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Lonely and vulnerable and looking to chat

I’m alone, I have no family support or friends.

I’m sad to think that I have two neighbours both know that I’m alone and disabled yet not one of them has even put a note through my door to ask if I’m ok , what happened to community support!!

Has Scotland just decided to look after number one??

I would appreciate it if I just had someone to talk to 😢

Created By on 26/03/2020

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18th Jun 2021 03:01:37 (Last activity: 13th Aug 2021 14:38:13)
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I know the feeling. I have been divorced since 2008 after 34 years of marriage. I have two adult children but they have not been in touch in any shape or form since 2009, not even during the holidays, my birthday, or Mother's Day. Those are the days that I feel especially sad, lonely, and isolated when I see my friends and relatives surrounded by their loving children, and I spent every holiday by myself. I am generally ok during the rest of the year.

Lately, I feel really lonely and depressed because my eldest and dearest sister passed away a month ago. We were really close. She loved me unconditionally and took care of me like her daughter. (although she had not invited me to join her for the holidays). I didn't feel like doing anything for the past two weeks, and yearn to connect with someone - just to chat or talk. Checked out a few dating sites, but they are really not for me. I am only looking for a friend for mutual support., not a date. This site may be just what I need.

Please hang in there and take care of yourself.
Response from sandie1416 made on 13th Aug 2021 14:38:13
Hi Joy, I have been single since 1983, I brought up boy/girl twins whilst holding down a job 15 miles away, my dad died of cancer and there was just me and mum, we went on holidays, day trips, cinema, church, she first got cancer in 1986 and then it came back 8 years later and she died in 1997. I had taken voluntary redundancy in 1995 and so looked after her full time for nearly 2 years. I had an elder brother and sister who didn't visit and finally my brother and his wife died 10/11 years ago and I wasn't even told. My sister went to the funeral and my nephew's wedding, I was told later, I can't express how hurt I've felt all these years. I became disabled with osteo/rheumo arthritis in 1997 after a back injury and although my daughter takes me to the coast and on holidays, we always end up falling out. I have had no friends or social life since 1995. I enjoy the tv/internet and reading and taking out my male chihuahua Peanut, who sits in my scooter basket to the lake, he loves to chase the ducks.
25th Jul 2021 08:36:03 (Last activity: 25th Jul 2021 09:57:10)
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Hi miss joy Houston tx here the world is a crazy place right now
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 25th Jul 2021 09:57:10
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21st Jul 2021 22:42:16
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Sorry you are feeling so lonely. I am kind of new on here, I haven't been on in ages but going to try again. I am often alone as well and would love to become chat friends with you. I hope you reach out.
11th Jul 2021 12:32:56
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Chat with me! I am in the same boat here in Tennessee in the good old US! I have 2 grand daughters 6 miles away and 2 other grand less than 25 miles. (9 grands in all) Here's a ha ha for you. Here's my plan. I will hide all my valuables and then become a hoarder. When I go, they all will arrive. And they'll have to work for their inheritance. I know most will give up but I know 1 that will dig forever! I will leave notes and clues. See, you're smiling. Possibly giggling. Is this nice?
26th Jun 2021 21:55:34 (Last activity: 26th Jun 2021 22:31:48)
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Hello ,I have just joined
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Jun 2021 22:31:48
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4th Jun 2021 00:47:22 (Last activity: 22nd Jun 2021 07:45:07)
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Hi KiaraR

I just realized I posted something unresponsive to your post please pardon my mistake, I meant to reach out for help .

I am not in your community but if you let me I would like to offer my friendship.

If you ever want to chat I'll be here, attempting to live in the present is something I was advised to do.

so with that in mind let me know how the weather is where you are, summer just started and I do feel homesick I now reside in the Westmidlands but I use to live by the sea. and I do love the summer breeze, hope you are well.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th Jun 2021 07:48:32
Hi Knowyourworth,

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Response from Margaretbostock made on 22nd Jun 2021 07:45:07
Hello im not far away east Midlands do you want to chat
4th Jun 2021 00:35:42
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Trying to re-establish my self-worth is essential for me to feel joy and realign myself with my path, please someone, anyone help me heal by being there for me. I'm in need of a connection.. Thank you in advance for your humanity.
25th Apr 2021 09:09:28
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22nd Apr 2021 12:25:20
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Sorry to hear about your neighbours. If you want to talk please do .
I lost my husband nearly 2 yrs ago now I dont know how I have got through it.
I can't walk far I had a hip op .but manage with help from my lovely daughter
8th Apr 2021 06:57:37 (Last activity: 8th Apr 2021 06:58:03)
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It's nice to be here
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 8th Apr 2021 06:58:03
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3rd Feb 2021 18:53:18 (Last activity: 7th Apr 2021 11:00:13)
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Hello Kiara!
I too live alone and I'm also disabled, so can't walk now. I live in the Midlands, in Birmingham, tho I've lived all over the world. I've been in lockdown since mid-March - not quite how I'd imagined the winter of my days to be - but NO-ONE, even in their worst nightmare, imagined a Covid- filled world 🙁 Got similar neighbours to yours too..
I've a great son, d-in-law and granddaughter tho who live in the US and their emails are a highlight of my weeks. Jasmine, the Grand, is 18 and in love...ahhh. They had a rare snowfall and J. was delighted - sent me a photo, said it was so pretty! I HATE snow 🙁
Hey! did you celebrate Hogmannay? (sp?) I watched a TV series called Two Doors Down, set in Scotland, and they Paraded the Haggis(: Looked such fun..
All for the mo, hope your day's gone well,
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Feb 2021 20:23:22
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Response from Margaretbostock made on 7th Apr 2021 11:00:13
Hello I come from the Midlands. Atherstone. Get in touch if you want to chat
7th Apr 2021 10:53:50
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Hello always pleased to talk text
19th Mar 2021 19:57:08 (Last activity: 19th Mar 2021 20:18:25)
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recently become a widower
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Mar 2021 20:18:25
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5th Mar 2021 18:44:51
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Hello Kiara what a pretty name 🙂
5th Feb 2021 07:41:47
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This world has grown so sad. My prayers reach out to you. It gets lonely too - here in the South of the United States. I send my good wishes and blessings!
Miss Jo
20th Jan 2021 20:46:26 (Last activity: 21st Jan 2021 10:48:55)
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Hi, first time doing an online chat here, anywhere actually lol. Anyway hello, seems I'm in the same boat as many other people. It is something how life can leave so many lonely people about isn't it. Highlight of the day was watching the inauguration, truly inspirational and a welcome change from the last four years and I'm a Canadian. I live have lived alone for many years. I'm 60, I live in a mid sized city in Ontario where it is currently coooollllldddd!! Covid has me in a "stay at home" order right now, good thing that I am used to being alone. The pandemic isn't changing my life to much, aside from wearing a mask. I'm not sure if I am doing this chat thing right, hope so. I liked the joke about Jonny and the nickels. I read some of the other posts and would like to offer encouragement to all
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Jan 2021 23:03:49
Hi Mikef88,

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Response from Mikef88 made on 21st Jan 2021 10:48:55 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thanks, no I don't know my way around so I will check out your suggestion.
8th Jan 2021 02:03:51 (Last activity: 8th Jan 2021 08:15:22)
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How dies this work to chat.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 8th Jan 2021 08:15:22
Hi DonnaF47,

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5th Dec 2020 00:13:11 (Last activity: 5th Dec 2020 08:37:43)
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Sorry to hear that you are alone love. God bless an keep you in His heart.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Dec 2020 08:37:43
Hi Willowangel,

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5th Dec 2020 03:53:35
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Hello, I have a joke for you I saw on the internet.
Little Johnny lived in New York, he was 10 years old. The neighborhood boys would play a joke on Johnny.
One boy would hold out his palm,
it would have a nickle and a dime on it. They asked Johnny to pick a coin.
He always picked the nickle, they laughed at Johnny, and said you dummy.. Johnny would walk away
with the nickle he chose.. Everytime
They saw Johnny they would play the trick on him, and laugh at him for picking the nickle. One day Johnny was walking with a girl he made friends with., the boys saw him, we have to play the joke on Johnny in front of his friend. They did, laughed at Johnny as usual, and ran off. Johnny's friend said; Johnny they are making fun of you because a dime is worth more than a nickle. Johnny smiled at her and said " if I picked the dime they wouldn't play the joke on me anymore, and I'm up twenty dollars.
24th Nov 2020 21:15:37 (Last activity: 26th Nov 2020 13:00:27)
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I think everyone just seems to look after number 1 nowadays there seems to be no community spirit left
Response from JE made on 25th Nov 2020 12:35:32
Sad to say, but I think you are right. In my experience, even the message ‘We are all in this together’ put out at the start of the pandemic doesn’t seem to have been applied by many people or organisations. A lot of people are only out for what they can do or get for themselves, without any thought for others.
Response from Dani made on 26th Nov 2020 13:00:27
Kiara,.that made me so sad. Do you want my email address? I’ll happily chat with you although I’m sorry I’m not close enough to pop in.
I don’t think people are selfish, really, just tied up in their own lives and not confident in reaching out. Well done that you have..Dani..
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