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Europe yes or no?

Apart from the fact that we don't speak the same language, we drive on different sides of the road, eat different food and fight over sunbeds, I think being is Europe is a good thing, what do you think?

Created By on 26/02/2016

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baileyb Original Poster
28th Feb 2016 17:49:05
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Not sure I agree, we live in an uncertain world, I agree that the EU is now where near perfect, but going alone is like a jump in to the Unknown. If we go alone and don't like it what happens then?
Response from Munsterlander made on 27th Mar 2016 22:49:50
I totally agree with you. Why leave the worlds largest trading group???
Response from celtwitch made on 29th Mar 2016 14:18:38
We managed very well for centuries without the mill-stone that is the EU around our necks, we were once the most powerful nation on earth and highly respected, all that changed after WW2 with the n=balance of power going to the USA. We can be great again, but not if we remain a hostage to the corrupt EU. We must get out and be allowed to thrive again.
Response from latin made on 13th May 2016 19:40:02
You should be asking what if we get sucked even further into the EU and want out ,we know the answer to that "it's hard cheddar ".
We know what out is like ,and it is very nice knowing younarevstriving for your own country!
Response from MorrisandDoris made on 18th Jun 2016 00:11:59
When we leave more will follow the EU is on the way out !
26th Jan 2019 18:56:37
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The total shambles that is Westminster attracts the sharp barb of French based columnist Fidelma Cook: “ The Irish now willingly part of, and prosperous in , a united Europe can , at long last , look calmly on the fist shaking Little Englanders in the Palace of Westminster as their bluffs are called out “ .
24th Jan 2019 21:04:22
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I am not trying to offend anyone, and certainly wouldn't fall out with anyone over politics, but I do have an opinion, which I mostly keep to myself.
But I do have concerns on both sides of this Brexit , and that is, that if we stay in the EU, we will pay a lot of money for the pleasure, which we have been doing for a long while anyway.
On the other hand, if we leave ? we have a lot of MPs who haven't got a clue how to run a country on their own,
apart from a few MPs that were there before we joined the EU, most of them have only been able to govern under the wing of the EU, once their support is taken away, they may well fall like a pack of cards. its a bit of a risk,
lastly i'm worried what they will do with all the extra money, ( after the've taken what they can for their own pet projects ) will the NHS and farmers, and fisherman get anything at all , and most of all will the homeless get any help at all
i know i'm a bit cynical but its worrying times which ever way it goes.......
17th Aug 2018 14:03:02
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A federalist EU?
No thanks!
13th Jul 2018 17:18:20
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26th Mar 2018 09:48:09 (Last activity: 24th Jun 2018 14:48:49)
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Well said ! The Referendum was a con. The mistruths spouted by the Brexiters has been truly exposed . The concept of the referendum was flawed . We Scots voted overwhelmingly to remain in Europe .There are four countries with the United Kingdom and any decision must take into account this factor . Three out of 4 voted to remain .
Response from latin made on 22nd Jun 2018 09:41:14
Yep bye Colin. Go and fend for yourself s.
While you are at it ,close the door and font expect us to keep topping you up for cash.
Enjoy being part of the fedystate of Brussels!
Response from ColinM1 made on 22nd Jun 2018 14:35:58
Oh dear , another deluded Brexit supporter wallowing amidst the garbage and lies and electoral fraud put out to delude the gullible voter. Fortunately my Country voted to remain within the EU by a substantial margin and sensibility reigns . Any failure generated by Brussels pales into insignificance compared to the fraudsters and second raters operating out of Westminster . Read the McCrone Report hidden from public view for 30 years to see who was and is subsiding whom !
Response from ColinM1 made on 24th Jun 2018 14:48:49
Give me one , just one , positive case for leaving the EU ,and I will listen to you .Hello ? Anyone there ? No, because there isn’t one .
22nd Jun 2018 14:11:10
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Yes, I agree with you. The fallout is already happening!!!
22nd Jun 2018 09:44:29
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Baileys you are certainly up for a laugh!
Now you have colinM1 siding with you ,you are on to a winner.
11th Nov 2016 12:33:06 (Last activity: 22nd Jun 2018 09:35:04)
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I cant stand these Remainers. We had a vote and in my view anyone who Protests a legitimate vote is about as low as you can get.
Response from ColinM1 made on 31st Mar 2018 07:54:53
Legitimate vote ? Cobblers ! Totally manipulated by a bunch of political chancers .3 out of 4 countries that comprise the so called United Kingdom voted clearly against the stupidity of Brexit !
Response from latin made on 22nd Jun 2018 09:35:04
Sorry Colin but you lost, time to get over it and go and buy a home in Germany. ,then you can embrace your beloved EU.
I adore Europe, but detest Europrats and there grand Federalist dream, how does that marry up with our freedom and democracy?
It dosent, and if you think it does then you are also a Federalist
Fortunately European people are seeing through it and are not confuse by Europrats plans!
27th Apr 2018 07:42:05 (Last activity: 22nd Jun 2018 09:23:50)
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The people voted to leave and that must be respected. It's time the moaners who wanted to stay accepted that and gave the Government a strong hand to negotiate with . All tney are doing is using any tactic in the book as well as new ones to try to overpower the public will . We are a democracy and time the Lords, SNP , and other MPs of all parties stopped behaving like spoilt kids over it and spitting out their dummy . They are just as. Much of a problem as the EU . You don't find them disagreeing over general election results that elected them . However do on Reverendum vore ,how hypocritical can they get .
Response from ColinM1 made on 8th Jun 2018 11:24:40
"A Foreign Office spokesman said that the minister had made clear in his speech that the idea of a second vote on EU withdrawal was ‘a myth’."
If the Daily Mail says this, a second vote on EU withdrawal is probably on the cards. The latest opinion poll showed 7% more pro-remain than pro-leave. Younger people are even more pro-EU, as are Lib-Dem and Labour supporters, and Old Folks (I can say that - I'm in that group) and Conservatives even less pro-EU, but they're apparently losing the opinion poll battle.
At some point the Conservatives are going to crack- probably when Brexit is at -10-to -15% in the polls. Sooner the better !
Response from johntoothill made on 8th Jun 2018 13:09:31
Opinion polls have been proved wrong many times and that does not change the mandate given to the Government in the referendum . Those who are going out of their way to prevent this will reap their rewards from the public at the ballot box in due course . The leavers will not forgive a flagrant breach of their trust easily . We are not a country who keeps holding ballots until they come up with a result we all can agree on. We are a democratic country . You are entitled to your views and to express them and I respect it . I don't agree with all the views and policies of any political party . I choose the one who most closely represents me . I accept the decision of any democratic election result . If it does not go my way ,then I abide by election result even if I don't share it .
Response from latin made on 22nd Jun 2018 09:23:50
Well said Johntoothill
People who say they love the EU confuse it with Europe!
Who in their right mind wants to join a band of corrupt Federalist who answer to no one and don’t understand
democratic country’s thinking differently to them .These are bullies who are buying country’s with our hard earns cash and creating their dream of a federalist state!
All remain MPs have vested interests.... even if it’s only set a side payments or investment in the tobacco industry... they give not a toss for us or the other poor country’s as long as we keep funding their dream!
16th Oct 2016 16:31:43
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Being in the continent of Europe is fine, being in the EU is a total disaster.
14th Oct 2016 14:23:34
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Last week there was great media hype about the fact that the younger generations are a lot less well off than the older generations. Yet no one in the media picked up the fact that the younger generations have all been earning whilst in the EU and most of us worked when we were not in the EU or when it was just a common market.. You wont get that fact on the biased BBC
29th Jun 2016 15:01:23
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The last few days have shown that our independent vote means nothing to Westminster, they ask us for our opinion then try to change the outcome,they either rerun the referendum or smoothly smear the edges of the result, then tell us the public we do not understand the consequences or tell the over 50s that younger people should have say over us,where's the equality in that, one vote one person that's democracy so political parties should practice what they preach.
52%Leave 48%remain who wins?
27th Feb 2016 12:04:07 (Last activity: 18th Jun 2016 00:24:29)
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The EU has been a disaster for the UK, we pay in huge sums each year for the dubious privilege of being told what we can, and can't do. For instance, the 'discard' policy which forces OUR fishermen (the French and Spanish ignore it) to throw back into the sea any fish that exceed their quota. The fish are dead and this is a criminal waste of much needed food, the fish should be landed and sold.
The open borders policy is plainly working to the disadvantage of many towns and cities, which have become like Poland, Romania and Bulgaria.
I could go on, but anyone with half a functioning brain can see that the EU is the biggest con that has ever been perpetrated on the British people.
I'm voting to leave the corrupt, criminal and wasteful EU...YOU should do your research and vote with me.
Response from Munsterlander made on 27th Mar 2016 22:51:05
I have done a lot of research. We should stay in. Its a economic risk to leave and we have huge employment at the moment and are the 6th largest economy why risk that?
Response from vivaat made on 29th Mar 2016 08:36:10
We are not risking that at all. It's more of a risk to stay in. The EU is failing, it is corrupt. Why have they not had their accounts signed off in over 20 years? This country has managed for years before joining what was called the common market. Why pay 50million a day into an organisation and have no idea how this money is spent. I worked as an accountant on a farm for 10 years and the price of pig meat was set by the EU, they never made a profit from this in all this time. The people of this country have an important choice to make and we must leave. We won't have this opportunity again.
Response from thunder made on 29th Mar 2016 21:22:28
Well said
Response from MorrisandDoris made on 18th Jun 2016 00:24:29
I fully agree with your comments we want OUR country back so make June 23rd our Independence Day!!
24th Apr 2016 14:17:29 (Last activity: 18th Jun 2016 00:15:57)
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What, exactly, is the 'good thing' about EU membership?
Response from MorrisandDoris made on 18th Jun 2016 00:15:57
There isn't one !
8th Apr 2016 21:40:25 (Last activity: 18th Jun 2016 00:05:51)
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Response from celtwitch made on 24th Apr 2016 14:19:00
Europe and the EU are not the same thing, do you realise that?
Response from MorrisandDoris made on 18th Jun 2016 00:05:51
Most of Europe and probably most of the world dislike us but not enough not to take our money ,we are a soft touch and weak ,that's why we are called the Bank of Poland and Romania and Dustbin is another name too,so yes I will vote leave the sorry mess of the EU and take our country back while we still have a little pride left !
29th Mar 2016 17:25:20 (Last activity: 4th Jun 2016 07:22:05)
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Response from Recycledteenager36 made on 4th Jun 2016 07:22:05
Thank you so much for that I enjoyed the laugh but what a state of affairs. I just want to be England again I wonder if we did go to war who would be the first to leave at least the polish fought for us in the second world war.
26th May 2016 15:06:44 (Last activity: 26th May 2016 15:54:45)
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Response from Wilf made on 26th May 2016 15:34:13
In the short term it would be painful but I think we need to stay in the rich club with our European friends
Response from celtwitch made on 26th May 2016 15:54:45
' Our European friends' The French hate us, the Germans loathe us, the Spanish tolerate us because we spend lots of dosh in Benidorm. The Italians are ambivalent towards us and the rest of Europe thinks we are drunken, loutish football fans. Some friends!
25th May 2016 19:40:50
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Not sure the Universities are full of ultra left wing softies. My kids aren't and all their friends who have been to uni aren't. Just fun loving sensible kids. Interestingly enough the kids are the ones who mainly want to stay in the EU...maybe we should take note of that after all it will be their GB soon...if it isn't already!!
25th May 2016 19:38:25
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My daughter is at university and really enjoys it. She is not left wing at all but probably more middle ground than I am. British values are what built our civilisation...the most importent must be the British respect for law and its independence from the political system
14th May 2016 09:27:36
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Most of the info we are getting at the moment is from parties who are trying to push us in to their way of thinking. We need an unbiased view which will give us the plain facts so that we can make our own minds up and not have the politicians make it up for us.
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