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Post Office Scandle

We watched the ITV drama on the Post Office scandal earlier this week and I have to say we thought it was brilliant but terrible how such injustice can happen in the UK. The Post Office brand and Fujitsu have both been trashed. I do think some of the senior management in both companies who covered this up should be prosecuted. Also, Alan Bates should get a seat in the Lords. he is wise and a saint who has helped countless others.

Created By on 11/01/2024

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12th Jan 2024 16:00:54
Thanks for voting!
I cannot believe the whole scandal and really hope that all the people wrongly judged will get the full compensation they deserve. Although I doubt that it will make up for all the mental anguish they have been through and probably still going through.
19th Jan 2024 14:39:19
Thanks for voting!
The more this disaster unravels and individual stories the more horrific it becomes like the lady who had drs.sent to the hospital to check she really was in hospital
Management getting bonuses paid from money taken illegally from post masters and mistresses
Just how much more will be revealed by the inquiry goodness knows

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