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Hello - looking for like minded friends to chat with

Hey, just new to the group, I’m 50, female, and new to a town where I know no one... just looking for people to chat to

Created By on 07/09/2020

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25th Aug 2023 02:23:59
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Hello Rhyll,

I am 73 and moved to a new place during covid, so I have not been able to make new friends here. Or get out and about etc.

Carol L
11th Aug 2023 15:32:02
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I hope you're doing well. Which town are you talking about? I'm available and happy to chat with you

17th Jun 2021 21:29:39 (Last activity: 11th Aug 2023 08:36:04)
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Hi all , I'm new just joined singleton looking for like minded people to chat with , meet for a coffee or a travel buddy . Based in Cumbria and would like to travel mainly in the uk for now.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Jun 2021 07:53:24
Hi KAZ04,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Ariadne made on 11th Aug 2023 08:36:04 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Hello Sally ,this is the only way I can find to contact you with a question
I just wanted to know ,why there is never a "Private Chat "under my pieces ?
5th Aug 2023 17:44:51 (Last activity: 5th Aug 2023 22:40:08)
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Hmm, ok, am in northern New Jersey; not sure for how much longer, some months; probably more, ....but ..going at some point.
As the name implies, am for most part simply-entertained. Straight forward things... gardens, books, stoves, engines, golf balls [in a high straight flight], woods and water make me more or less right w/ the world.
Absent any of the above, or in spite of all;.... a book will do the same. Am a reader, info-gatherer, regularly in his own thoughts and the thoughts and words of writers.]
Not lonely,...but often somehow at times am solo, even in crowded places. Don't actually "love"! crowded places, don't fear them. Question them. U know the feeling. It seems this time and the things in this time make us all feel somehow a little unsure. We don't quite know what to comfortably trust,
I can attest,.... you can trust a garden to be a garden, a stove to be able to get you to a meal [providing you have the know-how]. And a golf ball will stay exactly where it is, and wait for you to execute.
I'm 6ft tall, I weigh 185lbs. I'm strong enough and well co-ordinated enough to make golf look like a fun time, vs. torture.
I used to run on the golf course in early evenings; watching the deer, and rabbits, and ground hogs as i ran. It's a serene place and a serene time of day. It's one of the nicest, most satisfying things i have ever repeatedly done ...and I've done a lot of things.
Response from Emmee made on 5th Aug 2023 20:34:03
Ah, sounds like you found your "happy place". It seems to be the place you can trust when places and circumstances cause us pause.
I'm surrounded by woods, water and all kinds of creatures. I've fought to keep them away from my living areas for the most part successfully, and I get teased often about that!
Enjoy your serenity. I'm alone but never lonely. 🙂
Response from golfergardnerfilmerreadercook made on 5th Aug 2023 22:40:08 > @Emmee
Hi emmee, [M.E.?....Mary Elizabeth, or Em as in Emily,... : ) no matter.]

Thanks for, nice of you to do. As for what you wrote,.....makes me a little envious of the serenity outside your doors. I grew up in a rural area / 55 miles south of Pittsburgh, Pa..... small town USA and a million miles outside the information highway. Heck, we didn't even really have a "Highway" compared to New Jersey's Garden State Parkway with it's 5 lanes in ea. direction.
And, the oddest of chances.... i wound up working and living in the busiest / most populated metro area of the country.
I'm so new to this "chat?" group way of sharing, communicating, etc.
....well, I'll get the idea of it.
One thing you said "found your happy place"...... not exactly, but working on it. This place and these stressed out, in a rush to get in line people; I just don't have the patience to be in this maelstrom a more ....if I ever did.
I know how to feel peaceful and I have a very secure center/core. I know what i am,...and i don't need a lot to be content.
22nd Jul 2023 21:28:02
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Just joined and looking to chat
18th Jul 2023 21:38:56 (Last activity: 19th Jul 2023 12:20:35)
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I'd love to know as well
Response from Burnished bronze made on 19th Jul 2023 11:36:57
Hi there welcome to this site
Response from SteveS1957 made on 19th Jul 2023 12:20:35
A Brummy is someone who comes from Birmingham uk
15th Jul 2023 22:50:03 (Last activity: 16th Jul 2023 09:10:39)
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what is a brummy
Response from SteveS1957 made on 16th Jul 2023 09:10:39
A Brummy is someone who comes from Birmingham uk
15th Jul 2023 22:59:54
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Hi too! Im conservative but not carazeee right...and Im a Christian
15th Jul 2023 22:48:30
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I'm retired...friends seem to be evaporating. looking for conservative, Christian individuals.
13th Jul 2023 19:41:49
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Back after a long lay off, hope everyone well and I’m ready for chat.
I’m a brummy but don’t let that put you off..
2nd Jul 2023 17:46:51 (Last activity: 6th Jul 2023 10:47:05)
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Hi! I’m new here … just wanted to make friends and chat
Response from Burnished bronze made on 2nd Jul 2023 21:06:31
Hi how is it going with you
Response from DanBlitz made on 5th Jul 2023 07:22:30
hi where are you from?
Response from Burnished bronze made on 6th Jul 2023 10:47:05 > @DanBlitz
Hiya welcome to the site I'm in Birmingham where are you from hoping this message finds you in good condition
1st Jul 2023 15:27:13 (Last activity: 3rd Jul 2023 20:09:03)
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I'm a 78 year old woman looking for friends to chat with online as I am pretty much homebound at this time. I am interested in current affairs.
Response from ancienthag made on 3rd Jul 2023 20:09:03
Hi we gal
How are you doing today? I’m 57, live in n.e. Uk and I’m interested in current affairs too. I’m also pretty much homebound. What really gets your goat webgal? What irritates/pleases/makes you smile?
1st Jul 2023 13:20:29
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I'm 55 & want to make friends in the area
1st Jul 2023 13:17:43
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New user, want to make some friends to enjoy activities with.
30th Jun 2023 19:06:32
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Hello, I am new also. I'm 78 and recently got out of the hospital and am pretty much homebound. I'm looking to chat with my fellow seniors for friendship. I am interest in current affairs and politics plus anything to do with the web as I am a semi-retired (only 2 clients) web developer.
26th Jun 2023 14:34:54 (Last activity: 29th Jun 2023 20:08:37)
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Hello I am also new I am older 63 new to all this chatting stuff
Response from Burnished bronze made on 29th Jun 2023 20:08:37
Hi just wanted to respond to your post how are you
27th Jun 2023 22:06:41
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Looking for conversation related to current affairs and 19th & 20th century social history.
8th Jun 2023 14:59:51 (Last activity: 26th Jun 2023 03:22:17)
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Hi, I am Tracy and I am 55. I am recently returned from living abroad and really know few people. I love to chat and to think and to learn and to travel. I am quite a non-judgemental person so all opinions make me at least think first. I love mountains and train travel so quite nerdy there. Probably can't chat about Love Island or Dance Moms but even then, I'll give it a go.
Response from Burnished bronze made on 8th Jun 2023 18:51:15
Hi nice to hear from you I also like going different places I like the train too so much has changed in the last few years in regards to travel constant strikes making it harder to plan travel
Response from Martinlee made on 26th Jun 2023 03:22:17
Hello Tracy, nice to meet you. my name is martin and i also soend a lot of time out of the country.
26th Jun 2023 03:20:00
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11th Jun 2023 04:54:20
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