
Why healthcare providers must improve their technology offering

Healthcare providers who are resistant to technology are going to be left behind.

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Technology has huge potential to solve inefficiencies in healthcare, improve its quality, make it more accessible to people from different walks of life and help save public bodies money in the process.

Increasingly, mobile and cloud-enabled platform companies, like Cera, are beginning to surpass the traditional methods used to track a patient’s health. They are developing platforms which combine data from separate sources—such as care reports, patient feedback and tracking of post-discharge patients’ recovery—to provide patients with a real time, comprehensive view of their care. Furthermore, such collection of data from disparate sources will allow for research into various conditions which has huge potential to improve patient outcomes in the future.

Healthcare is not only focusing on collecting data but also using it to support health practitioners’ decision-making processes and allowing patients to monitor their own health. Artificial intelligence technologies use big data, analyse and learn from it to offer patient diagnoses. For example, data from machines monitoring one’s heart rate can be used alongside data collected from care reports about their sleeping pattern, eating habits, mood and behaviour. When combined this information can be analysed to provide a complex diagnosis. This collection and analysis of data by intelligent machines can make access to medical opinion and diagnosis much more democratic and affordable. It enables humans to focus on things only they know how to do best and also removes the need for patients in remote areas to travel long distances in order to access medical opinion. Cera is developing an AI system that will allow care workers and family carers to deal with potentially flagged health problems more quickly and anticipate the need for professional intervention by reading patterns collected through its big data to predict patient outcomes and diagnoses.

Healthcare providers must embrace improvements in technology, as they have huge potential to improve patient outcomes and make healthcare more efficient in the long term.



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