Signs your dog is feeling under the weather

We love our furry friends like family – but they can’t always communicate when something is wrong.

Learning to recognise some common signs and symptoms will help you understand quickly if your dog is feeling under the weather and give them the relief or treatment they need.

Here are some common signs your dog is feeling under the weather.

Loss of appetite

If your dog has a sudden change in appetite, keep a close watch. Occasionally, dogs simply grow tired of their food and lose interest, but in other cases, they don’t want food because they aren’t feeling well. If the problem persists, it’s time to see the vet.

Stiffness or difficulty climbing

Stiffness or difficulty climbing can indicate your dog has an injury, but could also indicate the have swelling in the joints, arthritis, hip pain or an internal injury. If their range of movement suddenly shifts or you notice reluctance to climb and jump onto furniture they’d usually have no trouble with, monitor closely, and again, see the vet if necessary.

Loss of energy

Loss of energy or interest in usual activities can be a sign that your dog isn’t feeling his or her usual self. If they have suddenly lost interest in games they once loved or are particularly lethargic after a normal day, keep an eye out as this could be a sign something isn’t right.

Change in bowel movements

Bowel movements are one of the simplest ways to keep an eye on your dog’s digestive health. If they are having upsets or there is a change in bowel movements look at what the cause could be – have they changed food recently or eaten something they shouldn’t have? If it becomes a pattern, seek the advice of your vet.

Laboured breathing

A change in breathing habits can also indicate something isn’t quite right. If there is coughing, sneezing, excessive panting or laboured breathing try and determine the cause – are they too hot or is there too much dust in their environment?

Get pet insurance

We all want the best for our dog, and if they ever do get sick, pet insurance can help you cover the very high cost of veterinary care, particularly if it’s a serious illness.