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Pen pals

I have been pen palling for a while now does anyone else do this and is there somewhere on the site for this? It would be nice to write to people on here if they were interested.

Created By on 20/02/2014

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24th Dec 2020 01:40:02
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Hello! This is my first time doing anything like this. I suppose like so many others I find myself alone for the holiday's and it's a bit sad. I have family, but they are off doing their own thing. I wouldl like to find someone to share my everyday ups and downs.
19th Dec 2020 12:34:20 (Last activity: 19th Dec 2020 13:35:11)
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Hi I'm here to exchange coins world wide, thanks
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Dec 2020 13:35:11
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3rd Dec 2020 08:05:55 (Last activity: 3rd Dec 2020 10:48:01)
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Hi all how is everyone
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 3rd Dec 2020 09:41:53
Hi Mblackwell,

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Response from Mblackwell made on 3rd Dec 2020 10:48:01 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you Sally for your letter.
3rd Dec 2020 10:46:34
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Yes I would like to hear from you.
25th Oct 2020 19:20:30 (Last activity: 27th Nov 2020 20:30:45)
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Haven’t been on for awhile. Gone through a difficult time with the sudden & unexpected loss of my dear brother in August. We were very close & I miss him so much. Then I had a couple of minor health issues and decided (& needed) to get my cataracts done privately & had the first one done last Tuesday. All gone well so far & can’t believe how bad my eyes had become. I can’t wait to get the other one done so I can fully enjoy my bird watching, walking in the countryside & riding my little horse who friends are kindly looking after my for me but I am missing him too. x
Response from Doreen2 made on 7th Nov 2020 14:28:41
Sorry to hear of the loss of your brother, loss of family is so hard, I haven’t got one member of my family left now, so know how bereft you must be feeling, and then having a cataract operation as well , but isn’t it worth having done, it’s like a whole new world out there.
Have you heard from Vicki a lately, watching t.v. there has been a lot of unrest in the south, and the American elections, we just don’t seem to be able to get away from them
How are you getting on with the lock down, you are same as me, living in an area with open country side, I count my blessings being able to still get out and about, as there are no people around
Take care of yourself Gillian I hope the world will look a happier place for you soon
Response from Tawny made on 10th Nov 2020 22:56:39 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen. Thank you for your kind words. It’s so difficult isn’t it, even more so at the moment as we would chat every evening & now the evenings are long & dark it’s very empty. But I mustn’t let it get me down, the world seems in such chaos and like you I am thankful for where I live and the life I have with my little horse Norman. So pleased with my cataract op - what a difference & now realise how much it had been creeping up on me and affecting my sight. Looking forward to getting my other one done in 3 weeks and having both eyes working 100%.
I haven’t heard from Vicky and watching the situation in America, again I am thankful for where we live. I hope all is okay with her & we hear from her soon.
Glad you are okay too, it’s good to hear. Stay safe. Gillian x
Response from Doreen2 made on 18th Nov 2020 07:48:19 > @Tawny
Pleased you are soon going to have your next cataract operation, isn’t it a straightforward procedure now, just before I had mine done one of my neighbours had had hers done, she had four injections and her face was black and blue with bruises, and it hadn’t been a pleasant experience, but that is how it was done, I went and because of backlogs (I am talking about over ten years ago now). They opened a clinic in Boston, it was private operations done on the national health, and it was a Swedish team, I had my op on the first day it opened, and of course it was just drops in the eyes which is the normal procedure now, i think I was so fortunate
I think that is what we have to do now, count our blessings, my husband died in February I nursed him day and night for seven years, but we were able to be together when he died, and I dread to think what it would be like caring for someone now, when doctors and nurses have so much to do, as I had so much support from them all
I used to wish there were more hours in-the day, I had so much to do, as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for. The days are so long and lonely now
All good wishes for your next operation Gillian
Take care
Response from Lynnie55 made on 18th Nov 2020 23:47:22 > @Doreen2
Hello my name is Lynn been a widow 2 1/2 years days are quite long I live in Essex I hope you not too bored at the moment
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Nov 2020 08:29:03 > @Lynnie55
Hi Lynnie55,

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Response from Doreen2 made on 20th Nov 2020 07:38:35 > @Lynnie55
Hello Lynn
So nice of you to respond, an act of kindness makes all the difference doesn’t it, do you have family, I know Essex fairly well, where about are you, I used to live in Northampton. We moved to the coast 25 years ago when we retired, it’s ideal for walks on the beach, the waves rolling in can be very therapeutic
As you saw my letter was to Gillian, it is lovely to have someone to keep in contact with, we used to have contact with Vicki in America, but we haven’t heard from her for quite a while
Yes the days are long, I also have trouble with the nights, my body has got so used to having to get up every two hours or so, I can’t get my body clock to sleep through the night, I’ve almost given it up as a bad job, I make a cup of tea and settle down to read a good book.
Take care of yourself Lynn, it would be nice to hear from you again if you have the time
Response from Tawny made on 22nd Nov 2020 21:50:40 > @Doreen2
Thank you, just 8 days before my second cataract op! Yes, mine was all done with drops and very quick, about 12 mins for the procedure. Absolutely amazing, I must say. I decided to go private for mine, to get them done. Luckily I had a bit of redundancy money which I have used. I’m so very sorry you lost your husband last February after caring for him for so long but pleased you were together when he passed away. So very different & difficult now. With my brother gone I find it difficult - we would speak every day often in the evening and as you say, days seem so long and empty. But, only 4 weeks to the shortest day then it’s a minute a day, it starts to creep out again!!
Well, take care of yourself and be in touch again soon.
Response from RoyalTern made on 23rd Nov 2020 07:49:17 > @Doreen2
Dear Doreen2,
I am very sorry for your great loss. I too am close to my brother and just the thought of him passing is heart breaking. How hard it is to get going again once a loved one passes. I know that with time and prayer the pain will get less painful. My prayers for you...God Bless...

I am at this time planning to move to Tenerife with my brother and we both hope to find a new and exciting life change than living here in Northern Virginia. I am hoping to sell my property and make the move once covid is controlled with a vaccine.

This is my first post since I am brand new on this site. I am sorry if my letter is not too long...


Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Nov 2020 08:09:26 > @RoyalTern
Hi RoyalTern,

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Response from Doreen2 made on 23rd Nov 2020 18:40:47 > @RoyalTern
Hi RoyalTern,
You have taken the first step to joining in a conversation, and that’s how I think it works, I converse with Tawny, who is Gillian, and Lynn joined in last week, as I mentioned to Lynn we used to write to Vicki in America but haven’t heard from her in a while, so do join in, all you have to do is reply to a conversation
Aren’t you planning a big move, we thought we were quite cavalier when we moved from Northampton to the coast to retire, but it was worth it as it is ideal here for retirement
I do appreciate your kind thoughts, it’s times like this you realise just how many nice people there are around
Was nice to hear from you
Response from Doreen2 made on 23rd Nov 2020 19:09:49 > @Tawny
You will be be pleased to get the second op over, even though it is now such an easy procedure. How sensible to go private as there must be quite a waiting list now, as so many operations have been put on hold, are you having it done at the local hospital or have you had to go further afield
Have you noticed Lynn and RoyalTern ( haven’t learned her name yet) have joined in our conversation, they had just come on to the site, and it is very hard to take the first step of contacting someone
After the shortest day it is surprising just how you notice the difference those minutes make
Will have fingers crossed for you do take care
Will look forward to hearing from you when you are seeing clearly again with both eyes
Response from Tawny made on 27th Nov 2020 20:27:16 > @RoyalTern
Hi RoyalTern
As Doreen2 writes, we have been writing to each other and also to Vikki in America, but haven’t heard from her in awhile. Hope she is safe.
Letters are never too long! I hope you & your brother are successful in your plans to go to Tenerife next year, let’s hope 2021 is a much better year for everyone.
As you may of seen I tragically & unexpectedly lost my brother back in August, so important to spend time together. We had a great relationship & thankfully I have the same with his three children.
Well, hope to hear from you again, take care, Gillian
Response from Tawny made on 27th Nov 2020 20:30:45 > @Lynnie55
Hi Lynn & welcome.
I write with Doreen2 and recently introduced myself to RoyalTern.
I use to live in South London but have been on the coast in West Sussex for the last 45 years.
Hope you are keeping safe and well. Maybe hear from you in time.
23rd Nov 2020 07:43:37
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Hi. I am so new here and love the idea of pen pals.. I am not sure how to begin.
20th Nov 2020 16:10:01 (Last activity: 20th Nov 2020 21:19:17)
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Hi Everyone....New to this site, hoping to find a penpal or two. I am a 75 year old widow from W. Michigan, USA. I love to write about just ordinary life and things and also to hear what is going on in other people's lives also. Pretty openminded here about most things, people and lifestyles.

I am an animal lover, presently 2 senior dachshunds and a senior cat. As a senior myself, I can relate to them.... I have always taken in rescue animals, usually dogs, usually the older ones from shelters no one has an interest in. I prefer the large breeds, but my age and ability to lift on the older kids has gone, so I am now concentrating on the smaller breeds. I have 2 adult children, 5 grandchildren, and 5 great grandchildren and 2 foster girls, which hopefully will be coming into the family formally soon.

We live near enough to Lake Michigan we can take a trip down to enjoy this beautiful force of nature. In fact, we just went down last night to watch the sunset. It is a popular venue for both my daughter, who lives with me, and myself. Often we can hit the sand, but with the winds of November coming through, best to stay in the car.... or be dressed warmly for a walk.

Hoping to find people from all over to learn about their lives and where they live.... culture they were raised with.... pets, lifestyles, anything you want to talk about... if fine with me. Hope to hear from you soon, Spense.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Nov 2020 18:07:46
Hi Spense,

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Response from Spense made on 20th Nov 2020 21:19:17 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Thank you, Sally.... I will nose around the site and see what's what... I will get back to you if I have questions. 🙂
24th Sep 2020 02:21:46 (Last activity: 19th Nov 2020 09:36:37)
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What a lovely idea! Sadly, pen pals is a dying hobby. I would certainly be interested!
Response from Frankly made on 25th Sep 2020 13:28:54
Hi Robbie2499
Did you get a response from Meeka?
I can’t see any recent activity so maybe she gave up the idea due to lack of response.
Response from Bibliophile23 made on 8th Oct 2020 11:55:51
I'm more than happy to snail mail as well as email. We can try to keep snail mail penpalship alive.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 8th Oct 2020 12:40:11 > @Bibliophile23
Hi Bibliophile23,

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Response from beachgal3 made on 12th Oct 2020 23:50:47 > @Frankly
I would be interested in writing. I love music (mostly 70's music), but I listen to all kinds. I like to travel and I love the oceans.
Response from Persimone made on 19th Nov 2020 09:36:37 > @Bibliophile23
Would love to email penpals. Have been looking at various sites, but not found a suitable one. It would be great to have one set up on this site.
18th Nov 2020 09:47:34 (Last activity: 18th Nov 2020 10:11:40)
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Hi I am enjoying the joys of lockdown and now have additional time to communicate with others on a pen pal basis l am 58 years..trying to juggle home life and work life ..I am not sure of your abbreviations..kind regards
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Nov 2020 10:11:40
Hi Star14,

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12th Oct 2020 18:57:30 (Last activity: 12th Oct 2020 23:49:01)
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I live in Texas and I have always enjoyed penpaling with others from all over the world. One can never have too many good friends.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 12th Oct 2020 20:04:44
Hi beachgal3,

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Response from beachgal3 made on 12th Oct 2020 23:49:01
Thanks for the warm welcome!
24th Aug 2020 18:27:53 (Last activity: 10th Oct 2020 17:53:30)
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Looking for UK pen pals who like Music, Films and Musicals.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 24th Aug 2020 20:20:12
Hi Daveyboy999,

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Response from Marle made on 10th Oct 2020 17:07:48
I love music, films and musicals.
Particularly enjoyed all the programmes and radio broadcasts relating to John Lennon being 80 years old. If only!!!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Oct 2020 17:53:30 > @Marle
Hi Marle,

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30th May 2020 15:30:37 (Last activity: 2nd Oct 2020 14:18:59)
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Would love to write to or email, ladies of any age (I'm 61) who live in Stevenage or surrounding areas.We are moving to Stevenage SG2 7QT, when we are able to (our move is on hold). I would love to meet up for tea/coffee when places re open, and make new friends.
I like gardening, short country walks , adult colouring , meeting with friends ,drives into the countryside(husband drives),and the seaside areas. I love animals ,and we have two cats.
Response from The greek made on 9th Jun 2020 20:34:25
Hi Gwyneth,

I live in Hitchin, not far from Stevenage. Been here for over 2 years. Moved from London with my husband (I'm 64). Had pen pals as a youngster and would love to start up again, especially in these uncertain times.

I have one cat and another who we share with next door and also love meeting people and have spent a lot of time in the garden and cooking.

All the best
Sophia (The greek)
Response from GwynethB4 made on 10th Jun 2020 12:02:11 > @The greek
Hi Sophia
How are things with you ? I have been FaceTiming my daughter (30) and granddaughters (3) & (1) once a week, now on a Friday as the are both at childminders again now while daughter and partner work from home . Saw my son Wednesday evening to Saturday afternoon, as he was working in Watford and had to sleep in his adapted van & use our shower /toilet. My son (24) lives in Norwich with his girlfriend and rehomed dog.

My husband(60) has disablities , but can manage day to day things, and does the cooking, repairs & making things in his shed/ work shop. I do the housework, gardening (husband likes to do mowing), and washing . We have two cats (did have 2 others they went missing), which husband bought with him when he moved in , after our wedding last July.

I met my husband February 2018 ,after he found me on Facebook ,and had been searching for me since his first marriage broke down (12 years before). We had last seen each other in the early 1980's ,when we had a relationship, but his parents moved to Dorset and he broke it off. He and I went onto have other relationships, and then marriages, but he said he was still in love with me that 's why he had searched for me on the internet.

I have only my daughter & son ,as my parents have passed away over the few years, but I also have a sister (59) who dosn't want anything to do with me and has cut me off. I am not upset or unhappy about it , as I have a lovely husband and married life , and my family.


Response from The greek made on 11th Jun 2020 15:00:57 > @GwynethB4
Hi Gwyneth
Good to hear from you. Weather not so good today so can't get out to the garden. I have a cousin who lives in Watford (Leavesden near the film studios). I don't have any children but have cousins spread mainly over Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Essex and my husband's sister lives in Ipswich so moving here makes it easier.

My husband retired some years ago as a BT engineer and also loves pottering around in his shed/garage, and I have worked in various offices as a secretary. Since we moved here I have done some voluntary work and also typing from home, although nothing since lockdown.

My background is Greek - my mother was from Cyprus and my Dad from Greece, both sadly now passed away. Coincidentally my neighbour here is also Greek (small world)!

How is your move to Stevenage going? It would be good to carry out writing or emailing and also maybe meet one day when things are easier.

All the best for now

Response from GwynethB4 made on 21st Jun 2020 15:16:54 > @The greek
Hi Sophia

How have your past weeks been? I walk in a local park every Sunday morning , I also hope to loose a bit of weight (8 stone 5 /9 stone) so I am trying to cut down on various things and I am going to try some exercises , but as I have Carpel Tunnel Syndrome in one of my hands I will not be able to do some.

I have cleaned the downstairs outside windows , and had a clean through the house (dusted /polished).

Have heard nothing from our housing association ,but Stevenage Council contacted us to inform us they are ready when we are & have contacted our housing association. Yesterday I received my daily email from the Gov.UK , and there was a copy of a letter to social housing tenants re exchanges & moves . It appears we can move providing we all follow government guidelines (which our removal firm has sent us), and the Housing Associations /landlords must do so up until September & must give us 3 weeks notice that our exchanges can resume. All councils/housing associations are having meetings ,and arrangements for moves/exchanges must go ahead anytime after 6 July . The tenant who is having our house goes back to work 4 July and has to work through that month , then is having a long weekend off 7 to 10 August . So have agreed with her we can move then ,and only if the 3 rd party(Stevenage tenant)in the exchange agrees too.

We have had to rebook our summer holiday, and will be going to a caravan park in Poole in September for 7 days. At the moment we are also waiting, to see if we can still go to a private caravan park in Lincolnshire near Skegness, for a weekend in July. We will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary on the 6 July ,so its my anniversary gift to my husband.

My youngest granddaughter was one on the 15 June, and my daughter sent me some lovely photos of both granddaughters opening the birthday presents. Both are lovely little things, can't wait to hug them, when I see them face to face again, as I have not seen them all since February .

If you have an email address, we could email each other next time. Mine is [email protected] , please send yours to this email address, thank you.

Kind Regards

Response from GwynethB4 made on 14th Jul 2020 12:02:27 > @The greek
Hi Sophia
How are you? We are both ok, we have been away for the weekend in Spilsby Lincolnshire. Had nice weather ,only rained on the Friday evening. We liked the Holiday Resort ,it was quiet & peaceful ,so we have reserved a lodge for 7 nights in early July 2021. We have 7 nights booked from 19 September this year , at a Haven Holiday Park in Poole . We are having an adapted caravan , which was booked through Disability Holidays .

Our house move is no longer on hold, and we have a house reinspection today, and gas and electric rechecked as the certificates done four months ago are no longer valid. We could be moving August , as early as the first weekend if all the paper work is done in time.

Have a good week ,and I hope all is well with you both.
Kind Regards

Response from GwynethB4 made on 2nd Oct 2020 14:18:59 > @The greek
Hi Sophia
I have mislaid /deleted your email address before we moved. Please email me again if you still have mine, thank you.
23rd Sep 2020 16:23:55 (Last activity: 25th Sep 2020 13:25:17)
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Any pen pals out there ? Retired people--/from Britain /
(I´m a swede )
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Sep 2020 17:49:21
Hi GoranA,

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Response from Frankly made on 25th Sep 2020 13:25:17
Welcome GoranA.
What are you interested in chatting about?
11th Sep 2020 02:00:40 (Last activity: 11th Sep 2020 09:37:32)
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Hi looking to see if there are folk who would like to chat thank you
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Sep 2020 08:15:23
Hi JohnW26,

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Response from Sue - Silversurfers Assistant Editor made on 11th Sep 2020 09:37:32
Hello JohnW26 Welcome to Silversurfers.
If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what’s trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.
30th Jun 2020 03:26:21 (Last activity: 12th Aug 2020 21:33:08)
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Hi Tawny, I'm glad to see that Doreen replied to you, and that you're going to be joining our posts. I see that you love horses, specifically mentioning "new forest ponies." I've never heard that term for horses, but I'm gonna look it up on the internet (i just love to learn new things). While I like horses and think they're beautiful animals, I've just never had the opportunity to interact with them. But I am a definite animal lover --- having 4 house-cats and feeding 7 outdoor (homeless) cats. *I'm going to sign-off for now. You know, it's kind of strange, what with you and Doreen being in England and me being in America --- i.e. = It's only 10:30 at night as I write this, but it's 2:30 in the morning (!) where you two are. You both must be fast asleep !
Response from Tawny made on 30th Jun 2020 08:05:33
Morning. Just having breakfast here approaching 8am so I am guessing 4am with you!! Will be leaving shortly to see to “Norman” my New Forest Pony. I go twice a day and he is kept on an arable Farm about 10 minutes drive from my home. He is my 7th NFP I have owned over 40 odd years. My last two were mother and son. I bought Alice as a 4yr old and she delivered me a foal the following year. Alice died 4 yrs ago aged 28 and her son Jake two years ago aged 24. Two fab ponies. Couldn’t decide whether to get another one as age & arthritis catching up with me but decided I would see if I could keep going a little bit longer!! New Forest Ponies are one of our 8 native breeds of Ponies in the UK and come from the county of Hampshire. Can you tell I like them must stop talking ponies, I could bore you! I love animals, wildlife and the countryside. So pleased to be joining you and Doreen .
Response from Doreen2 made on 30th Jun 2020 11:13:19 > @Tawny
Liked your description on NFP’s, to Vicki, am I right in thinking they are communal living, you own the pony and contribute to it’s upkeep but haven’t the problem of everyday upkeep, ideal as we are getting older, yes you can tell you love them, but think that’s lovely, animals are sometimes better companions than humans, and it is lovely to have an absorbing hobby
Response from catlady24 made on 30th Jun 2020 18:45:34 > @Tawny
Hello Tawny, It's 1:30 here, so it's 6:30 "across the pond." < this "across the pond" phrase is occasionally used here in the US, when referring to England. Have you heard of this phrase ? Where you said in your post -- that you could be boring me because of talking about your NFP's. No, definitely not --- I love it when people talk about their animals ! < That's the main reason that I'm a vegetarian --- because of my love of animals ! *Sorry to hear that you have arthritis. Not to sound like a "know it all," but do you get enough calcium and magnesium and Vit D ? These 3 supplements are very important in regards to bone-health (i.e. arthritis)
Response from catlady24 made on 30th Jun 2020 18:57:09 > @Doreen2
Hello Doreen, Just read your post to Tawny, where you said that "animals are sometimes better companions than humans." Boy, do i AGREE with this ! I love my cats SO much ! They are a big source of joy to me. Do you have any pets ? Or, have you had dogs or cats in the past ? So, what are you up to today ? Do you drive or take public transportation when you go to the stores ? Or, are you lucky, and have a store, or two, withing walking distance of your home ?
Response from Tawny made on 30th Jun 2020 20:34:40 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen. All the ponies that run on the New Forest are owned by “Commoners”. These are people who have “rights of common of pasture” and pay an annual fee for each animal turned out to graze. A number of selected Stallions are only turned out for 5-6 weeks and then are brought off the Forest to the owners own property. The owners are responsible for their own ponies but there are local officials called Agisters who help the Verderers (group of voluntary individuals) to protect the interests of the Commoners. Hope that helps. Animals give so much and my two old ponies I mentioned became my life line when I spent the last ten years of my mum’s life caring for her. Not that she was difficult but it gave me time for me, twice a day. I would love a dog but I still work part time and it would not be fair to the dog. xx
Response from Tawny made on 30th Jun 2020 20:45:27 > @catlady24
Evening. Unfortunately the arthritis is very much a family trait. My poor mum was riddled with it, but she was a very determined lady and would drag herself around the house on a frame - I admired her strength and courage to keep moving but it was agony for her. Fortunately I am managing to keep very mobile (although I am told my left hip needs replacing) thanks to Pilates. I am always trying different things, I recently used Curcumin with black pepper which I think helped a lot but found it quite expensive. At the moment I am trying apple cider vinegar. I also try to walk a lot too and I am going to try a friend’s bicycle to see if my hip can cope. Keeping ponies has been good too although I really enjoy just having the one now. I mentioned to Doreen that I would like a dog too but I still work part time so it wouldn’t be fair on the dog. One day!! x
Response from Doreen2 made on 1st Jul 2020 07:45:23 > @Tawny
When I was asking, couldn’t think of the word “commoners”, saw a programme all about it on tv. There is so much rubbish on tv, but you can learn such a lot, can understand Vicki not knowing about it, a very much an English thing, I have had dogs, such loving companions, but you must have time for plenty of were talking arthritis to Vicki, I hadn’t heard of curcumin, but everyone here is swearing but turmeric capsules,
Response from Doreen2 made on 1st Jul 2020 07:58:20 > @catlady24
How many cats have you Vicki, and what breed are they Heinz or pedigree? I have only ever had cats or dogs one at a time, and the temperaments are so different, a dog is so faithful and will love you no matter what, but a cat I think owns you, so loving, but on it’s own terms.
You asked Gillian about “over the pond,” guess what, you are over the pond too, ........big pond I always think, my thoughts of a pond is water on the village green with ducks on it
Response from catlady24 made on 1st Jul 2020 20:36:33 > @Tawny
Hello Gillian, Sorry to hear that you might need a hip replacement. Did I understand you correctly when you said that Pilates might have cause you to need a hip operation ? Yes, I've heard about Curcumin being good for pain/arthritis, and that black pepper helps it to be assimilated better. You mentioned that you'd like a dog one day. I would too, but I don't know how my cats would re-act ? ? ?
Don't really want to talk about depressing things -- since this chit-chat the 3 of us have going is suppose to be pleasant -- but did you hear about that 35 yr old woman and her 4 yr old daughter who were murdered in South London ? I just thought that this was SUCH a coincidence -- hearing something about South London -- because you had just told me (a day or 2 ago), that you use to live in South London ! My Best to You, Vicki
Response from Tawny made on 3rd Jul 2020 20:46:30 > @catlady24
Hi Vicky. Sorry I might of mislead you! But the Pilates has been brilliant for strengthening my core strength and for the muscles around the hip joint. It was recommended to me by the hospital physiotherapist to try and maintain the movement I still have and put off having the op for as long as I can. Apart from occasional bit of soreness in the joint I am definately much better, so fingers crossed I can keep carrying on for quite awhile. I did see that sad news of the mother & daughter murdered in Mitcham. We used to live about 5 miles south of there but I haven’t been back for many years. I have friends that adopt dogs from a rescue group called “Many Tears” they rescue many breeding dogs and some puppies from puppy farms in Wales and Ireland. They have had some lovely dogs. Take care xx
Response from Tawny made on 3rd Jul 2020 20:55:02 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen. Hope all is well. Curcumin comes from the root of turmeric.and when taken with black pepper gets into your system much quicker. Sadly, I found it rather expensive. A friend of mind takes CBD oil and swears by it. I have found the Pilates very beneficial though. While writing this it sounds like winter outside, blowing a gale and trying to rain x
Response from Doreen2 made on 3rd Jul 2020 21:41:48
NIce to know about Curcumin as you mentioned to Vicki you are trying to put off having the hip operation, I have had a new hip operation, had an accident and smashed my hip. I was very fortunate, no complications and no bother with it since, but now I see in the news, with all the backlog in the national health all operations have over a years waiting list. Fingers crossed we all keep healthy
Has Michele contacted you yet, she comes from York
Been meaning to ask, what is your connection with owls..
My favourite birds, specially the barn
Response from Tawny made on 8th Jul 2020 20:21:02 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen. Hope all well. I just have a love of owls and their beauty. Like you I love the Barn Owl, such a beauty and it has the most amazing silent flight. I am lucky that at the farm where I keep my pony we occasionally get barn owls and I have been out in the paddock when they have been quartering the paddocks for food. Also, my surname is “Fowler” and there is an owl on our family crest with the words “He is wise who watches”. The story goes that sometime in the 1190’,s a soldier by the name of Richard Fowler from Bucks was disturbed by the screech of an owl and spotted that a king’s sentry had fallen asleep at night and Richard Fowler spotted the enemy approaching. He was then able to rouse his men and protect the king. The king in turn knighted the soldier and had the vigilant owl added to his crest. .
Response from CaroleAH made on 9th Jul 2020 13:38:48
What a lovely story Tawny and great that you can trace your family history so far back.
Response from catlady24 made on 9th Jul 2020 17:38:28 > @Tawny
Hello Tawny (your real name is Gillian ?) --- So, you DID hear about that murder. Did they ever find out who did it or a motive ? This world of ours seems so evil lately ! It was wonderful to hear about your friends that rescue dogs + puppies from puppy-farms. I can't begin to tell you how much it breaks my heart when I hear about the inhumane treatment of animals ! And I'll bet that the people running these "farms", and the many other people that treat animals inhumanely --- I'll bet a good lot of them "believe in God and go to church !" < I've experienced a lot of "so called religious folks" who act all sweet 'n Godly but are not nice to animals !
*I see that you responded to me 5 days ago, but I was unaware of this since I never got one of those "email alerts" that SilverSurfers sends out, letting penpals know that someone's responded to them. Hope all is well, Vicki (catlady24)
Response from Doreen2 made on 9th Jul 2020 17:50:37 > @Tawny
How wonderful to be able to trace your lineage back so far, most of us can get back as far as one great, and two if we are lucky.
I am an early morning person, if I can get onto the beach in time to see the sun rise over the horizon, my day is made, I walk through a copse on my way there and in exactly the same tree I see an owl, ( not a barn) he is so still I invariably have to stand a while to make sure I see him (I say him, could so easily be a her)
I hadn’t heard the term quartering in that context before, I still enjoy learning about new things, keeps life interesting.
Response from catlady24 made on 10th Jul 2020 22:19:46 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen --- Haven't heard from you in awhile. What have you been up to ? How is the "opening" of your country going ? I think that you (or another penpal) told me that Britain was opening-up, since shutting down from the virus.
Take Care, Vicki
Response from Doreen2 made on 11th Jul 2020 18:14:11 > @catlady24
Hi Vicki
Nice to hear from you,has someone named Michele contacted you at all, she wanted to join in a forum, so told her you and Gillian would welcome her as I did, but I haven’t seen any correspondence from her since to either you or Gillian or myself, it’s nice popping in and out and reading all the mail, it’s been interesting reading about Gillian and her owls and being able to trace her ancestry back so far
Yes we are opening up, it’s supposed to be gradual, but everyone seems to want everything to happen at once, and I am sure we will suffer for it, are things getting any better for you. Friends were coming to America like as now for 15 days, they are wondering if they will ever get there, as when things get back to “normal” I’m sure it won’t be the same normal as we once knew it.
My hairdresser is coming on Monday, if I had a red carpet would put it in the drive to welcome her, my friend has been snipping away trying to keep me looking tidy , but it will be lovely to have a good cut again
Take care and keep safe in these troubled times
Response from Tawny made on 17th Jul 2020 21:46:35 > @CaroleAH
Hello. Thank you. I was lucky in finding out about our surname as many years ago my dad won a competition to have our name researched. We were interested to see what they came up with as we already had a book called “A History of the Fowler’s” which my grandmother owned. Although it talks more about the American Fowlers it gave a history of the name and heraldry. When the details came through it matched exactly what was in the book! Every so often I look into our genealogy and love researching it - it’s very addictive!!
Response from Tawny made on 17th Jul 2020 21:56:13 > @Doreen2
Hi Doreen. Hope all is well. Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a few days but I have been finishing a drawing of a horse for a friend and I have been looking after my aunt’s house and tortoises while she has been away. I find owls fascinating and I also like bats! Before lockdown I had been on several owl & bat walks. About a year ago I treated myself to a little gadget that attaches to my iPad and it picks up the frequency of the bat & identifies the species. That is addictive too! I think I saw you had mentioned on another post you like Guinness - that’s my favourite tipple too. I blame my Irish ancestry on my mothers side for the love of Guinness and potatoes .
Response from Tawny made on 17th Jul 2020 21:59:10
PS. Yes, my Christian name is Gillian and I haven’t heard from Michele either.
Response from Doreen2 made on 18th Jul 2020 12:37:18 > @Tawny
You do keep nice and busy, I’ve had to slow down a bit now, I still start a job as in days of old, but it either takes twice as long now, or I have to stop for a break half way through
Guinness and potatoes, one always equates with Ireland, have read and seen documentaries concerning the potato famine, and the hardships it incurred, could never understand how it was allowed to happen..... utter greed I suppose...
there are so many ways to serve potatoes now, a baked potato in its jacket is my favourite, no fancy filling, just lashings of butter
And Guinness have you tries the “peaky blinders” one, very potent
Keep safe in these troubled times
Response from Tawny made on 19th Jul 2020 21:52:07 > @Doreen2
Sometimes I think I try to do too much!! Yes, I like jacket potatoes too and all potatoes . I hadn’t heard of the “Peaky Blinders” Guinness, I’II have to look out for it.
I have always wanted to go to Ireland, all I know of my great great grandfather is that he was born in 1822 in Limerick and in 1850 he was marrying my great great grandmother in Oxford. Tracing the genealogy for that time in Ireland is almost impossible.
You keep safe and well too. x
Response from Tesspei made on 2nd Aug 2020 07:45:21 > @Tawny
Hi Tawny, I used to live about 2 miles from the New Forest where I grew up and always loved seeing the ponies. The sales would take place at Beaulieu Road Station. Growing up amongst these beautiful creatures made me more determined to ride and I ended up owning a 16hh connemara x TB and a 17.3 Dutch Warmblood.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Aug 2020 08:10:36 > @Tesspei
Hi Tesspei,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Aug 2020 08:22:58
Hi Oyoubet,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from Tawny made on 12th Aug 2020 21:33:08 > @Tesspei
Hi Tesspei. Lovely to hear from you. I have visited the sales often & have bought & sold once.
Do you still own horses?
26th Jul 2020 00:23:29 (Last activity: 26th Jul 2020 08:50:24)
Thanks for voting!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Jul 2020 08:50:24
Hi forevermaggie68,

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22nd Jul 2020 07:03:52 (Last activity: 22nd Jul 2020 09:34:50)
Thanks for voting!
Pen pals.....anyone else use a fountain pen for writing letters?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Jul 2020 07:49:29
Hi Wildone,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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Response from The_bees_knees made on 22nd Jul 2020 09:34:50
Er........ yes?

Tho' looking at this post, you might be forgiven in thinking not. (Not many takers on here)
I don't think there are many letter-writers anymore or at least you would be hard pushed to find any writers on this medium!
I like to revert to a gentler form of communication and 'penmanship' has noticably diminished. (In my case I had noticed)
It has taken lockdown for me to turn to writing again (with my 1970s brushed steel Parker pen than my best school friend bought for me...thank you Helen!)
I used to have a beautiful fine nibbed pen of my father's that had a burgundy barrel and silver lid but it was very old and the rubber in the ink chamber I think sadly perished. I used to dabble in calligraphic exploits (and had an art tutor, who was a 'master Illuminator'....his name was Quantrill...we called him Don Quan, which I think he secretly quite liked) but I prefer a looser freehand to my scrawl as Calligraphy is too formal for me. (I wrote certificates for a local school for 2 or 3 years at the end of terms.....perhaps that was too long!)
Do you write?
(I ask this because this being your 1st comment in 9 months?)
Perhaps you are into scribing beautiful communiqués instead?

20th Jul 2020 01:02:21 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2020 14:30:05)
Thanks for voting!
This must be a slow chat site I only see conversation between two maybe three people
Response from Doreen2 made on 20th Jul 2020 14:30:05
Hi windwriter
At the top of the page where you came in to this forum, you will see a chat line opening, go into that and it is conversations back and forth, this is a little more gentle, do feel free to join in any conversation, as you will have seen I chat with tawny and cat lady, and pop into any other conversation if and when, and the you can always enter into a private pen friendship with anyone
Hope to see your name on the page again
20th Jul 2020 00:59:52 (Last activity: 20th Jul 2020 07:34:59)
Thanks for voting!
Hi y'all, first time here so a big hello to all
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 20th Jul 2020 07:34:59
Hi Windwriter,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

21st May 2020 16:25:01 (Last activity: 18th Jul 2020 15:29:31)
Thanks for voting!
Am looking for 'pen to paper'' penpals to exchange 'banter' with and general chat.
Much as I enjoy random chat on here and posting music links and photos and discuss anything generally....I would find great pleasure in exchanging letters with others!
I love reading, writing, music (seeing bands) growing things..(the garden is a godsend), my 2 cats, wildlife, nature, walking, socialising, having a laugh and I ride pillion.
I am 56, live in Dorset
So if you have the inclination to return to a good old-fashioned method of communication... contact me here or on 'private chat' and we can exchange addresses.
Hope to here from you soon!
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 11th Jun 2020 11:57:05
Hi Bee, thanks for your recent letter, sorry for delay in reply,been spending a lot of time at mom's, she's suffering with her arthritis , will be writing soon just catching up on few jobs at home.Hope you are well and able to enjoy some nice walks weather permitting.take care love Ann from Bloxwich X
Response from The_bees_knees made on 11th Jun 2020 23:08:24
Hello Ann,
Thanks for your message. Please don't fret and I will hear from you when there's time. I hope your Mother feels better soon.
Had a letter from .New York today....I had quite forgotten it might happen as the exchange was awhile ago. There's a bit of a story here, I will tell you next time.
All good now.

Take care

Response from The_bees_knees made on 29th Jun 2020 13:41:35 > @The_bees_knees
Letter en route to we speak!
Hope all is fine!
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 29th Jun 2020 18:41:35 > @The_bees_knees
Hi Bee, thanks for your message, sorry not been in touch,been at mom's a lot , various health problems, will write tomorrow sorry for delay,she broke spectacles today been trying to get appointment for repair no luck yet.Hope you are well , speak soon love Ann X
Response from The_bees_knees made on 5th Jul 2020 16:28:41 > @FELINEFRIEND
Hello Ann,
We are.all back in synch now I should imagine ...thanks for your letter...(mine should now be reaching you soon, if not already!)
Had a good day today, taking advantage of lovely sunshine...if but a bit blowy. We went to Cerne Abbas. (Not too far from here) A lovely shady walk by the river, took pics of some of the historic houses, saw the Cerne Abbas Giant on the hillside, an exhibition of photographs the schoolchildren had taken and were reproduced and decorated the school play yard railings (great little photographers!).
A couple of shops were open and allowing one customer at a time...
Also went for a lovely walk in Minterne Parva ...beautiful land, managed tree-lined avenue surrounded by open land and lake, grazing sheep... after so much rain it was a real pleasure, summer days...more of them!!!

Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 5th Jul 2020 23:23:17 > @The_bees_knees
Hi Bee, thanks for your message.Its been quite cool and windy here today,not pleasant walking weather as you had.
I remember seeing cerne giant on hillside,isn't there also a white horse in that area.
I had hair cut and coloured today,feel human again now.
Went to Trentham garden centre in week, going to Lichfield tomorrow to do bit of shopping.
Be glad when summer weather returns here again.
Hope you have a good week, take care love Ann X
Response from Dduckk made on 6th Jul 2020 04:36:58 > @The_bees_knees
Hello there. I am very new to this. But very interested in meeting an chating with new people. I love writing letters an getting. Have a great evening.
Response from Dduckk made on 6th Jul 2020 04:37:41 > @FELINEFRIEND
I love writing letters an getting letters.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Jul 2020 08:17:12 > @Dduckk
Hi Dduckk,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from The_bees_knees made on 6th Jul 2020 16:52:03 > @Dduckk
Hello Dduckk,

Thanks for responding and welcome to this site!
I am guessing you are possibly in the USA because of the time difference? It is 16:46pm here at the moment in the UK. (My notification of a message from you read the time as 4:37am but it hadn't 'appeared' until 4 hours later)
So tell me a bit about yourself and what you are interested in. Perhaps we have things in common.
It would be great to hear more!
Have a lovely day and get back in touch!

Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 6th Jul 2020 17:04:29 > @Dduckk
Hi there, welcome to the site, hope you meet lots of new friends.
I live in the West Midlands where do you come from if you don't mind me asking.
It's very windy here, just came in from the garden trying to find somewhere to squeeze in the last few bedding and tomato plants.Have a good day from Ann
Response from The_bees_knees made on 17th Jul 2020 15:57:12 > @FELINEFRIEND
Hello Ann,
I have just caught up with my 'chats' I owed a few.
Also completed my letter to you, so again it is winging it's way to you now!
Perhaps we will hear from new correspondents
if they can just contact here or in the chat' section.
I find I have been writing more than anything during the lockdown and I had realised 'penmanship' is much diminished and mine needs attending to.

If anyone would like to become a 'pen to paper' correspondent I would like to hear from you.
I would like to return to this gentle method of communication and getting letter.s is always a good thing! Think on it!

Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 17th Jul 2020 20:33:50 > @The_bees_knees
Hi Bee, just watching gardeners world on TV,my favourite programme on TV at the moment, nice to see something which isn't a repeat for a change.Hope you find some more new penpals soon,I've found a few new ladies on global penpals website.
Hope you have a good weekend take care love Ann X
Response from The_bees_knees made on 18th Jul 2020 09:11:25 > @FELINEFRIEND
Good morning Ann,

I was watching Gardener's World too but forgot it was on and came in to see the second half.... I forgot the slot had changed to Friday.
Where was Monty Don? (Having a Sabbatical? Did he say be was coming back in 2 weeks at the end of the last show?)
Forgot to.mention my Globe Artichokes (or which 2 survived over winter) are around 5ft tall and amaze me!!!
My Mother is a great fan of Monty Don... she's 80 and she is the one in out family with the 'green fingers'. I am not good with house plants....I don't know what it is? Overwatering/underwatering, wrong position? ....there are many times my Mother has saved some of my plants and made them flourish!
Following G.W, I switched to watch a bit of original
Van Der Call for old time's sake. It's quite dated, which appeals to me and I couldn't sit through the new VDV. I remember the theme tune 'Eye Level' by the Simon Park Orchestra in 1973...It was No.1 in the charts! (I think the Sweet were at No 2 with Ballroom Blitz!) A bit of music trivia for the morning!

Hear from you soon!
Have a good weekend.

Response from The_bees_knees made on 18th Jul 2020 09:17:37 > @The_bees_knees
* predictive text didn't like
Van Der Valk......(so I ended up with Van Der Call and I had already corrected it from 'Ball'! Tsk)
Response from FELINEFRIEND made on 18th Jul 2020 15:29:31 > @The_bees_knees
Hi Bee, your artichokes sound amazing.Ive just had a look at my sunflowers and some kind of but has eaten all the leaves and the bud from the centre since yesterday so no flower this year I guess.
I enjoyed gardeners world, think Monty is having couple of weeks off,I enjoy watching Allan frost is it? His cat makes me laugh how he always pop's up on the potting bench when the camera is on him.
We watched the new version of Van Der Call but it wasn't as good as the original I thought.
Have a good weekend love Ann X
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