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Who am I

Good morning all . . . I have joined only today . . . have posted once and replied to someone once but find the site rather complicated as there are so many forums and am unsure where to start . . . I am a retired ex-military chap, and also retired from a second career . . . I have more hobbies than you can shake a stick at, for example repairing old books . . . researching the 19th century dead - that might need some explaining . . . been involved in animal rescue and have eight cats, sounds a lot but it is quite a decent sized house so you don't usually see them all at once or trip over them, except for feeding of course - 2 Siamese, 3 Devons, 3 rescues . . . very much enjoy coffee out and spend more on that than my first mortgage . . . live in Cumbria where it rains a lot, and is doing so as I type this . . for six years have written an almost daily blog . . . there is probably more but that is probably enough for now . . . hope to hear from someone . . . anyone . . even your cat . . Kincaid

Created By on 03/11/2022

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26th Jun 2023 15:57:10 (Last activity: 6th Jul 2023 16:23:26)
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Hello, my name is Julie and I have only just joined this site. I like researching ancestry, travelling and exploring new places. I live in the north west, a bit further south than you. I like animals and wildlife and I used to live with dogs. Hopefully I'll hear from you soon.
Response from sMarie made on 28th Jun 2023 02:04:42
Hello Julie! I just joined this site also. I researched ancestry for years (before was a thing. Had to go to the library alot and write a lot of letters back then. I have had several senior rescue dogs in the past but at this stage I find myself with none at the moment. Deciding whether to get another dog because they are great company, but not sure where my life is headed next. Might want to travel more. I'm around Kentucky/Ohio area. Been here all my life with my family. Nice to meet you!
Response from Julie119 made on 6th Jul 2023 16:23:26 > @sMarie
Hi smarie, thanks for your message, sorry its taken me a while to respond. I hope you are fine. I am Julie and I live in North West England. I have lived in England most of my life but was born in the States and have been back twice. I have had family dogs in the past and I do like animals. I would like to have a pet but because of circumstances I can't have animals for the time being. It would be nice to hear from you, take care, Julie
12th Mar 2023 10:42:59
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Hello Kincaid....I seek penpals too - of a certain over 70 - even tried the Dating Site but very few on there seem to want to get to know each other first. Many tell us how they look 10 years younger than their real age - or some days 50 years olds contact us!! So a bit of a lost cause really, Shame the interesting ones - some in France too - don't come on here to chat! Would be much better.
Not happy about the encouragement to give out mobile numbers from the off too...not a safe idea!
Very dodgy in fact.
And let's face it,..most men want women who are twenty years younger than themselves....and shared interests of no real value!

Your cats sound fantastic! I lost my last one a few years ago and have only my two dogs now! My younger dog is quite cat like in a way - very cuddly - but I still miss my old pusses. The first was over 20 when she died - and had travelled all around France in a caravan as well as staying at our little place in the Var the last few years...she loved the sunshine! Was worth having it for her alone 🙂

Many of us have problems finding our way around the trying to make note now folks:.
Community...then forum...or even the route to follow.

Good luck with it
24th Nov 2022 09:44:37 (Last activity: 16th Feb 2023 10:06:38)
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Hello .welcome to the MAZE ,I have been at.,,, with .,, S.Surfers since 2018 ,and still fumble around all the different areas ,I write to people ,then can't find them .. .I search for replies ,which I never find ,or it may just be ,that no one finds me worth talking to .
Now ,the only thing you and I have in common ,is a love of Cumbria ,where I go to ride in the forest .and I love to sit at the edge of Windermere
Any good ????
Response from Ariadne made on 6th Jan 2023 08:31:39
Hello Sandra ,,, This one I gt right ,,,, finding you ,,,, because Sally sent me an email, I just had to press the "Bit",,, and was whooshed to where you ,are ..which is the FORUM. It is virtually
impossible to re -find people , I have put replies on my bookmarks,. trawled through a lot of the sites ,but with no luck .I even asked one very interesting gent ,to find me ,,but that didn't work
either ,Private messaging does work ,but it defeats the object of CHATTING to a number of people .and reduces it to A conversation, with one person... I don't know if SALLY ,,owner ,,,is blinkered to this problem ,that lots of members do struggle with, and ,lots of potential friendships fall by the wayside, The only site that I do not have a prob with is the Literature one ,,because I
write poems ,which are there for everyone ,so ,,,easy peasy .
The hotel I use in Cumbria has
mailed me their latest special offer break , very tempted ,but , I have two dental apps and my best friend (MY CAR ) has to have the MOT , but the offer runs until
the end of Feb, . So ,the only sure way you can find me again, is to do the Private message ,,,,then,,we can probably work out a way to get a fool proof way to join in with more lost souls .I spent xmas in bed ,,by choice .I couldn't think of a good enough reason to get up ..and the
weather was rubbish , I do look at the gardens ,which I have turned in to forests .trees and shrubs ,that are a riot of colour ..but ,,,,penalty is LEAVES
Right ,,,, I do hope you find me again .... Bit like a school report "must try harder " !!!!!.
Response from Ariadne made on 12th Jan 2023 18:28:14
Hello Sandra ,,gotcha ,,,, mainly due to Sally putting me here !!!!! Right ,,we are on the FORUM site , we can give it a try, I CAN sort out your energy levels ,I promise ,,Vitamin B 12 is what you need ,I know G P's will give you a needle full every 3 months ,but I use the oral spray ,,four squirts every day ,Buy from Holland & Barrett it's called Better You B12 Boost. in an orange and
white carton .size of a double lipstick .You can't overdose on it .because your body pees out surplus i
.t tastes nice too ,under your tongue .. I've taken it for five years or more ,and I am good to go .... I don't take prescription drugs ,
I was just looking at an email from the House of Commons !! and you popped up ,,, I was having a rave about G'P;s only dealing with one problem at a time meaning we have to make another
appointment . ridiculous . I did mention that it could well cause someone to die ,all for the sake
of rules.
I don't think this constant bad weather helps our moods ,did have some sunshine today ..
You will have to stop working ,it's obviously not doing you any good ,!!!!!
I desperately need a drive to the coast for a walk on a beach, O,K see how we get on ,all we need is practice
do your best !!!!!!
Response from Ariadne made on 14th Jan 2023 10:40:13
Morning Sandra ,you have just missed the bacon butties and coffee .... Do you really eed the JOB ,,if it makes you so unhappy and stressed ????? B 12 ....I have given you all the relevant info can GOOGLE it to death ,,all the answers will be the same ,Your body needs it ,as well as all the bits inside !!!!!!! the only thing it can't do ,,,is to stop me making spelling mistakes ..I don't have this
problem with horses I suffer /endure Tinnitus ,the one from the brain, which causes sleep probs ,, Caves full of bats is the best description of the endless noise . My hearing consultant is very
clever ,and understanding , knew I take sleepers ,,to send me off to sleep , my G.P was not happy about this and anted to stop them,, However ,,,,he was informed ,in writing ,,that I was to carry on
taking them .Sleep deprivation can cause all sorts of problems ,none of them good for us .
I do miss the sea ,I retired to Southern Ireland and lived a mile from the Atlantic ,superb
beaches , ,fresher than fresh air, Perfect ,,,, but ,,as they say Perfection is a very rare commodity.
Did you find me easily ?? I tried to return to new chats ,,,, I did get THE FORUM bit right ,,but not the actual site ,,,so many.
My M.P is easy to contact ,but he is very Picky, if you live one house outside of his boundary,
he will dump you .Once inside he sets off with gusto , him and his female helper ,who really deals with ,emails ,phone calls ,and is good to talk to Clive Betts will sort out people with some speed .but never concludes .so I end up with the same MAJOR problem . and ,I've run
out of ideas. still .it keeps my brain active ,,and my adrenaline running , I even resorted in contacting Boris Johnson ,again ,quite easy to do ,but I have lost him now.
I prefer to chat in the evenings Lap top transforms into bed top,
SO SANDRA ,,,don't drag your feet over the B12
By the way ,,... ...
Response from Ariadne made on 4th Feb 2023 11:16:08
Hello,workaholic comes to mind!!!!!! You have to think about the bills you can pay ....
Your partner is far more important than anything else ,at least you get verbals .and eye contact . I was addressed by a charity collector in Wilko's on Friday , I listened him out ,then said to him "do you mind if I tell you something ? he said ,no. , so I said to him ,when you are speaking to someone,,, look them in the eyes. it makes you more believable ,
don't look everywhere else , I hate it when people do that ,shifty ,

sooooo glad you bought B12 there are NO side effects ,but once it gets into your system ,,you will feel so much better ,about everything ,lots of get up and go .... Do take 4 shots a day .I keep my spray in the bathroom ,
I did contact my MP ,, again .... same issue , same reply , wait and see comes to mind ,
I had a tooth out which gave me total stress ,as dentists are not my favourite people ,but I have to say , I said to him as I was in the chair ,,,, "just tell me I will be fine " which he did ,,,and I was ,,no pain ,it took him 3 seconds to remove it ,,,,,and ,,NO blood What a Wuss I am , Boiler playing up .oh goody ,more expense !!!!! Waiting for an app ,to see my consultant ,,I call him mine ,'cos I've known him longer than I was married. Were you so worried over the vaccine ,lack of .?? I would tell you something if we were on our own .,,I am going to use an odd job man to paint my fences ,because of my damaged shoulder ,wielding a paint brush is NOT on my bucket list . I always ask new workers if they have a horse ???? Cowboys !!!! some get it others look bewildered,
Glad you are O.K----ish ,,the sun will make you feel better ,it does me ,because I can go hurtling around Derbyshire ... B 12 rules ,O.K Speak soon
Response from Ariadne made on 5th Feb 2023 19:43:27
Hello , glad you are on an up groove . My dentist is a bit lush, and He's the first one who hasn't caused me grief .and I trust him ,bad news is ,he is retiring cometh August I will probably stay with the same practice ,probably only need a wash and brush up in future.
and ,I have been done by her ,,so ,,not a prob, Jason ,dentist ,is also a sports car lover ,and he showed me a photo of his pride and joy , so I did ask him if he would marry me ,so I could have a ride in it ' his work car is the same as mine ,so we do talk teeth and cars
My body is super sensitive to drugs and chemicals ,which make me quite ill,so ,I have not had any of the vaccines ,and I am fine and have been ,I put it down to the power of B 12,and ,mind over matter .My attitude towards any aches ,pains sniffles ,I usually tell 'em to SOD OFF
It's going to be sunny tomorrow , a good day for painting
Don't forget the B 12 !!!!! . Ariadne x
Response from Ariadne made on 5th Feb 2023 20:17:39
Hello Sandra ,,would you like to have my email address ,we won't have any problems
finding each other
Response from Ariadne made on 16th Feb 2023 10:06:38
Hello Sandra ,Just thought I would check up on you to see if you are .O.K .
Or ,if you no longer wish to " talk " to me ,????
7th Jan 2023 22:50:28 (Last activity: 12th Feb 2023 15:25:26)
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Hi Ariadne and Kincaid.
I like to join in conversations too without too much involvement, just general interest. I am in Wales, but English, a Mother-in-law now living with my family, fortunately rubbing along pretty well. Daughter has loved horses since she could walk,and has had one or more all her life. I have painted a bit, photographed and gardened a lot and still do, but the constant rain is driving me to distraction. I like cats, but my Collie doesn't She is a thinking dog, very bright a great timekeeper and likes things to happen at their proper times, like breakfast, lunch, walks etc and comes and gives me a nudge if I am running a bit late. She is Auntie to my daughter's Collie who is a couple of years younger, and understands more words than you realise!. Best Wishes to all!
Response from Ariadne made on 12th Jan 2023 20:40:53
Hello ,,at last ,I get totally out of wonk and the ability to sort it ,,goes out of the window ,and then I think that no one is talking to me ,Lilac is my favourite colour ,Good job you live miles away ,'Cos I
would be round doing a bit of horse hugging , I do miss not having one at the moment . The horses ,didn't realise when the clocks went back and there was s lot of door kicking "Where's our dinner ? Dogs speak lots and lots ,and know lots .about human traits ,and even what we are thinking .A
rattle of car keys was a dash out to the car .. I am glad you and I "conversing " heres hoping we get good at it . More info about the horses please
Response from PurpleHat made on 17th Jan 2023 22:21:45 > @Ariadne
Hi Ariadne. I am a bit slow replying, but have been visiting family in the town of my birth, long time no see, and sadly for a funeral it seemed like another world, with lots of childhood memories re-awakened.
You asked for more information of our ponies, Mostly Icelandic, hardy ponies, which ride and drive and were home-bred., not too big but strong. The mare,Olde, came from Iceland, many years ago and is now retired to a happy home, Her son is charcoal black with a blond mane, she gave us two more boys, Kappi and Blikki, we also have Zena, a Welsh mare with her son Kai, who is a palamino. and Cruse' an American quarterhorse, who is 17, and also leads a quiet life now. The Icelandics are longer lived, and take longer to grow up but have a smoother gait and do not bump you up and down in a cart!. Good to ride too, but no Showjumpers!!
I hope you find this, if you do, try looking up the box "I'm on" at top right and it will show you which subjects you have been visiting Best wishes.
Response from Ariadne made on 5th Feb 2023 19:13:44 > @PurpleHat
Hello .....just found this . what a Ditz I am ...Memories ,,I had a Quarter horse called Pepper
his !birth certificate " was very impressive , better bred than me .Also had a Dales X thoroughbred .who was jet black with a slight white blaze ,he was a brilliant jumper and cross country boy I didn't do that not my cup of tea , but I did let my friend take him for a couple of events, . A young horse I bought because he was gorgeous ,but wjth a temper ,and he used
to read road signs ,a bit of a dodgy do , I could have been dumped so many times I did buy
a governess trap ,Pepper nearly blew a gasket when I put the blinkered bridle on him Badger Dales took to everything ,all the harness ,after I sorted out where everything went , My dog Ria ,, used to love driving ,ears wafting See what you have done ,,,,, got me onto horses
I 'm glad I found you ,you will probably given up on me ,please don't, I have lots more horse
stuff to tell you ,with a few humans thrown in Take care
Response from PurpleHat made on 5th Feb 2023 20:41:08 > @Ariadne
HI Ariadne,
Good to see you!. Cruse, our quarter horse is a very laid-back character. Nothing seems to phase him. When my daughter was riding him back from Summer grazing, and leading another pony, she came across traffic lights at a bridge with all sorts of roadworks going on,queues of cars etc, but when the lights went green he just had a good look and walked over like a good'un. no bother. He is not a jumper, no more than a couple of feet, over a log or so. But when he suddenly realised he was on the way home, his ears pricked up and he stepped out real fast!! I was following in the car in case of a problem, but no worries!!
We used to go Orienteering in the forest with the cart and Bounce, Icelandic. He was better at following the trail than we were, He used to pick up the piles of sawdust that marked the track before we did, and head off that way.
Too much rain and mud just now. Praise be for a fine day today and getting out for a bit of Garden time. Best wishes.
Response from Ariadne made on 6th Feb 2023 19:49:37
Hi PH more horse tails sorry for the pun I do have a soft spot for paints , especially skewbalds , Radar was the love of my horse life , we used to play tiggy in the paddock, hilarious ,and he used to love me cutting his whiskers with nail scissors ,and would give me a nudge if I stopped.
He came from the Isle of Man where he used to race motor bikes on the beach. He would gallop through the woods ,totally ignoring my yells to stop ,until he thought he had scared me enough
then he would stroll along .. Laura was an event horse whose owner used to beat her and she was very unhappy for ages ,but lots of TLC brought her back ,We would be hacking along then she would throw in some fancy footwork ,from her dressage days I had no idea how or what legwork I did , but I was very impressed ,with her , Actually had the car washed today ,sunshine and all that .,, beautiful .shiny ,and gleaming and no muck
Have you noticed ,I found you ... Ariadne .
Response from PurpleHat made on 6th Feb 2023 22:58:28 > @Ariadne
Congratulations on finding me again!
I spent most of yesterday in the garden, in the rare blue sky and sunshine, clearing space for planting next month, we moved house recently. so it is a new beginning this year! Only 3 miles or so down the road, but downsized and nearer town. Still in close reach of my daughter's patch of Welsh hillside and woodland where the ponies live, officially a smallholding, but we have given up the sheep and chickens. We have had pigs, goats, ducks and a llama in the past, looking for a quieter life, just the ponies now, the three young ones in training,two working and the old man.
Sadly we suffered an uncontrolled dog attack last year and lost twin lambs and the mother ewe. Some young folk where they were not supposed to be, we think..
As for my little car, it has been used to go up to the land for three weeks while my daughter's truck has been off the road, and after two very muddy dogs have travelled home in the boot, hay bits and her gumboots in the front it desperately needs a complete clean-up!
There is a large strech of moorland just up the road, where there are still wild Welsh ponies free=ranging as well as sheep and a few cattle on trial for mixed grazing to preserve the moorland Which is beautiful with the background of the Welsh hills. I love it, no Townie - me!!!
Cheers for now.
Response from Ariadne made on 11th Feb 2023 09:57:53 > @PurpleHat
hi PH .you live in a place I have been looking for ,I nearly made it ,twice , A lodge on the out
skirts of York . stables and paddocks for the horses ,and glorious rides through woodlands and bridleways . but ,as usual ,things change .so I moved ,,minus horses ,to Rep ,O Ireland ,
A mile from the Atlantic vivid fresh air that made my lungs pop .Miles of perfect deserted beaches Fortunately,, I found a yard ,,,by the sea with some incredible horses. so i was reasonably happy . The film Saving of Private Ryan came to the beach .and Spielburg said we couldn't ride across the WAR ZONE ,,leaving hoof prints all through the sand .Logical really .So we went the other way accompanied by loads of seals who would bob up and down , looking at us , as if we were trespassing .Sadly we were on the beach .. a glorious day ,blue skies , nice breeze on the god awful 7/11,,, totally unaware of the disaster across the Water .until I got home ,turned the tv on and saw the planes smashing into the towers .I really thought it was a war film, until the voices came on ,explaining details .Eyes saw ,brain would not believe.
Did you find the animals ,and owners of ,who killed your sheep,????
When I was going backwards and forwards from Ireland through to Yorkshire ,I always used to drive through mid Wales preferable to motor ways ,and I always stopped at The
RED KITE sanctuary ,What a site ,especially at feeding time , Don't think I will find my piece
of heaven now ,too many people looking for the same thing . So ..I contend myself with driving through The Chatsworth Estate to see all the deer . and ,I have photos of my
horses on the bedroom walls . Gardening is minimum with me ,i made two areas into woodlands with colourful shrubs and trees ,who take care of themselves ,,,,,,except dumping all the leaves . Said enough ,I appear to be falling off the bottom of the screen .
Ariadne .... Seek and I eventually find you /
s into
woodlands with colourful shrubs and trees ,
Response from PurpleHat made on 11th Feb 2023 21:30:04 > @Ariadne
HI Ariadne
The Red KIte sanctuary is a bit further over, passed it several times, but not visited there yet. We usually have Red Kites sailing over us, hunting the moor. I can remember when they were a rarity, now well established again thanks to some good work.
No, we never found the sheep killers, we suspect it was teenagers trespassing, there is no path through our land, but higher up. I guess their dogs were loose and went for the sheep out of control probably scared the youngsters and they high-tailed it, leaving carnage behind. The lambs were just a week old.
Don't get me started on War stories. We were Walking my Gran to the bus stop when a flight of German fighter-Bombers back from London flew low back over us across the coast, and they let fly with machine guns and anything they had left at anything that moved,
We ran down under some some steps as the bullets flew and a bomb hit the next road and killed the Vicars baby upstairs asleep. I had delayed shock for weeks and could not stand up or walk. I was very young then, but you do not forget.
After that my Mum and I were pea-picking on the Rye marshes when the Normandy invasion happened and all the planes were going over us and across to France all day,.Enough of that!

Back when my daughter was Showing, we had a New Forest pony from when she was a foal just weaned. When she grew up she was brilliant in her cart, knew just what to do. I acted as groom and had to stand in place, looking the part, while she did her show, and when she was done and came back into line she used to come round, line herself up and come straight in to stop where I stood, all neat and tidy.!
Dog wants to go out! Bye.
Response from Ariadne made on 12th Feb 2023 15:25:26 > @PurpleHat
Hi hope you enjoyed your walk .What is it about horses in harness ,Badger ,grade C show
jumper ,who was almost destroyed by a stupid owner who jumped him to death .loved the trap . Ready for off ,at the yard gate we would stop, and I would say "Right Badger ,left or right ? i always let him choose .if he turned left ,it would then be the next left ,then the next left
.left again .and again ,and we would be back at the stables ,!!!!! However if he chose to turn right ,I knew we were off on a proper jaunt ,and we went ,through forests ,along bridle ways and a particularly hairy track where he just galloped , Ria (dog ) and i were just tossed around ,but we all enjoyed it ,
You were very lucky to dodge the bullets I.m not surprised that you still remember it . It puts a meaning to being at the right place at the right time,
Are the Kites duffed up by the other birds ,in flight ,I used to see this happening driving towards the sanctuary , and did wonder why they never fought back .
Well ,I was determined to do lots of stuff in the garden today ;and have not even put my nose out of the door ,There's always tomorrow. speak soon
5th Feb 2023 19:48:26
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Hello Sandra , my last note ,seems to be on hold ,probably waiting deletion ????? if so .I will attempt
6th Jan 2023 08:41:32
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Hello to another Lost contender ,,I thought that I had replied to you before ,but as I cannot find any proof of this. but you obviously aren't too worried ,it gives you lots more time to do your stick shaking,????
Funny that I haven't run across you in Cumbria .. but I am a good driver ,!!! Not vert au fait with Blogging ,,sounds like a " selfie " but not in pictures .Enough for now ,as it may disappear into the usual vacuum/
3rd Jan 2023 20:29:28
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Hi Kincaid

Happy New Year!

Interested to hear you like cats - I have had a few, and did some work for Cats Protection years ago. Yes Cumbria is very wet - I've only been there a couple of times - once it was beautiful, the other time it poured with rain!

What's the blog about?

I'm in Essex where it is one of the driest parts of the country. Don't rely on stereotyping - it is very rural and historic in the part I am in. I enjoy walking my dog, to get exercise for us both, and (amateur) photography.

All the best EM.

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