Are you Linked in?

Linkedin is the social networking site for people who want  to be connected to others in their working profession. It is a huge success story now having about 150 million members (compared to about 500 million on Twitter and 0ver 900 million on Facebook). Linkedin was started in 2002 by Reid Hoffman in the USA and has really grown rapidly in the past two years making it now the largest global professional network in over 200 countries. It floated in 2011 and its shares are now double the value in Summer 2012. One reason is the number of the members on it. Another is the fact that many jobs are now advertised on it and its got a huge potential to capture a large slice of the estimated £80 billion annual executive search and recruitment market.


You don’t need to spend a lot of time on Linkedin just place your professional qualifications, working experience (like a CV) and then you can start to connect to both people you know and also send requests to people who may be in your network. It’s a fantastic way to catch up with old colleagues and also look for new business opportunities. See for details. It’s worth getting your children and grandchildren of working age to register on it as well as it can open new opportunities in their chosen profession and they can make new contacts.


Are you a member of Linkedin?





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Silverhairs editor

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