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New member here !

Hi there ! I have just joined the site and looking forward to being involved, and also making some new friends here 🙂 I would say i am a very " young minded " 66 year old. I live in the lovely city of Perth in Scotland and have been retired for a few years now but still like to keep active ( mind & Body) i love clay sculpting, drawing, vintage bags & boots , some baking, dogs , and socialising ope you meet some like minded people on here soon 🙂

Created By on 06/03/2016

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25th Mar 2016 21:30:46
Thanks for voting!
Hi Sloki.....I am very far US but would be happy to converse on family is from County Enniskillen in Grandmother was a MacAuliffe. SailorGirlRI
19th Apr 2023 18:09:37 (Last activity: 19th Apr 2023 18:12:17)
Thanks for voting!
I just joined as well. Trying to learn how to make coiled pots. I am in Canada but would chatting
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Apr 2023 18:12:17
Hi Ji73,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

11th Jan 2018 16:47:17
Thanks for voting!
Hi , Meme05 here! I’m 63 years old and have just joined. I’ve come across Silver surfers by accident and found it interesting and thought it would be a good way to make new friends . I live in Antrim , Northern Ireland .
10th Jan 2018 14:10:17
Thanks for voting!
Lot of people looking for a travel partner, I might see if anyone wants to be my travel partner round the Kent area. Must be good looking, well off, and kind to a 60 year old fart. xx P.S. must like travelling in an old van, willing to push start it occasionally. Please dont all answer at once xx Thanks Tom.
6th Jan 2018 19:49:46 (Last activity: 7th Jan 2018 00:04:31)
Thanks for voting!
Hi just joined here, Hope to chat. just cant spell so sorry xx. Jimmydd
Response from Angel9uk made on 7th Jan 2018 00:04:31
Hi Jimmy 🙂 I'm sure we will decipher your chat hahaha
5th Jan 2018 16:52:51 (Last activity: 6th Jan 2018 14:27:27)
Thanks for voting!
hi Newbie here¬ I love scouring the shops and boot fairs and, auctions for treasures of all sorts then have great fun trying to resell them at markets and fairs in order to fund my love of travel , I notice the previous posts are from 2016 s0 i hope there are still some folk interested in vintage and retro out there
Response from Angel9uk made on 6th Jan 2018 14:27:27
Yes, me and a couple of my friends 🙂 where do you live??
11th Mar 2016 15:46:53
Thanks for voting!
Hello Sloki50, I am Vasu and I Live in Woodside, Newyork in the Borough of Queens, about 4 miles from Manhattan which is usually known as New york City.I rtired 15 years ago from Teaching in Public schools. I am well traveled internationally and have lived in continuously since the age of 9.several continents.I have many interests of which one is snailmail correspondence which I have been doing I have been to Perth in 1964. I stayed at Kinnel House with MacNabs.If this interests you I would love to continue with our friendship. VASU.
7th Mar 2016 09:52:11
Thanks for voting!
Hi Sloki 50, welcome to the site, I'm quite new myself, joined a few weeks ago, I'm a 71 year old male, would be nice to have a chat now and again, if you wanted?

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