
Should assisted dying be legalised in the UK?

Dame Prue Leith has called on the government to give “proper time” when considering changing the law to allow medically assisted dying.

In a special documentary Prue & Danny’s Death Road Trip, Prue Leith and her son Danny Kruger MP will explore the topic of assisted dying, something they both disagree on. It will be aired tonight at 9pm on Channel 4.

The chef and TV presenter said that her son has a “principled stand” on the topic as he feels there is a danger it will lead to people feeling pressurised into an assisted death.

She continued: “Whereas, I keep saying to him, when you get to my age you speak about death quite a lot. I just feel it’s my life and if I want to end it – which I don’t by the way, I’m really keen on my life – but I would like to have the option.

“I think the law should change. I think we should be allowed to ask for medical assistance to help us die when we’ve absolutely had enough of life.”

She recalled how she watched her elder brother David die in pain from cancer, saying: “He just had the most awful, awful, awful death and it’s true that palliative care can be really great but the truth is it’s not great in this country.

“And there are some cancers and some complaints, the drugs just do not touch. There are something like 7,000 people who die in unrelieved pain.”

Dame Prue added that Parliament needs to address the issue seriously with a “Bill that the government promises will not be talked out”.

Assisted dying has been legalised in several states in the US, in Australia and in several European countries, and a Bill is set to be introduced in the Scottish Parliament next year.

Prue Leith’s documentary is on Thursday 16th February, at 9 pm Channel 4. Will you be watching it tonight or did you watch it?

Should we be allowed to ask for medical assistance to help us die? Or do you agree with Danny Kruger and believe that if the law is changed then there may be a risk of feeling pressurised into assisted death?

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Melina - Assistant Editor

Hi I'm Melina, a mother of 3 teenage children and with a particular interest in all things health related. I run a busy household and smallholding alongside my work with Silversurfers, which currently includes dogs, fish, hens, ducks and pigs!
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