooked for life!

Seriously, you could find yourself feeling fitter, more confident, more alert, as well as gaining self-esteem from actually doing what so many dream of doing….there are two types of martial artist:  those who do it, and those who talk about doing it.  Thanks for reading this. © Ray Homewood, 2015, all rights reserved.

Written by Ray Homewood

About the author

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Hi, I am Ray, 59, and I am a full-time carer. My interests include writing, dog-walking, gardening, reading, music, art, and martial arts.
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