
Mr Rabbit’s Hat in a Rabbit Habitat

This witty ditty was written by Don Read … 


Mr Rabbit’s Hat in a Rabbit Habitat 

Mister Rabbit wore his latest fashion hat as he perambulated through his favourite rabbit habitat.

Last time he strolled this way his hat blew off and landed in a puddle

“Oh, me oh my what shall I do? I’m really in a muddle”

There was really nothing for it but to go and buy another

He could, of course, have borrowed one from his most obliging brother

But no he had a favourite hatter who would sell him one that fitted

His sister said she’d lend him one with polka dots she’d knitted

When Mr Hatter saw the Rabbit he said, “My dear friend what’s the matter?”

“My lovely hat is ruined. It’s like a Yorkshire pudding but decidedly much flatter “.

The hatter stroked his chin. “I think I’ve got one just your style

It’s got a sort of safety harness. Might create a smile

OK it’s called a chin strap. And it’s gale resistant

I’ll have one brought up right away. Now where is my assistant?”

Mr Rabbit tried one on and cried, “Ah yes this will do the trick

It will cover up my bald patch where my hair was once so thick”.

I know what. I’ll take two. You never know what the wind will do, I don’t want to land up in a fix

On second thoughts. I’ll take six.

So if you’ve got a rabbit and he’s living in a hutch

And you care about him deeply and you love him very much

Let him out to wander through the rabbit habitat

But be sure to let him contact Mr Rabbit and get a rabbit chin strap hat.

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Written by:  Don Read 21.8.15 ©

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Don Read

I managed Sir John Dankworth’s big band for six years from the age of 22. During a sixty year journey which has taken him from Bradford school boy to Nottinghamshire poet and lyricist, Don Read has amassed an eclectic mix of songs, stories, articles and poems. Sometimes heart-warming, often downright daft, but all written from his own unique perspective. 

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