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New kid(!) on the block.

Hi Surfers, just joined and want to say hello.

Love the site. I've been retired for six years and mostly enjoy it although I do sometimes miss the friendly banter we had with customers over the counter in the bicycle shop we (my wife and I), used to run. We were in the bike trade for 40 years and enjoyed all aspects of cycling. I especially liked the repair and servicing side.

Since retirement Julia (a genealogist) has concentrated on doing her family history research (she can trace her line back to Rollo the Viking) for herself and others, she loves it.

I enjoy walking Barney our kleptomaniac dog and my passion is writing (Fiction & plays).

Sadly I can no longer ride a bike as I have a severely impaired sense of balance due to inner ear damage. I might get a trike though! Better times are coming!

Created By on 18/06/2020

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18th Feb 2022 07:18:01
Thanks for voting!
Hi I have Just joined aswell and I am enjoying my semi retirement I volunteer for a local cycling charity and restore old bicycles more iconic bikes rather than high end models.
I have just aquired a now rare 1958 Trumph Pink Witch ladies bike
that I am starting to restore ,I wonder if you have any memories or information on that model as there is a limited amount on the net.
I hope you get back to cycling again soon there is so much available now as you say trikes and as time goes on the electric assist whenever we need them in the future.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Feb 2022 08:10:04
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