Dear NHS

As we are coming up to the 65th birthday celebration of the NHS I wondered if people would appreciate this poem?

This one is a little political but then since it is politicians that make the decisions about OUR vital health services it is difficult not the be affected by the difficulties faced by the NHS at present, so I hope no one is offended by my honesty. We should be celebrating supporting and thanking all those who work in the NHS and do such an amazing job, despite these increasing challenges…..



I am writing you this letter because you have always given me your best

And I feel so sad as I know just lately you are being put to the test

My grandmother did not have the luxury of health care with the NHS

Dangerous home remedies were administered without success

The poor received no medical treatment and much needed care

It was regarded as a luxury for the rich only, so not equal or fair

Major social reforms were needed to overcome sickness and disease

Nye Bevan championed your creation with great passion and ease

A universal system, with key principles that promoted good health

Paid for, by us, through taxes and accessible to all regardless of wealth

Medical advances, and highly skilled personnel made you our national treasure

The envy of the rest of the world that should remain this way forever

You were there for me before I was even born

Delivered safely into your strong arms on a sunny May morn

You ensured me, my twin sister, both tiny babies, survived

Taking great care of us so that we stayed well and thrived

When I became ill with rheumatic fever you gave me medication

A kind family doctor visited every day showing such consideration

I broke a bone but it was very soon mended by you

So I could dance once more and was as good as new

When I had my own baby and he became ill

He was looked after with gentleness and the utmost skill

A cruel virus made my heart poorly that caused me a lot of strife

But a dedicated team of doctors and nurses restored the rhythm of my life

When my own parents became elderly and rather frail

You made sure at the end of their life they were comfortable, without fail

Like a mother your unconditional love and compassion have always been there

So I am writing to thank you to show how much I truly care

I promise I will do all I can to make certain I never ever let you die

To be stolen from us by private profiteers, I cannot understand why

You belong to us and we need to take great care of you in your time of need

And most of all ensure that you are not totally destroyed by corporate greed.



©Suzanne Kelsey 2013


About the author

Suzanne Kelsey
10 Up Votes
I am now (reluctantly) reitred from my work as a teacher/lecturer which has been a very long and happy career that focused on education, child development, dance, drama and teacher training. I was also a health and fitness tutor and contemporary dance teacher in my spare time! I love tai chi, photography, music, dance, theatre, reading, walking, mindfulness/meditation, social media and learning something new every day. I write poetry to raise money for good causes. I am passionate about campaigning for social justice and saving our NHS here in the UK. I also love my partner, my family and my friends and like to spend as much time with them as possible.

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