
Want a healthier partner? Improve your own health

Worried that your loved one isn’t as fit and healthy as they could be?

Stuck wondering how to tactfully suggest they make a change to their diet or fitness routine? Well, studies show that simply taking the bull by the horns and getting healthier yourself might be all the motivation your partner needs to join you.

The BBC reported on a study in Jama Internal Medicine that showed that when one half of the couple with unhealthy habits changed to a healthier lifestyle, the other person was more likely to make a similar change. So get started on some great fitness goals together with the help of a few of our top tips.

Finally stop smoking

Smoking remains one of the biggest lifestyle health risks out there. Affecting everything from lung function to blood pressure, it has lots of severe long and short term impact on health. And according to recent surveys, if you kick the habit your partner is more likely to follow suit.

Check out the great NHS Smokefree site which has all kinds of resources to boost motivation levels. Be encouraged via apps, text and emails as well as some excellent reasons for stubbing out and links to specialist support all on this handy site.

Ease your way into exercise

Get up off the sofa and encourage your loved ones to do the same – it’s much easier than you think! If you don’t currently exercise, just a few simple changes to your routine could make a massive difference. Start by making sure you wake a short walk every day – even if you’re only going once round the local park.

Then, look for the kind of classes or activities you’ll love. Swimming is a fantastic, all over workout that’s kind on your joints or you try joining a local dance or yoga class that will provide you with plenty of inspiration.

Drop a few pounds

With the right diet and regular exercise, you can reduce unhealthy weight levels and work towards a fitter you – and if you do, the chances are your partner will too. Start by experimenting in the kitchen – swap your current cookbook for some new, healthy recipes that pack plenty of flavour. Jamie Oliver has some fun, practical suggestions and there are lots of fabulous dishes to try on the BBC Good Food site.

Swap sugary snacks for nuts, fruit and chopped veggies and remember that it’s fine to have a treat occasionally, as long as you’re looking at improving your diet overall. By eating and planning meals together, you can get some good habits in place that will last a lifetime.

Are you ready to get fitter and help your partner along the way?

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Rachel - Silversurfers Assistant Editor

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