TV Licences

I always pay my Television Licence on time because the fine for not having one is very hefty. However recently I have asked myself if I am getting real value for my money.

Over the last two months or so (it feels like forever) the programmes offered have been mostly about sport. Lovely if you like it, but apart from the opening of the Olympics when the Queen parachuted down at the opening celebrations I did not watch any sports at all. Not the Grand Prix, Wimbledon, Golf, Football or Cricket or the Tour de France. I confess I did watch Royal Ascot only to see the hats the women wore!

With so many sporting events taking place many over run the times allotted to them, so if you have a favourite programme you will find it has been moved from its normal spot or cancelled.

If you, like me don’t like sports the alternative programmes seem to be repeats all of which have probably seen by viewers before. The films shown have cropped up so many times . No thanks, I don’t want to see the The Pirates of the Caribbean or Babe again nor any of the other films shown time after time.

I do enjoy Dad’s Army but have lost count of the number of episodes I have watched. That also goes for The Good Life and many other sitcoms, lovely but no thanks I would like some new comedies please although I confess I love Miranda!

There have been lots of new programmes which apparently have been a success. We are told how many viewers have been watching which channel, but how do they know? It is a mystery to me, doubtless others could answer my question and I would love to hear from them.

Creeping up in popularity are cooking programmes. I love cooking and can spend hours reading a cookery book but that doesn’t mean that I want to watch famous chefs share their secrets in a competition. The tears and tantrums shed are probably on a par with a sous chef in one of Gordon Ramsey’s restaurant.

There are plenty more I can think of but horror of horrors we have more scheduled to arrive on our TV screens soon. Recently a new cooking game show is being shown where the hapless contestants have to win some ingredients and then make a dish with them. I watched the first one to see if it was entertaining or just on a par with all the other game shows currently being shown which I loathe. I shan’t be viewing that one again.

I did watch what my brother termed Mindless TV one day when I was waiting for a delivery and was amazed to see people putting themselves up for ridicule all in the name of entertainment. I am sure that there are plenty of people who watch this dross and then apply to be a contestant in the hope of winning vast amounts of money. One poor girl appeared on a prime time show cried so much after she missed out on winning £100,000 that the host suggested she buy some waterproof mascara as she resembled a like a giant panda.

How humiliating. But that is not bad compared to the programme called Gifted Children. The poor things are also often in tears when they don’t get a question right. It’s a bit like the Christians being thrown to the Lions. I think the parents are totally to blame and their faces when their child gets an answer wrong say it all. When interviewed these people say that their child is happy to take part, but I think that the parents want to bask in the glory when their child wins. Lord knows what happens if they don’t, my heart goes out to the children being put under such pressure at such a young age.

Home make-overs are popular and they too are multiplying. They have many different approaches, but the ending is always the same with tears of gratitude while the new decorations are revealed. I would like to know what happens if the owners of the house hate the changes made? We will never know because I am sure that their reaction is not shown, and the TV people did another take making sure that the owners are in raptures at the transformation of their home.

Dog programmes are on the up, I don’t mind those because I love my canine friends. But how come that once one appears another is quickly shown on another channel? The TV companies must work very quickly to grab the highest rating.

Just to test my theories about the programmes I counted up some of Sunday and Mondays offerings . There will be nine cookery programmes, seventy five repeats and six sports broadcast. I rest my case.

So maybe I am turning into a grumpy old lady but I definitely think the cost of the TV Licence is far too much. I wonder if you share my views?

About the author

Jane Buckle
13 Up Votes
My Grandfather was called Bertie Buckle. He was a journalist in Fleet Street then went to live in India and founded the Bombay Gazette. I am not certain this was true but that was what my father told me! I always wanted to be a journalist but ended up doing Public Relations and Advertising, both of which meant that I was writing Press Releases, brochures and articles about clients. I formed my own little business specialising in P.R and Advertising. Unfortunately my clients drifted away one by one. They thought young and enthusiastic girls were preferable to an old lady of 55! I then moved to France where I lived for six blissful years. I renovated and sold houses and finally I realised my dream and wrote for three magazines there. I even had my own column in one of them. On my return to England I pitched for freelance work with all sorts of magazines and papers. I did write some pieces but I was over the moon when Silversurfers accepted an article. I like to think Bertie would be proud of his granddaughter.

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