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Daily diaries of those who are self-isolating due to Coronavirus


A place where, if you are self-isolating due to worries about Coronavirus, or if indeed you have contracted the virus, you can stay in touch with our community, to tell us how you are coping, share your experience and perhaps lessen your feeling of isolation

Created By on 15/03/2020

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21st Mar 2020 07:19:26
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Hello everyone l hope you are all trying to cope as best as you can its 7.15 am here in the West Midlands and beautiful sunshine lol am just having a cuppa then l will put washing out thank goodness we can .Will then go for a wal k with my hubby once l get him out of bed!! lol l am an early riser he likes a lie in .Everyone please stay safe xx
20th Mar 2020 23:07:24
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At the instance of our family we started self - isolation (for age and health reasons not symptoms) last weekend and its going well up to now. I have asthma and my husband had a ruptured AAA a few years ago and then a heart attack 18 months ago and has poor mobility. We are pottering about in our apartment and have even sat out on the patio 2 days its still a bit chilly but lovely to have some sunshine. We are having home deliveries for shopping but that for us is the norm though now there are lots of items unavailable or substitutes for our usuals, we can live with that, we are lucky too that our local butchers will deliver to those in need ie: older or anyone unwell. I knit and thankfully I have a stash of wool so more than enough to keep me going for a while, we both read too so at the moment we are happy enough lets hope by doing this we can stay safe and avoid this awful virus.
20th Mar 2020 12:11:44 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 21:51:01)
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Along with the rest of the world, I have been told to isolate for 12 weeks, i have a chest infection that antibiotics arent clearing up, a persistent cough that wakes me up. Being a woman of a certain age there is leaking when coughing (sorry to the guys ) I live on my own for the first time in my life i am on my own, left my husband almost a year ago, had quite an eventful 12 month's joining dating sites, had disastrous dates.

Now that I am self isolating maybe i will find peace with my own company, finding things to do, reading is a huge passion of mine, at the moment i am reading The man who didn't call (sounds familiar lol) by Rosie Walsh which is a real page turner. exercising at home maybe i can lose that weight. Thought i'd go for a walk later sun is out and as long as i stay away from other people it is ok.
does anyone else have any ideas of keeping you not going stir crazy, or just a chat its always good to talk.
lets keep each other company
Jayney xxx
Response from Wilf made on 20th Mar 2020 12:22:35
Hi Jayneylee Sorry to hear you are not feeling well and I do hope you feel better soon. We are coping ok at the moment little plum. Unfortunately one of my daughters in London and her boyfriend has it but they are young and strong. Myself and my wife with another daughter are just self-isolating.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 20th Mar 2020 12:49:04
Hello and welcome to Silversurfers Jayneylee. A good way to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

Sorry to hear that you are unwell but I hope you'll keep your spirits up by engaging with our community.

Response from Jayneylee made on 20th Mar 2020 21:51:01
i will continue to use this forum it has been lovely to get lovely responses from other members, the human spirit is alive and well in the face of this virus.
Lets keep talking
Jayney xx
20th Mar 2020 20:05:19
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Hi to All.......well ending the first week of self isolating per gp recommendations due to underlying health issues....had tremendous support via text and phone from friends and especially my family....l
Kept myself busy as possible tackling garage clean spiders and Friday night...missing my two grand boys 10/12...but need to do this for obvious reasons...sob miss them...hoping to walk distance behind them over weekend in park..not swings area to dangerous an area.....anybody else done or thinking of doing this...just advice as to safety if all above kept.. thanks everyone...take care and let’s give each other inspiration through this horrendous
20th Mar 2020 19:35:41
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Sixty five alive
20th Mar 2020 18:57:29 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 19:08:09)
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Hi this my first post. Like many I’m social distancing due to my age and underplaying health issue. I live alone but keep in touch with my 93 year old mother, daughter and son by FaceTime! What a godsend!
It’s going to be a very long three months but hopefully I can get out even if it’s just a drive in the countryside! Fingers crossed for an early summer!
Response from Wilf made on 20th Mar 2020 19:08:09
Welcome to Silversurfers I have been on here for some years with many other members and its a nice and safe place to chat and meet other members and they also have great forums where you can debate and vote which is fun! We are skyping our kids on a daily basis. Thank goodness for technology!
20th Mar 2020 16:00:49 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 17:33:40)
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Hi! I am a "Golden Girl" living on my own in a Retirement community in Glasgow! For the last few days I have been self-isolating and yesterday as it was such a beautiful day, I decided to go out for a walk or more like a stroll! Did the same this afternoon - left the house at 2pm but went the opposite way round getting home around 3pm! Anyone watching me must have thought I was potty - if I saw someone coming towards me I would go onto the edge of the pavement to avoid them! Had my afternoon coffe and a choccie biscuit, watching Judy Judy (which is extremely funny) and looking forward to my evening meal then more tv in the evening. I am hoping to continue in this routine getting out for fresh air and hopefully once it warms up outside I can sit on my wee patio with a glass of wine or six! Take care folks!
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 20th Mar 2020 16:11:16
Welcome to Silversurfers seilsandy! Great to hear that you're keeping active and taking some fresh air to boot! A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Response from seilsandy made on 20th Mar 2020 17:33:40
Thank you Melina! Look forward to it!
Witton john
20th Mar 2020 12:16:45 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 16:42:56)
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Hi, new to this, I live alone but have plenty of friends all in the same age group so all in the same boat. A few months of this is going to drive me mad because I should be visiting friends in Minsk, Belarus but of course grounded.
Just seen a new word on web EGBOK. Everything going to be o k. Have to be optimistic.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 20th Mar 2020 12:42:14
Hi and welcome to Silversurfers. A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

Sorry to hear about your trip to Belarus, perhaps you will be able to visit your friends when all this is over but in the meantime I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Response from Bri26 made on 20th Mar 2020 16:42:56
Enchanted7dandelion, your funny response made me think of something someone sent me today:
“It’ s 2040 , John opened the cupboard and grabbed the last loo paper his mum had bought in March 2020”
We can only laugh!
20th Mar 2020 16:16:02
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Hi Everyone

I am at the younger end of old age at 61 and my husband is 66 and we are very lucky to have no underlying conditions. We saw this coming and prepared well getting DIY supplies as well as an extra packet of loo roll and a few bits. We do slimming world and I always have meals in freezer as I batch cook and local green grocer is fully stocked so we won’t starve. My husband goes on his walk every day and brings back a cabbage or some apples or whatever. We are clearing the conservatory which is a mammoth job as it houses a big sofa and tv, a big desk and office supplies, our drinks fridge , a small chest freezer as well as a treadmill. We plan to clean and decorate it. Think virus will be long gone before we get to it. So far we have sorted out paperwork and have a sack full to burn now. And tidied out loads of drawers, we have donated a lot of printing supplies like photo paper, transparencies and various kinds of printing papers and cards my Mum left to the local Senior school. Have found loads of stuff we had forgotten or lost and process is very cathartic. Found the Santa sacks I lost at Christmas lol. If anyone want a to chat with me drop me a line
19th Mar 2020 20:42:43 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 16:06:14)
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Hiya - just joined this site and it looks fab. I've been told by my boss I've to do the 12 wk isolation as I have asthma so won't be able to go into work for 12 weeks which I feel bad about because I work in an NHS clinic on reception and so many of the team are off it is going to be a struggle for those that are left but I guess it is best I don't infect any patients if I'm more susceptible to the virus. Before being told about the self isolation, I went shopping for my 87 year old neighbour today . She asked for loo rolls and I now realise what all the jokes are about. I checked out 6 different supermarkets/shops without success - so many empty shelves. I hope someone else can get some for the lady since I won't be able to go into shops now. She has enough to keep going for the meantime. I'm looking forward to exploring this page and the rest of the site. Stay safe everyone.
Response from Wilf made on 19th Mar 2020 23:29:00
Welcome to Silversurfers Flora57. How are the NHS coping on the front line. It is an incredibly difficult time and I have so much respect for all NHS staff. My father who is 91 was in hospital last year and had the most incredible treatment. he is now back to his usual perky self.
Response from [deleted] made on 20th Mar 2020 13:02:30
Response from Bri26 made on 20th Mar 2020 16:06:14
About toilet paper , my friend today told me the loo rolls pack she ordered online at Amazon (as we cannot find any on the shelves) has been stolen!!! How low can one get... after the hand gel disappearing in the hospitals....
sad world!
20th Mar 2020 15:37:26
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I have had multiple health problems over the past few years and have been keeping myself from socialising. I am a sociable person but fortunately I have always also engaged in fairly solitary activities: writing; painting and reading. These are the things I couldn't do without. Fortunately too, a couple of years ago I downsized into a friendly community. If I had not, I would feel abandoned without close neighbours or easy contacts. Here I have had plenty of offers of help and I feel very cared for. My sister and neice live close by but actually we communicate on-line. My sister is in the same position as myself. I live in Wales, my sons in England but we message each other. This disaster would be worse without the internet. At the rame time - I sometimes have to remind myself that all this is true. I have ived a long time - even remember the war - but this surpasses it in terms of an hidden enemy. I hope you all keep yourselves safe and don't rely on central advice which definitely lags behind the real need.
20th Mar 2020 14:50:34 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 15:13:47)
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We are in at risk group as over 70 plus husbands heart, and therefore not seeing people. Really missing our children and grandchildren, we were supposed to be helping look after our little granddaughter who is four months old. As parents both teachers. They don’t live by us, so contact is by facetime, I suppose by time we see her, she will be crawling/walking. Sorry just having a bad day.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 20th Mar 2020 15:13:47
Hello Viv893 and welcome to Silversurfers! Sorry to hear you're having a bad day and that you can't see your granddaughter during this worrying time but lovely that you're keeping in touch via facetime. In the meantime we are very happy that you've found us as the Silversurfers community can be a very uplifting bunch! A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

20th Mar 2020 09:35:52 (Last activity: 20th Mar 2020 12:54:00)
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I'm new to this site and hope to meet many interesting people. Some years ago I belonged to chat sites but got out of the habit. Whether you live in the UK or not, if you have something interesting to say, let's share.
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 20th Mar 2020 12:54:00
Hello MartinR44 and welcome to Silversurfers. A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you there.

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

20th Mar 2020 12:39:39
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We are self isolating, OH is over 70 and I have a chest complaint and asthma. We live in a small village and can walk the dogs in the lanes, we also have a big garden. I can see we will be spending a lot of time in the garden. We have only been in isolation for 5 days. We have decided that as we can’t go out for coffee/lunch we will go for a drive and take a picnic. Food shopping could be an issue as we should ideally be doing it online. Happy days!
20th Mar 2020 12:24:41
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Curled up in bed with chest infection on day 7 of selfisolating and listening to lots of dramas on BBC Radio iplayer
19th Mar 2020 09:09:31 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 23:48:50)
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Over 70 and decided to go into isolation to be safe and not be a nuisance to anyone. Plenty of everything in cupboards and fridge at the moment but will have to try online shopping later..
Only on day 4 so not sure how I'll feel in the coming weeks, probably lonely. Still with books, television,FBook, Spring cleaning,gardening etc I should be too busy to be maudlin.
Stay safe everyone ❤️
Response from Sue - Silversurfers Assistant Editor made on 19th Mar 2020 09:47:47
It certainly is a good time to get on with all those little jobs at home we have all been meaning to do...enjoy!
Response from Kes made on 19th Mar 2020 19:35:14
Hi. I’m sure you are doing the right thing. These are strange and scary times. It’s not going to be easy for self isolators or social distancers. I and my husband are doing the latter. We can get out and about for exercise etc but just make sure we keep clear of people, and we have plenty to keep us occupied at home. It’s not easy, in later life though, to have your routines disrupted, but we’ve no complaints as we are better off than some. Take care.
Response from Munsterlander made on 19th Mar 2020 23:48:50
I think we are all self-isolating now Anne. These are difficult times but i am sure we will all come together and pull through. Other nations are the same we just need to remain calm. Take care
19th Mar 2020 23:47:22
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The weather has been terrible for months and I see the forecast for the next week is sunshine. At last time to give the grass its first cut and enjoy a little warmer weather.
19th Mar 2020 16:54:38 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 19:21:08)
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Hello everyone, I have just joined this afternoon. We are both in our 70’s, Both have health conditions. This is quite a scary time for us all isn’t it. We are staying at home, ordering groceries online. Thank goodness for the internet, enabling us to keep in touch with family. First week of isolating, not too bad so far. Plenty of jobs to be getting on with, but haven’t tackled them yet! Stay safe everyone.
Response from MrsPat made on 19th Mar 2020 19:05:23
We are the same. Thank goodness for the internet, skype, news online and sites like this to keep us in contact with the outside world. If the weather cheers up we will do some gardening-stay safe and well.
Response from Kes made on 19th Mar 2020 19:21:08
Hello Borders. Good that you can keep in touch with your family, which will lift your mood if you get a bit fed up. Lots of fun and interesting things to engage with here on Silversurfers, so I’m sure you will get a lot of benefit from it. Take care.
Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster
19th Mar 2020 13:44:20 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 19:13:33)
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3 very inspirational ladies to keep you smiling 🙂 Lifelong friends Doreen, Dotty and Carol have been through divorce and loss together. Now they're planning on getting through isolation together, literally
Response from Kes made on 19th Mar 2020 19:13:33
Just watched that Sally. What amazing spirit and joy they have. I bet they are going to have some fun.
19th Mar 2020 18:19:40 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2020 19:10:33)
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Response from Kes made on 19th Mar 2020 19:10:33
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