For Mum on Mother’s Day

For Mum on Mother’s Day

I took my Mum out shopping.
She’s really very kind.
And wanted to buy a gift for me,
The best that she could find.

We trawled the High Street up and down
‘Til we were fit to drop.
Then, along a little alleyway
We found an antique shop.

A myriad of goods for sale
A vast array to see
Bur nothing really suited,

Then with a cheeky grin
I turned to the dealer and said
‘How much would you give me for Mum here?
As much as an old Steiff Ted?’

He cast his eye upon her
And went into ‘Road Show’ mode.
Critical, appraising, honest,
As befits a Dealer’s code.

‘How did you come by this piece?’ he started.
‘I saw one alike last December’.
‘Well’, I said ‘She’s just always been with us
for as long as I can remember’.

‘This is a finer example than
the one I saw last year.
The way she stands, her shoulders back,
shows infinite quality here.

‘True, there’s been some wearing.
New teeth and hearing aid.
Glasses of course, that’s normal
But her beauty will never fade.

‘I find her totally charming.
For her, time has proved no thief.
Thank you for bringing her in.
She’s as rare as old hens teeth’.

And then he told me something
That I already knew.
I should cherish her forever
And ever after, too.

‘For Mums like yours are priceless.
You only have the one
And monetary value won’t compensate
for everything she’s done’.

You’re our Mum, Granny and Great-Granny
And you’ll always be Dad’s wife.
You are my gift and here’s the thing:
I’ve had you all my life.

About the author

Sue N
561 Up Votes

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