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Just joined so I'm introducing myself.

I will be 67 next month and retired from the many different jobs in my working life. I guess that I didn’t ever find my calling. I went to university at age 59 but when it was over it was too late to launch a new career. I wanted to lecture but students don’t want to listen to old fogies, so sadly I put aside that idea and settled into life as an eccentric dog owner.

I live in a beautiful Lancashire valley surrounded by hills that demand they be walked/climbed, how could I refuse?

I would like to do a bit of cycle touring but a recent diagnosis of spondylosis and some hip pain means that I may not be doing a world tour anytime soon!

I’m keen to make some friends as I have been on my own for a very long time now, my daughters don’t bother much with me and I don’t have a partner.I didn’t expect to be so isolated at this time in my life, isn’t it strange the way family and friends seem to forget us when we get past 60?

I will pop in regularly and hope to strike up some friendships.

Created By on 09/03/2015

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2nd Sep 2015 19:29:36 (Last activity: 9th Sep 2015 16:27:38)
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Just joined today. At a new stage in my life. Been taking care of parents since 2005 - dad survived to 95 years, and mam to 98 years and 6 months. Taken me 12 months to clear the house. Resigning on 31 August from a part time job teaching for Aberystwyth University. Facing that horrendous watershed of 70 years at the end of the year. Two friends have died so far this year, and another has suffered a minor stroke. What a shock all this has been. Appalling shock. Never, ever considered myself old before. Ugh! Ugh!

So, new stage and new ventures. Anybody else where I am?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 7th Sep 2015 17:39:58
Hello Glaslyn, I'm sorry that I haven't replied to you sooner, but, well one thing leads to another, as the song goes, and I have neglected to log in here for a while.
You seem to have been through the wringer a bit in recent months , but i'm sure you will come out of it a stronger person than before; the human spirit is so strong in times of crisis.
Old at 70? Never, age is only a number, so they say, although i know people much younger than myself who have simply given up and are, in effect, just waiting to die!
Are you Welsh, I'm part Welsh myself, my Gran was from South Wales and I think that I have always 'felt' Welsh, deep down inside my soul.
When I went to uni I was asked, 'what is your national identity?' Without even having to think about it, I answered, 'Welsh.'
I'm happy to chat at any time, but not at 3am please!
Hwl fawr
Response from Glaslyn made on 7th Sep 2015 20:55:51
Thanks for your message.

I haven't quite come to grips with the layout of this site as yet. However, I have written about myself in a profile, and imagined that this profile would be accessible by simply clicking on my fictional name? Not so?

Yes, I am a Welsh speaking Welshwoman living in a far-flung place called Porthmadog. Are you Welsh on your father or mother's side? Did you know and visit your Gran? Where did she live?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 9th Sep 2015 16:27:38
I'm Welsh on my father's side, his mam was from Neath, Glamorgan. I have tried to trace Gran's side of the family without success, it just seems to have come to an end when she and her parents moved to England. There must be cousins and it would be great to find them, perhaps i will give it another go.

7th Sep 2015 21:46:09
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Is this your profile? Still confused about this site!
19th Aug 2015 23:20:19
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celtwitch hello it's nice to meet you I have lots of alone time too sadly more than I'd like to but I think it happens to all of us at some point, now we need to reach out to each other give lots of hugs and share all our hopes and dreams. Lord knows we still have them
13th Aug 2015 16:54:32
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I will be your friend 🙂 I am 57 and also have been on my own for some years and sometimes find it rather lonely. Good on you for doing a degree at 59, I do not think I would have the courage to do such a thing, you must be a confident person.
I am also a dog owner and find myself walking her around the countryside where I live, I used to have a horse but these days I don't think I would be able to manage all the work mucking out and cleaning the field.
Strange how we find it so difficult to make friends when we hear from the media that there are so many people who live alone, children grow up and have their own lives and its hard not to feel sad thinking about the past.
Like you, the last thing I expected was to be on my own in later life having had a full and happy family life for so long.
Would be happy to communicate with you - Julie
18th Mar 2015 22:07:03
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Hi all - especially Celtwitch and Sandra and dogs as I dont think I have spoken to you before!
Sorry to hear you are feeling so alone Celtwitch. I found that relationships with friends and family changed when I was widowed and making new friends is very difficult compared to when I was young.
What did you study at Uni? When I moved last year I joined U3A as it helps to have specific stuff to do outside of home. They are always looking for people with interests to share. I have heard some great speakers on all sorts of subjects and there are group leaders too - many with no qualifications but lots of interest and enthusiasm.
Through U3A I have acquaintances rather than friends, but am persevering.
Also It is a real bummer when our health issues interfere with us doing what we enjoy... I cant walk as far I used to and it is so annoying. However, I am planning to get another dog as soon as I have moved into my own place again . It may have to be a smaller/slower dog than before but I am enjoying looking at websites on breeds and rescue dogs and training and in fact, all things doggy! and catty!
What's Reiki? 😕
Sandra and dogs
12th Mar 2015 18:17:00
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Hi. I've just joined Silver Surfers so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm retired and I live in Cheshire with my two dogs. My lovely daughter and son-in-law live about 10 minutes' drive away and my parents (in their late 80s) about the same distance away. I've recently joined a U3A watercolour painting class and am loving it, even though I have a long way to go before I can show my paintings to anyone! I'm a lapsed Reiki healer, but I do sometimes treat my dogs and they seem to like it. 🙂
Silversurfers Editor
9th Mar 2015 15:16:00
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Welcome Celtwitch ... hope you find some new friends to chat to. You may want to comment under features .. there is quite a lot of activity on Speakers Corner on most days, and we have the biggest social network for over 50s on our facebook page too. Lots of friends to meet there too 🙂
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