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Winter fuel payments - have you had yours yet?

Last year I received my winter fuel payment Nov 21; has anybody got theirs yet as I haven't? Just wondering. Neil

Created By on 25/11/2015

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30th Nov 2020 02:32:55 (Last activity: 30th Nov 2020 08:11:36)
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No! I haven’t received mine yet and received my letter in October! I usually receive it around the 11th of November as receive Pension Credit. Others I know received theirs a little later than last year but no joy for me!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 30th Nov 2020 08:11:36
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29th Nov 2020 23:52:17
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Hi I have just read an article by the daily express about the winter fuel payment Apparently there is a "glitch" in the system Am hoping this is "fake ' news
I usually get mine mid november
I need to stay warm therefore need this money to pay
He does anyone have any information on this
27th Nov 2020 15:58:11
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Not yet, am worried as I need to buy coal.
27th Nov 2020 13:25:52 (Last activity: 27th Nov 2020 14:35:40)
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Hi I just checked my bank statement from last year and I received it on the 19th November but I have not received it this year yet. I was getting a bit worried
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th Nov 2020 14:35:40
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27th Nov 2020 08:04:42 (Last activity: 27th Nov 2020 08:06:58)
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Still waiting on my winter fuel allowance usually received it by now
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th Nov 2020 08:06:58
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26th Nov 2020 22:16:35 (Last activity: 26th Nov 2020 23:30:04)
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Same as you usually get it around the 20th/21st November each year but nothing yet this year and no letter either
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Nov 2020 23:30:04
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18th Nov 2020 22:10:14 (Last activity: 24th Nov 2020 20:58:48)
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Response from meg1950 made on 23rd Nov 2020 18:34:09
Yes that’s what’s happened to me I’m getting a bit worried what’s going on
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Nov 2020 22:49:16 > @meg1950
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Response from JC8 made on 24th Nov 2020 20:58:48 > @meg1950
I recieved my letter on the 16th October and still not received payment yet
24th Nov 2020 19:24:17 (Last activity: 24th Nov 2020 19:35:55)
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I usually receive my winter fuel letter/payment in early November but nothing so far yet although all my friends have received theirs. I will just have to be patient and hope it turns up.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 24th Nov 2020 19:35:55
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24th Nov 2020 00:17:13
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I've had a letter today (23rd Nov) dated the 9th Nov saying that my payment is due to be credited to my bank account BUT that if I haven't received it by 23rd December then I should contact them so hopefully it will arrive within the specified time! 🙂
23rd Nov 2020 18:32:08
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For years I v had my wfp in early nov, iv sent emails to the right department but heard nothing what’s going on
23rd Nov 2020 15:14:27 (Last activity: 23rd Nov 2020 17:59:14)
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Nov 2020 17:59:14
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23rd Nov 2020 08:36:14
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No ,not yet ,We will probably receive a letter telling us why we won't be getting it this year,
23rd Nov 2020 08:06:25 (Last activity: 23rd Nov 2020 08:08:57)
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No I have not received mine yet it very odd
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Nov 2020 08:08:57
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22nd Nov 2020 09:44:14 (Last activity: 23rd Nov 2020 08:05:34)
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No I haven't had mine yet, always got it around 12th Nov, does anyone know why?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Nov 2020 10:12:46
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Response from Dru1212 made on 23rd Nov 2020 08:05:34 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
I have not had mine either always on the 11/12 for the last couple of years but nothing has arrived this year yet
15th Jan 2020 10:45:54
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Another Update,,,,,,,,,,,, Eventually got through to a woman at the DWP who asked if I had received a letter,,,, It seems if you didnt then you would have to answer a series of questions about your account. After a considerable amount of questioning she told me that I had FAILED their examination !!!
When I asked what answer she thought was incorrect she refused to tell me. She told me I had 2 options ,, the first option was entirely useless, the second was that I telephone the same number again ( With a looong wait ) and report a change of circumstances.
This I did, and after waiting for 42 minutes eventually spoke to a person and explained what had happened.
He asked me many questions , all those that she had asked previously, nothing different,, and he said that all was ok !!!!
BUT,,, owing to the fact that I had to go to another department ( him ) I will not receive my payment until possibly March.
It seems to me that these are merely delaying tactics --- Good luck with your claims !!!
13th Jan 2020 09:32:42 (Last activity: 13th Jan 2020 20:58:21)
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Postscript to my previous post .. I have been getting the payment automatically in previous years.
Response from Angelina15 made on 13th Jan 2020 20:58:21
Yes same here always been paid automatically in November this year nothing still waiting
13th Jan 2020 09:31:00 (Last activity: 13th Jan 2020 20:56:07)
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Hi everyone, I also have not received the winter fuel payment . The DWP keep giving different dates on when it should arrive. Telephoned today as they said all payments were made on the 31st Dec 2019 and everyone should get it by today, received nothing.
Also I was asked again if I have received a letter from them ,, no letter has been received. Anyone know what the letter would have said ?
Response from Angelina15 made on 13th Jan 2020 20:56:07
It just tells you the amount your entitled too and it will be paid into your account . Got this from my mother in laws letter she got hers in November ,husband is still waiting for his no letter no payment
8th Jan 2020 11:38:20
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My Winter Fuel Payment was said to be in December 2019, but has not arrived?
Can you advise me please.
1st Jan 2020 15:34:50 (Last activity: 2nd Jan 2020 10:26:10)
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My husband died Sept 2013. I received £200 in 2014 and 2015. I only received £100 in 2016, 2017 and 2018 and each year had to phone up about it. This year I have received nothing at all. Why can't they just get it right. I am 75 and fed up of having to chase my money.
Response from ArchieUK made on 2nd Jan 2020 10:26:10
Contact the DWP ,via their website and use a e-mail so that you can record all of their answers, thay can be very helpfull if they know all of your circumstances,but be very honest with them.
18th Nov 2019 10:26:56
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Do they write to you first or does it just go in your bank. This will be my first year to recieve winter fuel payment
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