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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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13th Sep 2023 17:22:17 (Last activity: 28th Nov 2023 22:14:43)
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Hi I'm new here I live in Essex anyone up for a chat
Response from Artistry made on 18th Nov 2023 05:23:23
Hi there! Time differences may be a problem as I'm in NZ, but if you care to take a chance on times, do text away.,
Response from Chermeup made on 28th Nov 2023 22:14:43
Hi I’m in norfolk want to chat
14th Sep 2023 05:33:53 (Last activity: 19th Nov 2023 20:46:00)
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I’m in the US and I’d love to chat! I’m alone here and I’d love to meet some lovely people and just chat!
Response from Sassafras made on 19th Nov 2023 20:46:00
I’m available to chat. I’m in the US, too.
16th Nov 2023 16:31:05
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Me too. I just joined the town. I want to meet new people.
3rd Nov 2023 14:22:27 (Last activity: 8th Nov 2023 11:22:39)
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Hello my name is Denise I am retired (71)
married and would to chat
Response from zspike54 made on 8th Nov 2023 11:22:39
I see by your post that this place has a quick turnaround. haha.
8th Nov 2023 11:20:55
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Hello to all, I am a 69 year old guy.
23rd Oct 2023 01:39:15 (Last activity: 26th Oct 2023 19:18:45)
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Are their any women out there who are having issues with vanity. How do you deal with it?
Response from Burnished bronze made on 26th Oct 2023 19:18:45
If it weren't for nature and it's cruelties it would be much easier to be vain but you can't be vain when nature and gravity has its way your forced to go with the flow
29th Jul 2023 19:31:39 (Last activity: 24th Oct 2023 20:41:45)
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Hello, 59 yo male from Tucson, Arizona here. would love to chat with someone.
Response from Kazara made on 28th Aug 2023 00:37:36
Hey, azhandy! I'm looking for someone to chat with as well! I am Kazara, live in Southern Oregon, and would love to exchange ideas and life's ups and downs with you. I know you wrote back in July 29th, and I am a bit long in replying as I just joined this site and thought I would check it out and reply to some people and see if I can get some responses. This Covid thing has certainly put a damper on socialization for me, and I am sure for many others as well. I thought it was going to get better this Fall, but it appears there is yet a new more complicated strain coming around to require new shots....sigh!
I love animals, horse back riding, dogs, cats, dancing, chatting, getting to know others and their interests and hobbies. And, these days, it appears it is a bit safer to exchange ideas and interests on line rather than in public. Hope you are up for chatting as I would love to exchange some communications.
Let me know some of your interests and who you are.
Thanks, Kazara
Response from Rainbows57 made on 14th Sep 2023 05:37:18 > @Kazara
Hi, Kazaa. I just joined, read your comment, and would love to chat!!
Response from sogashiagmailcom made on 22nd Oct 2023 08:23:02
Hey there
I’m from Mesa, az. 52. Retired, single and living with my adult sons who have Autism. Looking for people to chat with. Lately I’ve been in a rut of boredom and I need some adult conversation. I e been in your neck of the woods a few times. (Reid Park Zoo, Kartchner Caverns). Still haven’t seen the big telescope. Anyway,
Response from azhandy made on 24th Oct 2023 20:41:45 > @Kazara
Hello Kazara, thanks for responding. I hope you are doing well and the weather in Oregon is treating you well? Today is cool in Tucson…finally! It is 78 and cloudy with a chance of rain which is unusual for this time of year.
I’m about to go into the dentist office for an appointment. I hope to hear back from you. John
23rd Oct 2023 01:40:44
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9th Oct 2023 19:42:11
Thanks for voting!
14th Sep 2023 05:31:12 (Last activity: 29th Sep 2023 17:00:36)
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I’m also 78, feel 52, and alone. I’d love to meet some friends here!
Response from Rainbows57 made on 22nd Sep 2023 10:30:23
I’m far away from you, but love to read, used to ride my bike a lot but not lately. How are you? What are you reading?
Response from Rainbows57 made on 22nd Sep 2023 17:35:18
I’m read Elin Hilderbrand’s most recent book. She write fiction about people on Nantucket and I e joy them.

Any weekend plans?

Response from Rainbows57 made on 22nd Sep 2023 19:19:25
I’m boring, laundry and knitting Christmas gifts..
Response from Rainbows57 made on 23rd Sep 2023 19:14:32
Hats for the boys,, headbands and matching gloves for the girls.

First day of fall!! I love fall and winter!

Did you go cycling?
Response from Charlie1963 made on 29th Sep 2023 16:52:03 > @Rainbows57
Hello how are you
Response from Rainbows57 made on 29th Sep 2023 17:00:36
Slowly but surely I’m on my last Christmas gift now, but it will require more time than I’ve devoted to it so far. It’s overcast here, what is the weather doing where you are?
22nd Sep 2023 21:27:55 (Last activity: 24th Sep 2023 18:14:37)
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hi im new here
Response from Gal70 made on 24th Sep 2023 18:14:37
Hi I’m new here as well
22nd Sep 2023 20:00:19
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In general I am a very very quiet man, I let my wife if out kick off any conversations, why? Because since leaving the military then became disabled ,I saw it as a challenge , got a top class assistance dog, one that transformed my whole life, I really got into things, put my hand to disability campaigning, love it, but around 2017 , things started to change for the worse.

I found money crept hard into campaigning , like once going to show up a famous football, who regularly parked in a disabled bay for near three hours, just as the team of charity workers were going to ensure this hit the media big time, but at the 11th hour , sponsors of the footballer and his club , threaten to cease giving the charity , who I was going to do this with , cease giving funds, then slowly , like daylight starting I began to see corruption ,money, stop things by charities doing to improve disabled lives. But what got to me terrible, was the massive salary CEO of disabled charities got, so I become so dissolution , that I ceased campaigning.

But the hardest part was finding life after they armed forces , just to hard to take, felt I had nothing in common with civilians, I tried and tried , but in the end I gave it away, as I said my wife does the replies , but my assistance dog I got in 2018 is my soul mate, he truly is my life line.

My complex military PTSD is what my dog helps me get through, what with my wife who is the Rock of Gibraltar, she is out of this world, so with my dog add my wife I have it all. I love training him, a military charity appointment a world class behaviourist cum trainer, he oversee , that my training was to the most highest standard going.

So there you have it .
15th Jul 2023 22:58:27 (Last activity: 22nd Sep 2023 10:43:19)
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Anyone out there who knows how this works...
Response from Rainbows57 made on 22nd Sep 2023 10:43:19
Ha! I don’t know how this works, either, so let me know if and when you find out!
22nd Sep 2023 10:33:37
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Well I just replied to myself when I meant to reply to you. I hope this goes where it’s intended. I’m in New England…why are you new to your town? Job transfer
15th Sep 2023 14:43:33
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I'm from the US also. And I'm looking forward to chatting with people from anywhere.
14th Sep 2023 03:05:23 (Last activity: 14th Sep 2023 19:51:26)
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Response from Burnished bronze made on 14th Sep 2023 19:51:26
Hi dannyriver I just had a quick look on her and thought I'd say hi hope that you're ok I'm in Birmingham by the way
14th Sep 2023 05:29:06
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Wow. This comment is old, but worth a try:: I just joined. I’m older than you are, but I’m alone and I’d love to meet some lovely friends here!
9th Sep 2023 00:22:39
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I m 66 looking someone to cruise with
28th Aug 2023 00:46:27
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Hi Carol3y: Just saw your note from two days ago, and thought I would respond. I am looking to connect with someone, anyone anywhere as with Covid and disasters nearly everywhere, it's very difficult to have any kind of social life. I am living in Southern Oregon and the friends I had are all doing other things with Covid going around, so I am at home a lot and looking for some stimulating conversation with others. I am new here and not really sure exactly how this site works. Not sure if I have to check it every day for a response or if a response comes to my inbox. But, I guess I will learn.

I love animals, have six cats, two horses, and had whippets for several years, but lost my last one last November. I am a devout animal lover! I also love dancing, singing, walking, exploring, movies, and probably a lot of other things, just not on my mind right now. Would love to hear from you and where you moved to and how making new friends is going. I find it difficult to make new friends the older I get because I am not that gregarious. So I hope in that respect you are doing well and are able to increase your friends in your new place.

Love to hear from you, carol3y!
25th Aug 2023 02:23:59
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Hello Rhyll,

I am 73 and moved to a new place during covid, so I have not been able to make new friends here. Or get out and about etc.

Carol L
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