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Lonely and vulnerable and looking to chat

I’m alone, I have no family support or friends.

I’m sad to think that I have two neighbours both know that I’m alone and disabled yet not one of them has even put a note through my door to ask if I’m ok , what happened to community support!!

Has Scotland just decided to look after number one??

I would appreciate it if I just had someone to talk to 😢

Created By on 26/03/2020

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10th Apr 2020 12:21:45
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Hello Kiara, well written. Know the feeling.
Am in sort of the same situation, early 60ies ('early in 60ies sounds redicuous), with more than one academic credentials. Where is the online chatroom here?
Forum is slow and boring and not really a platform to exchange thoughts, fears and worries.

I am currently living in Demark. Are from Germany. Was in U.K. - among others - to study. But this was a long time ago when life seamed endless and appeared to be full of goodies
9th Apr 2020 15:04:16
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Hi Klara.

I'm an 80 year old Aberdonian and a good 'listener'.
9th Apr 2020 10:16:02
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I know exactly what you mean. I had a car accident 3 years ago and broke my back, couldn't do anything for 6 months yet no neighbour's called. Take care xx
8th Apr 2020 09:07:19
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Hi. I know the's 4 a.m. here and I'm quarantined and feeling lonely. I understand you.

5th Apr 2020 02:40:52
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Hi kiaraR
I know exactly how you feel your story sounds like it's a page out of my book. I live in a county that I do not know anyone. No one quiet believes you when you say you don't know . A soul .But it is true .
So if you ever feel like a chat my name is Mayz
29th Mar 2020 18:33:04
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29th Mar 2020 15:34:00 (Last activity: 29th Mar 2020 15:45:07)
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Hi KiaraR. I think there must be hundreds of people out here who feel the same way, including me! Luckily I have my husband to talk to but a spouse just isn't the right person to offload onto sometimes. I'm sure you'll find people on here who will lift your spirits (try one of Lionel's corny jokes - they always give me a smile, anyway).
Keep your pecker up if you can - this surreal period in our history will be over (one day!) and then life can start up again - a different life, I imagine, but at least we won't be stuck indoors alone any more. Chin up, ducks.
Response from Wilf made on 29th Mar 2020 15:45:07
My daughter said the same thing Molly tat this is an incredible moment in time. She is going to frame Boris letter to look at in 30 years!
29th Mar 2020 05:05:18
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Thanks for letting me know you are from Falkirk
I have left you a post in private chat please keep in touch.
27th Mar 2020 10:30:14 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2020 10:53:48)
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Hello KiaraR, we're a friendly bunch here and as Sally says you can get involved by commenting on anything that takes your fancy.

Take care
Response from KiaraR Original Poster made on 28th Mar 2020 10:53:48
Thanks Mabel msg me any time you want to have a chat x
27th Mar 2020 11:18:42 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2020 10:51:48)
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I have just joined and trying to work out how it works
Response from Wilf made on 27th Mar 2020 12:07:19
Good morning Polly and welcome to Silversurfers. I have been on here quite a few years and there are lots of very friendly folk on here who are always good for a chat and its pretty easy to use. All the best Wilf
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 27th Mar 2020 12:55:54
Hello Polly60 and welcome to Silversurfers. A good way to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you. and if you would like to join the discussion on the challenges of self-isolation then here's where to go:

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Response from KiaraR Original Poster made on 28th Mar 2020 10:51:48
I’m just trying to figure this out too, it’s a bit complicated at first but I think I’m getting the hang of it now. Msg me any time you want to chat x
27th Mar 2020 15:12:55 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2020 10:48:32)
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Hi KiaraR,
Why don't you try Age UK !! They do a befriending service whereby they introduce you to someone who will call and see you ( although whilst the virus problem is about they are not doing that ) or they will organize with you to have a telephone befriender, who will call you at times suitable to you.
Response from KiaraR Original Poster made on 28th Mar 2020 10:48:32
Sounds like a plan, thanks for the information
27th Mar 2020 19:29:42 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2020 10:46:55)
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Hi I am a befriender for the Silverline charity . I chat to some people or are lonely/housebound once a week and sometimes send letters and photos of my family. The letter goes to the Silverline office who forward on to my lady or ladies I talk to. The phone calls are randomly listened into and we are CRB checked so your safety is paramount. It’s lovely when I am told they look forward to my call. I have made deep friendships with the Silverline users and I found I quite rewarding. The telephone no 0800 4 70 80 90. Please ring, they will take your details and arrange to match you up with a befriender who has similar interests. Go for it, good luck
Response from Wilf made on 28th Mar 2020 00:12:56
Hello Johnsom7 welcome to Silversurfers. I have been on here quite a few years and there are lots of very friendly folk on here who are always good for a chat. Silverline is a wonderful outfit and I saw Dame Esther on TV tonight talking about it and Childline in these difficult times. Wilf
Response from KiaraR Original Poster made on 28th Mar 2020 10:46:55
She does an amazing job!!
Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
26th Mar 2020 19:46:40 (Last activity: 28th Mar 2020 10:38:24)
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Hello KiraraR and welcome to Silversurfers.

Sorry to hear you are feeling lonely 🙁

A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest.

We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you. and if you would like to join the discussion on the challenges of self-isolation then here's where to go:

I hope you enjoy being part of our community and find some like minded members to chat with

Best wishes and stay safe

Sally 🙂
Response from KiaraR Original Poster made on 28th Mar 2020 10:38:24
Thanks for your support and advice x
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