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Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?

As the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?

Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.

The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.

It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.

What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?

Created By on 23/06/2015

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22nd Jul 2018 11:03:53 (Last activity: 6th Jan 2021 00:34:09)
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I do not think she should be queen as that causes problems with her children, they should not be princes. I think she should be a consort. like the Duke of Edinburgh .
Response from jeanmark made on 23rd Jul 2018 14:52:58
Why would her children be princes, their father would not be king?
Response from SoniaH1 made on 6th Jan 2021 00:34:09
One doesn’t want it and one is not fit. Wake up UK! Get rid of this nonsense.
6th Jan 2021 00:31:46
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6th Jan 2021 00:27:49
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Yea!!! Exactly, so if they are removed all that money can be put into something good for a change, taxes can be reduced!!
8th Nov 2020 19:38:15
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I think after the Queen goes we should have a vote to decide who we want as our democratically Elected Head of State I am a republican and I think the monarchy serves no purpose. It doesn't bring in tourism they don't work hard and the Queen can't intervene if the government does wrong she can only do as the PM asks. So the monarchy is pointless we deserve better.
28th Oct 2020 07:39:35 (Last activity: 28th Oct 2020 08:09:43)
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I don't think she should as she was seeing Prince Charles when they were both married.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 28th Oct 2020 08:09:43
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6th Aug 2020 18:49:01
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I so agree with you monzaV.
4th Aug 2020 00:13:14
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If these two people had been given to freedom to marry the person of their choice many years ago we could have avoided so much drama and tragedy I for one am happy they finally got the partners they were clearly destined for., God bless you both.
21st Jul 2020 09:25:51
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Royalty will uphold tradition and Charles will be king but my opinion the role should go to Prince William who is far more in touch with current issues and would have the ability to bring attention to areas that are more relevant to the public .
20th Jul 2020 20:30:25
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Agree that if Camilla has any sensitive feelings toward Diana’s sons, she would simply accept Princess Consort, and never Queen consort. She conspired with Charles to deceive his young, innocent wife by committing adultery with her husband, and she tried to stay hidden until Diana stood up for herself and exposed Camilla (and Charles) to the public for the immoral, cruel person that Camilla is. Camilla stole Diana’s husband, Diana’s home, Diana’s titles, Diana’s children, and Diana’s throne. The Queen correctly called Camilla “that Wicked Woman” so NO she does NOT deserve the honor of representing the U.K. and Commonwealth as Queen!
13th Jul 2018 18:15:36 (Last activity: 16th Jul 2018 18:06:18)
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No I don't think she should ever be Queen of England. That said, Camilla made a mistake in marrying her first husband, and Charles never should have married poor Diana. I was not her greatest fan, but I do think she was ill used and far too young.
Response from Margaret Hart made on 16th Jul 2018 18:06:18
No I don’t think for one minute she should be crowned Queen. when Charles was divorced the next in line should have passed to William and then this question would not have arisen.
11th Jun 2018 15:38:28
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I wouldn't have a problem with her being Queen, if he had enjoyed the same freedom of choice that his sons had when choosing their wives she would have probably been Queen anyway, which in no way denigrates the contribution that Princess Diana made to the modernising of the Royal family but the facts are what they are.
7th Jul 2017 16:41:55 (Last activity: 31st Dec 2017 03:55:36)
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No she shouldn't He will be head of the Church of England which isn't happy with divorce and remarrying
Response from jeanmark made on 8th Jul 2017 12:58:42
Although the Church of England teaches that marriage is for life. It now also recognizes that some marriages sadly do fail and, thus, it seeks to be available for all involved. The Church accepts that, in exceptional circumstances, a divorced person may marry again in church during the lifetime of a former spouse. This is surely the way forward. If you have been abused by a husband (or wife) and seek divorce should you then be punished further by being prevented from remarrying in the sight of God?
Response from AllyW made on 31st Dec 2017 03:55:36
what does the church say about adultery
2nd Jul 2017 18:21:10 (Last activity: 31st Dec 2017 03:54:34)
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In my humble opinion Camilla should NEVER be crowned Queen, Charles should be bypassed in favour of Prince William.
Response from jeanmark made on 6th Jul 2017 19:33:59
Why should he be bypassed, he is next in line?
Response from Marie63 made on 8th Jul 2017 04:57:26
everyone is entitled to their own opinion Jeanmark and that just happens to be mine, no offence meant.
Response from jeanmark made on 8th Jul 2017 13:01:54
None taken Marie63 but I am a staunch supporter of Prince Charles and I'm glad he has been able to reconnect and marry his soul mate. I believe she would make a good Queen, she has taken to her role with dignity.
Response from AllyW made on 31st Dec 2017 03:54:34
he should be bypassed because of the drama he caused and I have no problem with him being married to Camilla and don't care they are divorcees but Charles admitted committing adultery with Camilla so that is why. The royal family are supposed to be people we can look up too and to have morals that is immoral
22nd Jul 2017 23:28:46
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In my opinion never . but she probably will cause the way I look at it she got princess dianas man she got her boys and she got her home and she will get her crown what a shame ..
17th Jun 2017 08:09:22
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No she shouldnt be crowned queen. not ever.
16th Jun 2017 16:11:33 (Last activity: 16th Jun 2017 16:31:41)
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To the Silversurfer's Editor,

Dear sir /madam, are yooo going completely out of your mind ? what medication are yooo on????
To ask some one as my good self " has she won over my heart" There is a saying a Leopard cannot change its spots, Well that apply's still to that Strumpet! I have seen recently that Diana's boy's are talking about the loss they had to endure and one revelation William supposedly revealed was that OUR DIANA had to address that chimpanzee of a husband AS """ SIR """ if it is true how revolting is that? Can you imagine this scenario ((( excuse me SIR is it ok to have some nuptuals tonight ,that is not all then later saying "" thank you SIR """ I feel like vomiting at the very thought.

You mention 10 years ago 7% should be queer/n sorry! now it is running at almost 50 % my reply is there is no accounting for people's stupidity , Whilst i'm on about these royals can some one out there explain to me " Why does the P.M. of the have to go and ask a doddery owd woman can she form a government ,? did we not lop a king's head off for interfering with our politics. Then all that malarkey of getting "dolled" up ,blokes with womens garter's getting the poor horse's pulling them hither and thither not on .
Response from Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 16th Jun 2017 16:31:41
All I did was pose the question winky 😉 thank you for your response 🙂
11th Dec 2016 15:56:50 (Last activity: 16th Jun 2017 16:18:53)
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Response from winky made on 16th Jun 2017 16:18:53
YO , very well put my dear friend i must be doing some thing right so what i normally say is Come the revolution !gave a nice day folks.
23rd May 2017 09:03:50
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Camilla is million light years better than that ghastly woman Diana, imo.
24th Feb 2017 14:40:35
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00000OOPS my last post was nothing to dod with the camilla subject sorry my error.
24th Feb 2017 14:39:35
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I would just like to wish all our silver -surfer's are keeping well during this cold spell and especially through this horrid storm DORIS sincerely hope no one has come to any harm, have a nice day folks.
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