
6 unusual uses for Vaseline

Most people associate Vaseline with moisturising dry skin or preventing chapped lips.

However, this versatile product has a wide range of surprising uses that extend far beyond its typical skincare applications.

From household chores to beauty hacks, the possibilities for using Vaseline are endless. Here are six of the best:

  1. Remove makeup: Vaseline can be used as a natural makeup remover. Apply a small amount to a cotton ball or pad and gently rub over your eyes and face to remove makeup.
  2. Protect skin from dye: Before colouring your hair, apply a thin layer of Vaseline around your hairline to prevent dye from staining your skin.
  3. Prevent blisters: Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to areas of the skin that are prone to blisters, such as the back of the heels, before wearing new shoes to prevent friction.
  4. Protect cuts and scrapes: Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to cuts and scrapes to protect them from infection and help them heal faster.
  5. Shine shoes: Use Vaseline to shine and protect leather shoes. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline to your shoes and buff with a soft cloth.
  6. Lubricate zips: Apply a small amount of Vaseline to the teeth of a zip to help it slide more smoothly.

Do you have any clever uses for vaseline? Let us know in the comments below!

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Lisa Lawrenson

Mother to 2 young boys + 1 cat, I look after Silversurfers Club+, bringing you lots of fun and interactive content. I hope to see you in our classes soon!

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