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Still lonely…

Hi! I am new here…I have been married to a man for 42 years…good, decent retired engineer…( engineers are quite boring) I have two great grown kids, 4 wonderful grandkids, 3 dogs, a few cats, 2 birds, and a squirrel I saved…even with all of that, I find myself talking to myself a lot,!

I’m hoping to make friends with women who may have some common ground with me…😊

Created By on 30/12/2021

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25th Feb 2022 05:50:46 (Last activity: 28th Feb 2022 13:10:40)
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Response from Niceblokie made on 25th Feb 2022 17:22:46
Well said Deeview. I now go on trips unaccompanied, also looking for a friend to go to live music events. We all still need social interaction at the very least.
Response from HelenJ65 made on 25th Feb 2022 18:19:08 > @Niceblokie
I agree marriage is a funny thing.One minute it is all encompassing and the next you feel lonely in a marriage.I find I live my own life and get on with my day to day things.My 3 dogs have been lifesavers sometimes they are the only ones I talk to. Saying that I am better off than alot of people.I have my health.I enjoy walking to clear my head.
Response from Niceblokie made on 28th Feb 2022 13:10:40 > @HelenJ65
Yes, walking has been a lifesaver for me too and I don't even have a dog. I do a lot of walking in local woods, peaceful and relaxing especially week days. I also do my own thing now except for mornings as I'm the only driver so it's shops usually. Hence music weekends apart from going with my mate and his girlfriend, then it's gooseberry time for me.
23rd Feb 2022 19:10:21 (Last activity: 25th Feb 2022 00:41:53)
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Hi Able.I am in the same position as you I am married to a man who is so involved in his business renovating motorcycles.The only chat I have with him is when he tells me about parts of motorbikes.Its a good job I have 3 border terriers who I talk to.Its true You can be married and living with someone but you are still lonely.
Response from Niceblokie made on 25th Feb 2022 00:41:53
Snap. Married but lonely. I love going to rock weekends, but on my own. I go with a mate and his girlfriend so I'm always the gooseberry. Not good.
24th Jan 2022 18:46:43
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Hi, I'm not a woman you were looking for to chat with, but the comment about Still Lonely is so true. You can be married for a long time but find yourself lonely.
Hope you find a lady chatter soon. Good luck.
3rd Jan 2022 00:24:28
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Hi There Able

You must have a bit of property to enjoy 3 dogs, a few cats, birds and a squirrel that you saved. I make my home in Ontario, Canada. Not sure where you make your home. Let me know if you want to have a chat.

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