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Daily diaries of those who are self-isolating due to Coronavirus


A place where, if you are self-isolating due to worries about Coronavirus, or if indeed you have contracted the virus, you can stay in touch with our community, to tell us how you are coping, share your experience and perhaps lessen your feeling of isolation

Created By on 15/03/2020

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23rd Mar 2020 08:02:41 (Last activity: 23rd Mar 2020 08:53:25)
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Good morning... I am new here. Like everyone else I have many concerns regarding this situation...... I have been on an emotional roller coaster over the last few days....but today I am attempting to stay positive... the sun is shining the sky is blue, the birds are chirping away. I am thankful for that.

I am self isolating I am one less person on the street, one more person to help protect our wonderful NHS.

I will miss being able to see my son, daughter-in-law and my three grandsons, the youngest one just over a week old.... but we can FaceTime, Skype etc so at least we can see each other on the screen.

My main and biggest concern is for my daughter, she works for the NHS on a respiratory ward and will be part of a front line team ... she is passionate about her job and I am so proud of her . I am praying she stays safe .

It’s been good to talk
Response from Wilf made on 23rd Mar 2020 08:15:50
Hello Thewhitedoves and welcome to Silversurfers. I have been on here quite a few years and there are lots of very friendly folk. I hope your daughter is well and maybe after this the governments of the future will really start to make it a priority to look after the NHS. I think everyone loves the NHS and all the staff and even more now. They are all incredible and deserve our greatest thanks. I hope you and your family stay safe and take care in these difficult times
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 23rd Mar 2020 08:53:25
Hello Threewhitedoves and welcome to Silversurfers. A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

I hope your daughter stays well and that you enjoy being part of our community during these difficult times and beyond.

22nd Mar 2020 22:29:08 (Last activity: 23rd Mar 2020 08:01:48)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 22nd Mar 2020 23:15:39
Well I was given 6 potatoes today to plant so maybe we should have a contest to see who can grow and harvest the most sucessful potato crop Bridget 🙂 ??

Sorry your quest for supplies was unsucessful ... think local Farmshops and local shops seem to be better supplied ... do you have any near you?
Response from SilverBlue made on 23rd Mar 2020 08:01:48
Sorry you didn’t manage to get any supplies yesterday Yodama, all our local shops seemed to have some choice of fruit, vegetables and meat not the usual stock but at least there was something to buy
22nd Mar 2020 19:27:22 (Last activity: 22nd Mar 2020 23:19:03)
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Good evening I’m very new to this group thank you for letting me join. I did try to join the other day but my phone froze. Do hope everyone is safe and well.
I am a social worker so could possibly offer advice if need be.
Response from Wilf made on 22nd Mar 2020 19:49:34
Welcome Trishg49 and I hope you are keeping well in these difficult times. I am lucky as my wife and I are together in this isolation but many people will be alone and very worried in this situation. You will have a lot of experience with loneliness with people I guess and there must be quite a lot on Silversurfers although most people are very chirpy here.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 22nd Mar 2020 23:19:03
Welcome Trish .. glad you have joined us 🙂 Your offer of advice will be much appreciated I am sure 🙂
22nd Mar 2020 19:53:24 (Last activity: 22nd Mar 2020 23:17:37)
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Day 5 and the virus symptoms have almost disappeared. I spent a lovely morning potting up 67 plug plants whilst sitting in the sunshine ☀️ listening to an Audiobook. I have just been reading through all the messages on facebook from our community support group which gives all the information needed for local businesses who offer takeaway, order collections and delivery service of food. We have been asked to put fairy lights in windows to show support for NHS workers. My next door neighbour is getting the flag ready to put out when all this is over. So much uncertainty, so much help and kindness. Stay safe everyone!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 22nd Mar 2020 23:17:37
Glad you are feeling better, but do take it easy! Sounds like you've been very busy in the garden ... so lovey to see and feel warm sunshine after such a long, dreary winter 🙂
22nd Mar 2020 20:18:54
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I've seen so many lovely thoughts expressed by others about their mums, yet again all. I've had are 2 cards left on.the doorstep last Wednesday from my daughter in law and young grandsons, and nothing from my son but a quick Whatsap text reading Happy Mothers Day and yet again nothing at all from my daughter. Just a telephone call today would have been nice. Each year I dread Mothers Day, because all I feel is tearful. I don't know how I'd be without my husband. It seems they just can't be bothered.
22nd Mar 2020 16:41:32 (Last activity: 22nd Mar 2020 19:14:28)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 22nd Mar 2020 19:14:28
Very true about the media coverage Lionel ... good to have a day of rest indeed!
22nd Mar 2020 16:32:34 (Last activity: 22nd Mar 2020 16:36:34)
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Only on day5of self isolation.. no symptoms, but have just returned from Vietnam and Cambodia. Where there is no panic ... no hoarding .. so a great shock when returned to the UK.
There seems to be numerous pieces of ‘advice’ as to how long we should be in quarantine... from a week to 12 !!!
Response from Wilf made on 22nd Mar 2020 16:36:34
Whats it like in Vietnam and Cambodia Neela? One of my daughters when there 2 years ago and loved it. Have they got many cases of it and are people self isolating etc?
22nd Mar 2020 10:04:30
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22nd Mar 2020 03:50:15 (Last activity: 22nd Mar 2020 07:40:05)
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Hi everyone. This is the first time I have ever been in a chat room but I’m glad I’ve found you. I joined because I want to hear how other seniors are coping with “sheltering in place.” I am a widow and live by myself. I usually take care of 2 grandchildren & am fortunate to have close relationships with them and with my 2 daughters who all live nearby. However, because I have health issues, I’ve been isolating at home for a week in hopes of not getting the Coronavirus.
How are others in this group coping with being suddenly isolated?
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 22nd Mar 2020 07:40:05
Hi and welcome to Silversurfers. Sorry to hear you have health issues but very glad you found us. A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

19th Mar 2020 07:35:49 (Last activity: 22nd Mar 2020 04:32:38)
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Hi, I'm new to the group. Hope everyone us keeping safe and well. I have 2 grandchildren aged 2 and 8 who live literally around the corner. My daughter is working from home not so easy with the little one and nursery and school closures. We see each other all the time and I know I could make life easier for them if I took a turn taking them. Striking a balance between staying isolated and supporting family is very difficult. I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling this way but would love to know what others are doing.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 13:30:49
Hello and welcome to Silversurfers. The best way to get started is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you there.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Melina 🙂
Response from Munsterlander made on 19th Mar 2020 23:50:22
Hello Lilypig, we have grandkids and are just staying put by ourselves for the moment. We just go out to shop and I play golf but do not go in the clubhouse for my usual glass of red wine.
Response from KatieBeth made on 22nd Mar 2020 04:32:38
Hi Lillypig. I’m new to the group too & I can sympathize with you about finding a balance between staying isolated for your health and supporting family. I also take care of grandchildren & will miss the daily contact with them. Fortunately, there are other family members who will step in to help with childcare. I’m trying not to think about this isolation lasting for months but plan to take it a day at a time, I plan to keep in touch with family and friends with group texts. I also think it’s important for me to have a schedule, turn off the TV, read more, get outside & find a way to have some peace in these hard times. It’s helpful to know that there are so many others of us in the same situation who are learning to cope as best we can.
21st Mar 2020 20:17:06 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 22:01:21)
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Good Evening Silversurfers,
How is the self isolating going for everyone , I have had a bad day today feeling very poorly this afternoon, this infection has taken hold.
Feeling better tonight though, watching a star is born and got sausage casserole in the oven .
Response from Wilf made on 21st Mar 2020 21:45:29
Hello Jayneylee, do you think you have got Corona Virus? I hope not and wishing you all the best. The latest version of A Star is Born was wonderful-we enjoyed it immensely.
Response from Jayneylee made on 21st Mar 2020 22:01:21
Hi Wilf,
I dont think I have the virus just a very stubborn infection.
I am loving a star us born I remember watching the original years ago.
Jayney xx
21st Mar 2020 20:51:25
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21st Mar 2020 18:17:58 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 20:18:22)
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Response from Jayneylee made on 21st Mar 2020 20:18:22
You do cheer me up Lional thank you xx
20th Mar 2020 16:39:47 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 16:27:45)
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Hi to this group. I am self isolating because I am seventy nine and have a lung condition. Unfortunately I live on my own as my husband departed this earth fourteen years ago. I live near one of my daughters who is. going to shop for me. However I would rather shop myself but that is not going to be an option (I am being told). Luckily I live near a canal so I can get out and walk. Just keep my distance from the other few users. I also do crafting and I have plenty to go at. However I really really, miss the social contact. My other daughters live some distance away and we usually all meet up at Easter which will not happen this year, Have I moaned enough? I think so.
Response from silverandgold made on 20th Mar 2020 16:57:50
When you mentioned the CANAL I was going to suggest you JUMPED IN IT
Response from Ellaine made on 21st Mar 2020 16:27:45
How lovely to be near a canal, it will keep your spirits up walking during this time when we have to isolate ourselves. Take care.
21st Mar 2020 07:58:20 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 11:05:21)
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Hi everyone.
It’s great to see the true spirit and support for each other developing out of these difficult times. I feel that times such as this tends to reignite the real person inside us that tends to disappear with the stresses and pressures of our present way of living. It would be great if this could reunite our country in this turbulent political climate too.
Unfortunately one bad thing that has manifested itself is the selfish self centred individuals that wish to profit from our present crisis. The greedy shopkeepers and predators that are bulk buying to sell on at a profit. Just remember you people that when this is all over and life returns to normal we will remember you for what you are and what you have done.
Be safe all and hopefully healthy.
Response from Silvermite made on 21st Mar 2020 11:05:21
Well said!
21st Mar 2020 08:05:32
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The great play on the over 70's in my view criminalises us for living as long as we have rather than being healthy enough to live. Covid19 is pleural and also blood based. What kind of whacky expert logic does not make smokers THE main group to batten down reghardless of age. With Covid19 it is the smokers and drug abusers who are the real AT RISK sector of our comunity.

Heaven help us all with this incredible lack of "expert" logical understanding and critical emphasis.

Keep on trucking silver folk as our help to our families and friends is golden.

Spock (scifi) would say "live long and prosper" but probably role his eyes at the crude state development we are in.
20th Mar 2020 09:36:52 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 07:57:26)
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Response from LizT made on 20th Mar 2020 17:34:40
Thanks for a really good chuckle Lionel, really liked that one!
Response from suetang made on 20th Mar 2020 17:47:20
Oh how I loved this! It gave me a good laugh in these worrying times!
Response from MarilynJ13 made on 21st Mar 2020 07:37:35
Great joke Lionel
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 21st Mar 2020 07:57:26
Great joke Lionel ... I have shared it with my friends so you will be viral soon .... but the great kind of virus!! 😀
20th Mar 2020 19:14:58 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 07:51:49)
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Hi Everyone. I am now 3 days into the cursed CV. Fortunately I have mild symptoms which I am hoping will not evolve into anything more. I live alone so self isolation is not a problem. My sanity has been saved by rediscovery of embroidery, Netflix and coffee creams. All being well and if the sunshines I shall pot up the 50 plug plants I bought on Monday so that when all this has passed I will have lots of colourful flowers to enjoy. I am really enjoying reading all the posts.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 20th Mar 2020 19:31:48
Sorry to hear you are poorly Silvermite and hopefully you have a mild dose and will feel much better soon. My daughter is also on day 3 and is feeling like a caged lion! Take care and don't overdo your gardening, but enjoy the colourful flowers when you have finished 🙂
Response from Silvermite made on 20th Mar 2020 19:36:50
Thanks Sally. I will post a photo when the garden is in full bloom. Hope your daughter gets better quickly.
Response from Jayneylee made on 20th Mar 2020 21:10:24
I hope you feel better soon and enjoy your gardening, I dont have the virus but do have a chest infection, i am just trying to enjoy things that i forgot gave me joy like reading and writing and it's lovely to have a community on line where we can connect and keep each others spirits up,
Response from MarilynJ13 made on 21st Mar 2020 07:37:00
I hope you will continue to have mild symptoms. If you do then the cheering thing is that when you recover you will have built up immunity. Good luck and yake care
Response from Paulof46 made on 21st Mar 2020 07:51:49
At 70+ and as fit as a fiddle (so far) I have learned be outrageous and selfishly enjoy life and hope give others something chucklehilarious to laugh at me. My sympathys for you and everyone else who has Covid19 is boundless.

However Silvermite it would take me many weeks more than three days doing my CV as my memory is shot and can not remember my own history. So good luck and may the force be with you. 🙂
20th Mar 2020 23:20:47 (Last activity: 21st Mar 2020 07:32:05)
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What on earth does one do for two weeks of been indoors
Response from MarilynJ13 made on 21st Mar 2020 07:32:05
Because of health problems I have been isolating for about 2 weeks now. I found it best to take it day by day and have a kind of programme for each day. I try not to think of how long I must do this. About 2 days ago I had a bit of a ,melt down but got throught it. Communicating with others is the name of the game. I am also keeping my own diary - something like the Mass Observation diaries they were doinf during the war and have since shown what life was like for ordinary people. It might be interestin for my family later.
21st Mar 2020 07:19:26
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Hello everyone l hope you are all trying to cope as best as you can its 7.15 am here in the West Midlands and beautiful sunshine lol am just having a cuppa then l will put washing out thank goodness we can .Will then go for a wal k with my hubby once l get him out of bed!! lol l am an early riser he likes a lie in .Everyone please stay safe xx
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